It's just that Simple!

Choosing Joy and Cultivating Positive Feelings

Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 6


In this conversation, Shaboogie and Amelie discuss the power of letting go and embracing the present moment. They explore the concept of death and how it can be seen as a transition into a new phase of existence. They emphasize the importance of choosing joy and cultivating positive feelings within oneself. They also touch on the societal conditioning that leads to fear and negativity, and encourage listeners to focus on creating a new reality based on love and unity.

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Shaboogie (00:00.046)
Okay, we're live. Namaste. Welcome greetings. Shabuki. How's it going? There's no other place I want to be. This is becoming such a

such an amazing space for me. This podcast truly like something I like look forward to. Yeah, it's my nice time. And as you it's I mean, yes, I love I love being here with you and our conversations are awesome. But like I also I just feel everybody. I feel everybody that is being magnetized to this messages and just the energy and I feel all of that.

And it is so exciting. I'm so grateful for all of those people that are co -creating this with us. You know, we could do something. We can say these words. Repeat after me. Okay. Word. I am word. Word. I am word. I am word through my vibration. I'm word through my vibration. Word. I'm word. Word. I'm word. I am word through my hands and feel the energy go to your hands. I am word through my hands. Yeah.

Word, I am word. Word, I am word. I'm word through my city. Word, I am word. Word through my city. Word, I am word. Feel the energy shoot out to the sieve. I am word through everybody here with us right now. I am word through everybody here with us right now. Word, I am word. And you feel the energy. I am word. Like a tourist donut. Say it again? Like a tourist donut.

Yeah. So what's up? What's going on with you? What's real? What is real? I'm elbow deep in summer break and just like with my son who's six and it's his first official summer break and I'm just nostalgic. That's all get out of what it means to have summer break. And then I'm feeling those frequencies and I'm like,

Shaboogie (02:18.125)
Holy banana peel. This is what it is to have life. Our life gets to be summer break if we choose that excitement, the wonder like what's going to happen today. Like I don't like I get to play with my friends and like it's just it's just a really nostalgic time, but it's also like remembering that frequency and bringing it back to the now and I am so blessed.

Every day is your birthday, right? Every day is your birthday. We didn't come here to celebrate one day a year or two days a year. Celebrate now, now, now, now. Yeah, yeah. Dying and being reborn and dying. I've been doing that. I've been doing that a lot. I saw that. I saw a little note on your social about a little death rebirth portal. Tell me about it. Well, I don't want to.

Well, I just, you know, I created something in my life that was bigger than me that I don't like to use to say that I was forced to do anything, but it invited me to really level up my knowledge on a whole bunch of things that I had no idea about before. Even though I was in complete dance and agreement with them in my previous way of being, I had no idea what I was in agreement with. And because of what I created, I've gotten tons and tons and tons of clarity.

on how the legal system works and the quantumness of the courtrooms and how when your attorney says not guilty, he's actually agreeing to you being in jurisdiction of the court. Otherwise you would have a way to either appeal your case or, you know, if you knew what you were doing to let them know that you're not in agreement in that moment and that they don't have jurisdiction. And it just kind of pissed me off, you know, it's like you pay $30 ,000 for an attorney and then they

They're actually officers of the court, you know, and it's like, I would never have agreed to that in a million years. And had I known, you know, in that moment. And so it just gets me to, so it makes me mad at first, right. Then I breathe into it and I feel it. I feel the anger and they're like, you know, like, wow, I want to punch pillows and stuff. And, and, but more than that, even sometimes different thoughts run through your mind. And then.

Shaboogie (04:42.573)
I get to this point and I go, okay, where's my role in this? How can I take responsibility, the ability to respond to, right? And then I get to this moment and I'm like, okay. I get it because I was being fake back then. So it makes sense that I created something else that was fake, you know, and outside of me. And so, so it really was just me and reflecting me back to me. And then.

