It's just that Simple!

Vitality Is The New Currency

August 29, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 16

The conversation explores the concept of vitality as currency and the idea that money will always come to you when you need it. It emphasizes the importance of being good with receiving money in any form and not being attached to how it comes. The conversation also highlights the significance of vitality in the body as the real currency. It discusses the simplicity of living in the present moment and the power of letting go of complicated beliefs and stories. The conversation concludes with the understanding that everything is an inside job and that abundance is not limited to material manifestations. The conversation explores the cyclical nature of life and the importance of trusting what comes to us. It emphasizes the acceptance of different paths and experiences without judgment. The speakers discuss addiction and the power of shifting habits by focusing on vitality. They also delve into the concept of the body as a conduit for high-frequency energy and the importance of beliefs and choices in shaping our reality. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the practice of tantra and the idea of making every moment sacred.


  • Money will always come to you when you need it, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Vitality in the body is the real currency.
  • Simplicity and living in the present moment are key to experiencing abundance.
  • Abundance is not limited to material manifestations. Life is cyclical, and it's important to trust what comes to us without judgment.
  • Addiction is a part of being human, and shifting habits can be done by focusing on vitality.
  • Our bodies are conduits for high-frequency energy, and our beliefs and choices shape our reality.
  • Making every moment sacred and embracing the practice of tantra can lead to a more fulfilling life.



The Real Currency: Vitality in the Body

Simplicity and the Power of Letting Go

Money as an Automatic Function

Abundance as an Inside Job

The Illusion of Complexity

Testing Out Old Realities

The Search for Something Out There

The Unknown and Limitless Possibilities

Being Present in the Unknown

Embracing the Unknown and All Possibilities

Circling Back and Revolutionizing

Accepting and Trusting the Path


Acceptance and Non-Judgment

Shifting Habits for Vitality

The Body as a Conduit for High-Frequency Energy

The Power of Beliefs and Choices

Making Every Moment Sacred with Tantra

keywords vitality, currency, money, abundance, simplicity, present moment, letting go, inside job, material manifestations, cyclical nature, trust, acceptance, addiction, habits, vitality, body as a conduit, beliefs, choices, tantra, sacredness

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Amelie Ananda (00:00.955)

In Joy (00:03.245)
Namaste, greetings, welcome, blessings.

Amelie Ananda (00:06.425)
Namaste. Namago. Namahere. Hello everybody. So.

In Joy (00:17.708)
What if vitality is your currency?

In Joy (00:26.592)
your vitality. So what if money, no matter the circumstances in your life, will always come to you what you need when you need it? Guaranteed. What if I guaranteed that for everybody for the rest of their lives forever?

You will always have the money that you need when you need it. If you needed to come through like a certain job or a certain way or something like that, then you might be disappointed.

But if you're just good with getting the money the way that it comes, when it comes, for the day that you need it, on the day that you need it, not necessarily two weeks before you need it, but also not a day late than you need it, not the day before you need it even. It might come early, but you don't need it to come the day early. It just comes the day that you need it always guaranteed forever for the rest of your life.

No matter what you do, no matter what you do for the rest of the day, the rest of the week, the rest of the month, no matter if you sit in your head, you go to India, you skip, do jump rope, you don't go to a job, you don't do anything, it will always come to you on the day that you need it for the rest of your life, guaranteed. Now what do you care about? Now you don't care about money, because you always have what you need when you need it. You don't care about it.

You really actually just don't care because you just, don't even think about it anymore. You don't do anything out of lack of limitation to try and make more, to generate some other experience other than the one you're having right now. And now vitality in your body, that is the real currency.

Amelie Ananda (02:06.497)
What if that was all true? You'd be living in the new world. You'd be in the infinite limitless potential of the eternal now that is available in a higher dimension that's so, so close to where you are, whoever's listening. what if that were, what if that were true? If that were true.

In Joy (02:08.813)

In Joy (02:23.747)

Amelie Ananda (02:30.903)
all of the things that are dampening your vitality, like your stress and your what ifs and your fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, my God, my God, my God's would melt and your vitality would have space. In fact, believing at all that that's not true is why your vitality is threatened at all. Like that is, that is, that is truth.

In Joy (02:35.309)

Amelie Ananda (02:56.003)
It's like when you were talking, I was thinking like, wow, yeah, it's like our heartbeat or like our breath. Like these are things that happen for us automatically that we depend on and we take for granted and we know and they sustain our life. We need our breath, but we don't have to consciously worry about like, how am going to make sure my lungs breathe? Well, some of us do. We've created that for ourselves, but same with our heart. Like there's these automatic functions of our body that just

They just are happening that keep us alive and our money is the same. We don't also like the sun. We don't wake up in the morning going, fuck, I gotta figure out how to make the sun come up or I'm not gonna have the sunshine I need today. We just know it's coming. And what if we did have to worry about that? Imagine all the energy we'd have to put into making sure the sun rose. All of that energy would then like, let's call all that back and now we can create, we can.