You know, so I just came into acceptance of all of it. And then I hit this moment where, because I have this debt I created through this hedge fund, crypto hedge fund that I started. Quote unquote debt for those who can't see him. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. Because you can't. Well, I'm not even going to get into that. We're not going to go there today. So. So then it's like, well, you know what? I'm good if I pay it and I'm good if I don't. And I choose to be.

and I choose to feel how worthy I am right now. I choose to feel how free I am right now. And I choose to just appreciate the fact that I have my kid here right now. I choose to appreciate that we're here doing our highest excitement right now. And that is enough for me. I am that I am, and that is enough. And so I just got to this place of unconditionality with everything. You know, I think sometimes

Let's say like we couldn't pay for something and we think it's the end of the world or isn't in society like not having enough or something What if it's the biggest gift in the world? What if that thing that you can't pay for I've had a car repossessed before you know, what if that's actually the best thing that could ever happen for you? Yeah, what if that car is about ready to get in a nasty wreck because of some failure that now that it's not in your possession You have a different car and you don't get in the wreck and you get to live your life or you have a bicycle

Why? Why? You get healthy and you lose 20 pounds. Yeah. Yeah. Why is a car better than a bicycle? Why is one model car better than another model car? Why is, why is bicycle better than walking? Why is, you know what I mean? Like, why is it that we have in our minds? We know exactly how it needs to look. And right now in society, there's a whole bunch of things that a whole bunch of us don't agree with. Right. And those are all a reflection of you. So if there's a part of you that wants to die,

Shaboogie (07:08.589)
and instead of resisting it, you feel it and allow it and welcome it, then maybe the whole system that you don't agree with dies with that part of you. Yeah. Let me ask you this. Why do you think that humanity defaults to like the negative? So like when the car gets repoed or whatever, the art that is, poor me or dang it, or I'm angry or whatever, or when you can't pay the bill, like you fall into

shame, guilt, I'm out of integrity. Like why aren't we just predisposed to go, awesome. Like, I guess that car's not for me. I wonder what is. Yeah, right. Now I have this. Because that's another mindset. And I'm meeting more and more people and myself included that like when something happens, more often than not, now my reaction, like I've trained myself to respond enough that now my reactions are shifting and my reactions now are, this is for my highest best.

it's happening for me. And I'm just wondering what your perspective is on humanity. Like why? Why is it even kids? Like why is it that we just assume it's a bad thing? We're monkeys. Yeah, we're monkeys. And there's a thick is a lot of our DNA 98 % of it or something. And is that in common with a monkey? I think it's 99 or 98 .7, whatever. And there's some predictable things about monkeys. If monkeys are swimming, swinging through the trees,

and one falls, it immediately picks itself up, dusts itself off and gets right back up because it wants to pretend like nothing ever happened. Because it's scared that if all the other monkeys see that he's the idiot monkey that can't swing through trees like the rest of them, that yeah, that he'll get kicked out of the tribe, right? And he won't survive, he'll die. So we think we equate, it's a fear of not looking good in society. Everybody wants to look good. Look at my - And connection.

I have a painting behind me and we want to look good. Yeah, because and why do we want to look good? We want to connect. We want to belong. And why do we want to belong? I believe our core wound, the very first wound than any of our souls experienced is separation. When we were separated from the one and put into these bodies, this delusion of separation was the first wound. And then that's when we asked, like I talk about the child goes, well, what's wrong with me?

Shaboogie (09:38.093)
That's what precipitated the question. It's that separation from God. And you realize like, well, this doesn't feel right. What's wrong with me? And then if you, if the soul does realize, it's that I'm not with the one, I'm separate from the one. Well, why, what's wrong with me? And then masculine, I'm not enough, feminine, I'm too much and blah. So that makes sense. It's primal, but it's a primal like community root based reaction of like,

If I'm seen as the weakest link, I'll be cut out of the tribe. Okay. Yeah. And death is bad. It's not bad. death. It's helped your belief system with death. If you feel like why are you scared of being kicked out of the tribe? Cause you might die. But if you look at death as just the next bus stop, then who cares? We could do a whole, a whole several episodes on death, but I want to pause for a moment.