In Joy (03:42.487)

Amelie Ananda (03:54.523)
play, we can just be in the presence of provision. Yeah, I love it. I think it's a beautiful, very simple way to use our limited rhetoric as humans to explain the truth of what's really happening.

In Joy (04:10.796)
Yeah. What a gift. Yeah, because I've been going around some circles recently, you know, you guys might know what those are like experiments. And, and, and sort of, it feels like I'm testing out of an old reality, by actually going into the old reality, and being high vibing and loving every part of it, moment of it, you know, and

Amelie Ananda (04:20.16)

Amelie Ananda (04:34.244)

Amelie Ananda (04:37.883)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

In Joy (04:40.64)
Not needing it to be even testing out of it, just being good with it exactly as it is. And so I'm seeing a lot of beauty inside of things that I've done in the past. I already sort of reached the appreciation for those things in the past and then the light went somewhere else and I followed it to the next thing.

And now I've kind of gone, it's like I'm going back and I'm like testing, like testing isn't the right word, but I'm using the word testing out just because if in school you don't want to take a class again. No. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Sure. Yeah. You're passing your, your, yeah. And, and so through that, I've gotten to revisit old ways of looking at things and reknowing them from my now perspective and.

Amelie Ananda (05:12.885)
You test out. Maybe you're validating. Does that feel better? Validating your truth. Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (05:33.206)
Really just seeing the beauty in everything exactly as it is, how everything comes together to support me all of the time, guaranteed. It really is that way. It's guaranteed. And to follow your heart, you don't need to do something for it. You don't need to raise your vibration up for it. You don't need a certificate for it. You don't need a course for it. You don't need a coach for it. You don't need anything for it. It's a choice that you make.

Amelie Ananda (05:54.011)

In Joy (06:01.91)
And so therefore you might need a coach. You might need somebody to support you making those choices if you're not used to it for yourself. But just know that it's available here for you as soon as today if you choose to allow it for yourself. And we just gave it to you and I think that's the end of the show.

Amelie Ananda (06:17.691)
was just gonna say podcast over. So go get to it. See y 'all later. Goodbye. It's just, it's just that simple.

In Joy (06:27.701)
is just that simple.

Amelie Ananda (06:29.089)
If you find yourself like being like, okay, it's complicated and you've got to like, okay, I'm going to understand this part and then I'm going to fractalize it over here and then again, okay, now I understand that. Okay. Like that means you've gotten into ego. You've gotten into your mind. Like if you just breathe and receive truth, it's so simple. So simple. I'm writing, I'm writing a book. I've been writing a book for a while, but like not, not with as much intention. Like now I'm like, no, I'm writing this to completion.

And I was writing part of it and I paused and as part of my like, just guidance from spirit, it was like, okay, stop, stop. You're making this too complicated. And so then I started thinking like, how would I explain this to my six -year -old son? How would I tell the same story with these same truths to my six -year -old son?

In Joy (06:58.968)

Amelie Ananda (07:25.059)
And it just came like it just was like, and I realized like this, this is the programming of the matrix to over complicate things that then make us feel like we're dependent on somebody else to teach us to know. Or we're a teacher and we over complicated as a form of our own ego to be like, see, you needed me. You couldn't have figured this out without me. And it's that there might be truth in those things, but the.

The pure truth that's gonna really liberate you is always simple. So yeah, if this seems like, what the fuck are they talking about? Like just take a breath, quit trying to figure it out and feel it. If it feels like truth, that's why you're trying to figure it out is because your intuition is guiding you like, yes, this feels right, but I need to know why. So that's great. That's beautiful. That's a sign that like you're.

You've got intuition, you're paying attention.

In Joy (08:24.536)
There's a bias. I think that complicated things are more valuable than simple things. And I think that's why we have the economic system, which I studied in school, all these things that nobody really truly understands. There's darkness in there, and they don't know what they don't know. And this is just so easy, and it's free.

Amelie Ananda (08:30.747)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (08:52.142)
And so it's like, no, I need to read this 500 page book that has the answer in it or I need to, know, it's just beautiful. couple of things that came to me is one, I got a job interview for a medical sales rep with a base salary of $200 ,000 a year. And plus that again, in commissions, you know, and, and I was just got good with it because I was like, okay. And but

really my truth isn't super excited about the medical system and that it's for me that's kind of going backwards from where I believe we're going energetically as a society and so I mean for sure I get how that would be beautiful in a lot of ways but it would also be a life force I mean I can see the beauty in it is what I'm saying

It's not what I want to do. It's not my highest excitement. If it's that and the other thing, this is my highest excitement. If I would be doing that or this, I would rather be doing this. So it's like you can get what you think you want, but realize that that's not the answer. And that's the message I have for people around money. You think you want money.