And I want everybody that has this need to belong, which is anyone listening to take a deep breath.

And exhale, you belong here. Yay. Welcome here. You can fall out of the tree. You can make mistakes. You can look silly. You can pick your nose. You can fail at your business. You can cheat on your partner. You could do something real nasty. And I see you and I love you. And so does Neil. And you are welcome here. All of you, all of your parts, you belong here. You have tried that wound is not needed anymore.

We got you. All right. Now we can move on. Now moving on to brighter things. How about death? I mean, anyone who's done psilocybin mushrooms or ayahuasca or something like that knows that there's a liberation that this density, when you leave it, you go up into the oneness of all that is and you feel amazing. And so perhaps this societal need to be scared of death.

Shaboogie (11:40.941)
Scared of not belonging scared of not looking good. It's all false evidence appearing real fear false evidence appearing fear of your car being going away fear Whatever it is that you identify with in the past fear of that going away It's a gift look humanity wants to know itself on a on a planet that has peace on it Well in order to do that you've got to surrender yourself to peace which means that argument or that that

that resistance you have in your mind, that has to go away in order for you to get a reflection back of peace in the planet.

Yeah, baby. Yes. Peace is an inside job. That's what I was just coaching someone about before we hopped on. We don't see it to believe it. We believe it and then we see it. And when it comes to death, I have this really, I mean, it's not the first time somebody's probably ever heard this, but I feel like when we are born into these bodies, we die.

And then when we die, when this body dies, we're born back into spirit. And so I obviously, as Amelie have not died yet, come close, but I haven't died yet. But when someone in my life passes, when their physical body passes, that's how I look at it, is, you're back in oneness with spirit. And in the last year, I mean, I lost my grandma not that long ago. And when she passed, I felt her.

I felt her closer. I could, I could sense her, her energy and her guidance and her love in a way that I couldn't when she was embodied. And I think part of it is that perspective that I just decided, you know what, I'm not going to buy into this whole death thing. I'm going to decide that when she passes, I get to know her even more and she gets to know me even more. And in a whole new way, it's just a new.

Shaboogie (13:45.483)
new part of our relationship. And the same is true when when we pass. It's not the end of us. I always tell my son I'm like, if you ask him when you meet him, like, Are you your body? No. What are you? Are you those clothes? No. I'm my spirit inside. And he knows, he knows. Like, he's so if we can just remember that that we aren't any of these things, we're not the car, we're not the all the things we want to identify with.

If we can remember our true identity as the one, then that piece you're talking about, it's all that's left. Yeah, it's the piece. That's the thing. It's a total liberation because it's like, let the crash happen. The crash that you're scared of or whatever it is, whether it's a financial market crash, whether it's a marriage crash, whatever it is.

There's something new seeking to be reborn and it can happen while you're hanging on to that old thing. When you release that old thing in that moment, you will feel free in that moment. Not like some time down the road, not in years, not after a four year degree or certification. No, now you will get free now just by letting go of everything now. And then you give it to God if you want to call it that.

source energy to rearrange the pieces for you, however matches you, because I learned that everything is me. My consciousness is not in my body. My body is inside my consciousness. So my consciousness, my environment is a reflection of the consciousness I'm holding. And I mean, humanity, things have got to go away here, guys. Don't you agree? Some things are not working foundationally for us.

And if you look at the root of it, it was because somebody gave you a belief that has the word lion in it, that puts you in fear. And so then you gave your power, you took your power that's inside of you and you put it in some institution, government, whatever outside of you. And you took your powers and you gave them to them, just like I was talking about with that attorney. I took my powers and I gave it to them to a turn for me. Power of attorney.

Shaboogie (16:12.299)
And all they did was abuse it because they want to make all the money, you know? And I say, F that I'm done with that. Yeah, absolutely. You know, like when you let go on the monkey bars, when you're a kid, all my stuff comes back to kids, right? OK, so you're on the monkey bar. If you don't let go of one handle, you can't grab the next. Right. OK, yeah, you can't. You're just be stuck hanging there. That's not fun.

Life is monkey bars. You got to let go to move forward. The first thing is once you let go and you like what you said is you surrender to God or you can surrender to earth or you can just whatever you let go of it, you surrender. What you're going to manifest is the frequency that you're in now. So if you let go and you have that moment of freedom, awesome. But then you go right back into constriction, fear like, shit, I shouldn't have let go.

Where's the next monkey bar? It's too far. I can't, huh. And you get into this angst. What you're gonna manifest is going to reflect that. And so like I've coached a lot of people in my little life and you know, we'll go down this road and they'll get themselves to a place of, okay, full surrender. And they're like at peace with it. Yay. And they do it. And then, but they slide right back into whatever was keeping them holding on. And so that's what you got to like,

really look for when you do this in your life is it's okay if you have that tendency to be like, shit, I let go. And it's okay. Just breathe through it. And remember that this energy state right after you let go is super important. Like super important. This is what you're creating from now. So get back into peace and trust and love and gratitude. Otherwise you're just gonna recreate the same thing you already let go of in a different way.

I love it. And I think something to add, I want to do that. Yes. And is anything is only true because enough people focused on it long enough to make it true here in reality. So if we want to see a new truth here, then if we all focus on the truth that we want to see long enough, it will come into reality here. It crystallizes.

Shaboogie (18:35.723)
It starts off, if you think of the states of water, we're made of water, steam, ice, water. So if everything crystallizes, just like those stalagmites and stalactites, that's how reality creates. That's why if you think the thoughts of somebody who has what they want,

then you wake up and you have the experience of somebody who has more of what they want in their lives, right? And you take actions from that point of view. But I gotta tell you, the actions are a lot less important than you think. It's just because your belief system believes that the language of 3D reality is you have to take a new action to let reality shift for you. But if we just thought the thoughts together of I choose to feel how worthy I am right now, feel it.

Feel that energy shoot out. I choose to feel how worthy I am right now. You're just as worthy as anyone else you ever saw on social media or through the television who has hotels that are built or whatever they do. You're just as worthy as them. I choose to feel how free I am right now. You're so free. You've just been running these patterns, these sacred geometry patterns that have given your power away. So I choose to call all my energy back to me.

rescind all contracts, ones that I knew about that I was making and ones that I didn't know about that I was making. I call all that energy back to me now. And then you go about and you create anything you want. Like we're here with this, on this podcast with you as, as a community together, you know, we're on a unison fest later this year and it's our highest excitement. That's in the future. It's not now. And you know, we're just, we're just choosing to have the experience that we want to have now.

knowing that we don't have a clue what's coming around the next corner. We really don't. And only the higher self, the person on the mountaintop, the God presence, Gaia knows what's coming next. And it could be a shift. Imagine a shift. Remember when we had that gunk going around? That one thing. Yeah, that one thing.

Shaboogie (20:46.539)
And it gave everyone a permission slip to do everything differently if they chose it, if they gave themselves permission in that moment, right? Well, what if we had a shift today that happened on the planet that was so big? You know, there's not that many people in the government. It's less than 1 % of the population, right? So 1 % of the population chooses to think how we're thinking right now. And they stop giving them any power. Your government is you, by the way. They're just agents that you hired to do the administrative work. And we all take our power back together. They don't have enough people to...

keep track of everything, to enforce anything. Like it's time for us to realize that the schools and the government buildings are all contracted to be built by the same government. You know, the government contracts these corporations, gives them all the money. It's just a bunch of BS. And I don't agree with it anymore. I don't either. The emperor has no clothes. Seriously. And you know what?

It can happen like that. The story that healing takes. you've been through a lot. It's gonna take a long time to heal that trauma. Yeah, that's a story. That's a story. That's a story. That's a story. That's a story. And so I've seen people come into certain energetic work that I do. And it's like they didn't even know what they were healing, but something profound releases and they open up a totally different trajectory. And it's like that.