It's not the answer you think it is. I guarantee it. I guarantee it. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (10:18.043)
Tea, yeah. Yeah, and the people that have money that also are, like some people amass amazing wealth, but they're still very much in shadow. we talked about that the other day, but like the people that have attracted massive wealth and are also awake and are also like really aligned and they've attracted it from a place of purity and abundance, they will tell you the truth. And that is the truth.

I wish and I've heard, think Will Smith said, I wish everybody could have all the fame and all the fortune or might have engine carry all of this, all of it. I wish they could have all of this and finally learn none of it is what you're after. Cause he's like, I had to get all of this stuff and all of it, all the way out to the end of every, all my wealth and all of the belongings to realize it's an inside job. And I could have had it all along and yeah, go ahead.

In Joy (11:12.696)

In Joy (11:16.254)
And what happens to a lot of people who amass a lot, let's talk hundreds of millions, they actually, their life feels dense because of how complex it is. And they just want simple again. Because simple is the name of our podcast and simple is priceless.

Amelie Ananda (11:43.964)
Yeah, simple allows space for that vitality you're talking about. The idea that our abundance has to manifest into material is dense. That in and of itself is a lower frequency because material matter is frequency and energy that is vibrating at a slower wavelength.

and that's how matter is formed. And so if you need your abundance to materialize, you're asking for your abundance to lower its frequency into physicality for you to experience it. And there's only so much expansion in that. And if you want limitlessness and limitless abundance and freedom and sovereignty and expansion and playfulness and joy that is in you and your birthright, you have to like,

lean back and quit expecting your abundance to materialize in order for you to be happy because that's again material and matter is a lower frequency. You have all that you want, you have all that you're after, you truly truly do. And not having like a goal like I was talking, go ahead. And.

In Joy (12:56.108)

well, yes, what you just said, Accept everything the way it is. And all the things that are marketing to you, maybe not just, maybe it's just me. Tell me if I'm wrong.

All the things that are marketing to you, make more money, get more clients, do more things. All of that is a search for something out there. You guys can see me, my hands are reached out in front of me. It's not actually out there anyway.

Amelie Ananda (13:29.452)

In Joy (13:30.58)
There's actually no action. This is not an action job. That's first of all the biggest freaking illusion that the whole, all of you are tricked on. Okay? This is not an action job. This is an inside job. And when you align yourself inside, you won't even have to take much action. You just move your little pinky finger and you'll get everything you want. And now, forget that. You'll get everything you need. Because you already have everything you need.

Amelie Ananda (13:58.436)
It's so beautiful. It is absolutely profound what happens when you can just relax. Just relax. Stop taking so much action. Stop fighting. Stop reaching outside of you and looking and searching. And just be in the stillness.

of this now moment and what we find when we really just like dissolve away all of the chatter and self -identity and stories about what we need. It's like, wow, there's nothing, there's just nothing but space and unknown. And I think that's part of the reason why people get so, like the unknown has for a lot of people been then filled with.

fear and like things they don't want by virtue of the polarity and they judge that they don't want it. But if you can just let go and understand that in the unknown, every possibility is not just a possibility, it's a reality.

So the eternal now is the experience of the vastness of every possibility. And it's here now. And now if you start like casting out like, okay, so I'm in the limitlessness that I am, there's every possibility is available. I can manifest and attract and magnetize anything I want. Now, when you start casting your stones of like, okay, I want this and I want that. What you're doing is limiting yourself.

So my challenge lately has been how long can I, whether it's in meditation or actually in my waking life, allow myself to inhabit and be present in the unknown and allow the unknown to then manifest in limitless ways. then, and if you're in the unknown and you're in fear, what will manifest is that frequency. So it's not just being

In Joy (15:47.832)

Amelie Ananda (15:55.851)
still in the unknown, in the void and the present now of like all of the possibilities, be there in a way that you can also focus on gratitude. You can focus on love. You can focus, like keep your frequency high in the unknown and don't have attachment. And what you will see is all sorts of possibilities coming up that are then resonant with your high frequency. But our fear of the unknown manifests more

things to be afraid of. So yeah, that's been my jam is diving into my manifestation process in terms of like.

In Joy (16:26.285)

Amelie Ananda (16:35.951)
letting my alignment with source and my highest self be unconditional in the experience of the unknown. And you don't experience it with your physical body because again, that's a lower frequency. This isn't our senses. We don't taste it. We don't smell it. don't know. I mean, yeah, sometimes I'll get a tingly spleen, but if you really dip in, if you're really like, I know tingly spleen, but I do, that's where I feel a lot of intuition.