And then they can be like, actually, it cleared this whole thing out I hadn't remembered of this trauma of this. It doesn't have to take that long. We don't have to understand it all. And it's, at the end of the day, just a matter of choice. So what are you going to believe? What are you going to honor? Are you going to honor the story that's keeping you stuck in your cycle of healing? Healing's beautiful. The healing journey is beautiful. I love it. And as a recovering healer.

Yeah, right. I'm addicted to healing. I've been addicted to my healing journey to the point that it has kept me from being healed. Because as I am sitting here now, I am whole. I'm resourceful. I'm creative. I'm abundant. I am well. I am well. I am fundamentally well. And if I focus my energy on what's the next healing thing I can do, I got to heal myself. I got to drink. Then I'm putting myself back into the state of not being healed.

Shaboogie (23:09.835)
And I'm not saying bypass, like you don't need a bypass. Like it needs to be from a place of genuine, like you got to really feel this truth. Yeah. And what if you never were broken? What if you never did need? Amen. Preach, Neil. Like what if you were always whole and complete? It was just a belief that you were less than a certain grade would make you better, that a certain job would make you better. A certain for the men out there.

A certain identity with your career would make you better or something like that. You know how many men have prioritized their career about their families, their wives, their kids, their health, their everything, but in the name of it's like, it's kind of like alcohol. It's the accepted drug, you know, you know what I mean? It's like, it's in the name of what in the name of having a short lifespan, dying early and then leaving your family alone. I mean, that's what.

It happens all the time. Men are like notorious from running off, running away from everything and just starting new stuff again. I mean, men, if I'm calling you out, let me know. If I'm wrong, let me know. I'm good with that. If this triggers you, maybe you should take a look at that. If it's triggering you, there's a reason it's bothering you. If it's not triggering you, it's because it's not your truth. If it's triggering you, there's something in you that probably is begging you to look at it. So you can thank Neil later.

And you can hop on a call with Neil if you want. Donation based call and he can help you look at that too. There's not a more loving, accepting being that I would send someone to to look at that kind of stuff. But I bet he'll tell you like he's saying now that you don't have to stay there. And it's as simple as a choice and that there is nothing wrong with the choice you're making now. And there's nothing wrong with you. It's just a choice you're making and you can make a different one in any now moment. Boom. How empowering is that?

Yeah, there is nothing wrong with you. What if what if that was your story? How was your life different? And there never was there never was no and that less than that we felt where it's like even and you can't tell somebody I agree you can't tell somebody that their sports car or their watch or their house doesn't make them happy. Okay, I'm not taking that away from you have those things. Okay. I'm just simply stating that your happiness. It didn't

Shaboogie (25:29.931)
It doesn't come from those things. It really doesn't because it comes from the way that you practice feeling over time, your frequency of how you practice feeling. And so anyone who has anything that they love realizes that it's a reflection of how they feel inside. Let the world reflect back to you, your wholeness and completeness. Let your relationship, you want a nice relationship that you love?

Come to unity inside yourself and watch how quickly a relationship comes into your life.

Yeah, watch out. Watch out. They'll be swarming. Yeah, I you know, I, one of my friends holds these retreats. And one of the practices that she does is there's a little bit of eye gazing view. I gaze. Okay. Okay. So but during the eye gaze, and she's also telling people she's like kind of leading this this meditation during the eye gazing. And she's caught like conjuring up these feelings of love. acceptance, right? She's like, Okay, think of somebody you love more than anything in the world.

And like really gets you into like feeling that feeling of love. And then she'll be like, all right, I think of somebody you're really frustrated with. And then like she takes you on this journey of getting really fresh. And you should go through all these feelings. And then at the end of it, she's like, were any of those people here in the room? No, you created all of those feelings within yourself because all of those experiences are in you and you allow your exterior to elicit them. But we sat here today.

and consciously chose those feelings. And you can do that moving forward. So it could be the car, it could be anything, but you can get into a practice of learning how to cultivate the feelings that you want. And when you cultivate the feelings, it leads to thoughts, turns to beliefs, turns to reality. So you don't need the car to be happy. Sure, having a car, fancy car can get exciting and...

Shaboogie (27:30.601)
be happy, but it is temporary. So when that goes away, can you cultivate that same bliss on your own? So for me, like getting a new car and that feeling, I'm like, OK, this is just a calibrator. Like I feel that level of excitement. Cool. When that wears off, I want to remind myself I can get back there about anything. I can choose this level of joy. I can have orgasms over my dinner. I can be at an amusement park.

in the grocery store. Like I get to decide because my joy starts within. And so I don't vilify any having all of the cool things. They're just touch points for me to remember. yeah. yeah. I can be that excited, but I can be that excited anywhere with anything or nothing. Yeah. Yeah. And then you get to this place of unconditionality, right? That's what you're saying. You're unconditional.

regardless of what the hologram looks like, and it is a hologram, you just are satisfied. And there's not one more thing I could need right now to be any more satisfied than I am right now. And from that place, anything's possible. Anything's possible. Any type of solution is possible to pop out from anywhere, you know? And so we have spent some time today talking about what's wrong, right?

But at the end of the day, nothing is wrong. All of it is perfect exactly as it is. The governments are perfect. Our police are perfect. Our politicians are perfect. The fact that they put stuff on social media for our 10 -year -olds to get into politics is perfect. The fact that we have school systems with whatever they have in them is perfect. It's all perfect exactly as it is.

I just choose to focus on what I want to create more of and I circulate my energy in a direction that can share more awakening with people in case you want to throw out what doesn't resonate, just keep what resonates. You don't have to think the way I think. Please think differently. Come talk to me and share with me your perspective. I'm open to all of it. And you have a unique puzzle piece in you.

Shaboogie (29:54.377)
And if we all put our unique puzzle pieces together, we now have a new earth that we live on and there are no problems on this new earth. In fact, a lot of the things that have been challenges on the old earth go away with the new earth because we don't, we don't, we're not seeking to fix those things. We're just, we're just starting new again. We're just, honestly, we're letting it all burn now because we don't want that experience anymore.

Yeah, and the new earth is an inside job We're not going anywhere Not by locating Yeah, it happens when we shift our energy and our internal yeah, I do believe it's a moment I don't think it's something that's gonna take Time because I believe we create time So if you work 40 years in a job, or let's think about your parents your grandparents They worked 40 years in a job to get that experience

You don't need that anymore. Just the idea of that probably gives you everything you need out of that experience anymore. So we have all shifted. If you're listening to me and us right here right now, you're going back to the light. And it's just when you die, you're going to let go of everything. You're going to let go of your relationships. You're going to let go of the clothes you're wearing. You're going to let go of everything. You don't have to wait till you die to let go of things. Yeah, I was going to say, why wait? Why wait? Don't wait.

Let go while you're alive. Somebody said to me, were you die? I said, I would die for my kid. They said, will you live for your child? Boom. I've been playing with another one like that. Instead of being responsible for our kids, being responsible to our kids. That's a whole new level of honestly, freedom and liberty for me and also for them. Because then you're not like, you need to do it this way. I mean,

I can't tell you how many people in my kid's life right now is like be doing this dictator type energy to her. And the only thing it can possibly be, she's 12 now, is a reflection of the belief systems programmed in through the school system. Otherwise she wouldn't be receiving that. Yeah. Ooh. Well, we can talk about parenting next time. Yeah. Okay. Perhaps. Or one of these next times. We've been going for days about that. But...

Shaboogie (32:22.281)
Thank you so much for being here, everybody. Thank you for being on this journey with us, co -creating this podcast with us. Thank you for willing to die. Thank you for willing to let go so that you can live in the freedom that is yours now. Claim your sovereignty. It is here now. The new earth is here now for those that are willing to say yes and to let go of the story that it needs to take time and to just embrace who it is you really are.

Lots of love. We love you. We bless you. Shibugi, woogie, woogie, woogie. Shibugi, woogie, woogie, woogie.

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