In Joy (16:52.258)
You feel it though, don't you?

Amelie Ananda (17:05.667)
If you really are deep in meditation, do you even remember that you have a body? No, like the deep, like theta, gamma wave meditation, you're in oneness. There is no separation. So there is no lower self. There is no personal self. There is no I in me and we. is all. There's wholeness. It's even beyond unity because unity still means that I know that there's this piece and this piece and I'm bringing it together. Wholeness is...

Beyond, mean, and when you're in that space, that's the eternal now. That's the limitless possibility. There is like, there's no, there's no identification with Amelie.

And from there, holding that high frequency in that space, my goodness, now you get to choose what you then bring from that high frequency space and manifest into physicality. But if you're in that space and you're in fear, because my God, I don't know, you're only, you're not gonna actually find that.

wholeness because fear is a frequency that cannot penetrate that part of the veil. There's no fear up there. There's nothing to fear because all is whole, not even just one, but it's all, it just all is. So how long can you sit in the unknown and not fall into fear, scarcity, and limited stories? That's the practice. That's the game for me right now. And it's fun.

In Joy (18:40.864)
And a perspective that can support you in that is just knowing that everything is you and so all that's in the unknown is more of you. So are you scared of yourself? And most likely the answer is no. So why would you be scared of the unknown? It's just more of you. And especially if you know that you're a loving, generous...

If you like who you are, if you look in the mirror and you can easily say, love you, okay, and that's your truth, then you have nothing to worry about ever again. And if you do what I'm least saying by tuning into the feeling good no matter what the unknown is, and you only take action from that place of feeling good, you have nothing to be scared of ever again in your human existence for you or anyone else that you know. I guarantee it.

Let us be the permission slip for you to feel into this today, because we're holding a residency here. If you're here, you're tuning in to it too. Go forth and tell other people about it. We're done. Just use it for yourself. Just be yourself. Just enjoy this. This is this. I don't want to tell the story of how long it took me to get here or the work that it took and all the rest of it, but trust me when I tell you I could charge you hundreds of thousands of dollars for the state of being and you can have it right here right now.

just choose it for yourself.

Amelie Ananda (20:08.792)
Yep. Yes, absolutely. You know, and what's funny, was thinking about your, you mentioned that you've been in these circles, right? And like, well, welcome to Pluto and Uranus playing like they've been playing. But here's the thing. These things have been resurfacing in your life and all of our lives right now. For us, they're mirroring back like your left.

In Joy (20:32.514)
He says that he's in my life, by the way. It's she knows about my circles. But anyway, go ahead.

Amelie Ananda (20:37.665)
well, whatever for me then it's been like circling, but even you gave the example of this job offer that you just got. So now what's happened? You're being invited back into the corporate. That's a circling back to where you were. And now you're able to look at that from this space, this, this new now you and be like, how do I want to respond to that? And I hear you saying, well, that doesn't really align. So that's separation, which is interesting, right? It's like, no.

And at the same time, like if you're in this like, possibilities exist in the eternal now, there's a possibility that you take this job, which to yourself right now is like, well, no, that's like a step backwards. What if who you are now enters that part of the field and revolutionizes all of medical advancement for humanity just by virtue of the frequency you bring into that, right?

We have no idea and that's a possibility and infinite other possibilities. So it's like

In Joy (21:42.446)
So I didn't get the job offer. I got the interview offer. I deleted that app off my phone. And then when I went to get back into it, like a few days later, I didn't have the right. I had like an old password and an old email or whatever. I couldn't get back in. So it wasn't that wasn't the path in that. Now, if that circles around, I'm an acceptable person. I'm welcoming whatever comes to me. I trust it. I believe in Matt.

Amelie Ananda (21:45.999)

Amelie Ananda (22:03.065)
Right. Just.

Amelie Ananda (22:07.897)
Yeah, but I mean, I'm just using it as an example of like the cyclical nature of like, we get presented with the same thing. Like you weren't in medical, but you were in a high paying, high caliber, awesome position to make a lot of money. And now you're being presented with it again. And there's no wrong answer. There's no wrong answer.

In Joy (22:12.972)
I get it. Yeah.

In Joy (22:25.548)
Yeah, and the reason I'm explaining it is just to share with people that like, I trust what comes to me now.

If something comes to me, I don't judge it as good or bad. Most of the time, unless I've had a bunch of circles around it already, and I have clarity that that's not for me for sure, like guaranteed that I'm not doing that this time because I did it a bunch of times and I'm good. I'm going over here now. Otherwise, I welcome it in. I give you a hug. I bless you. Let's explore what's available inside of this. Sometimes I've gotten job offers just to teach me about the next thing in my journey that I can use over here on some other thing that I'm doing.

You're not... Sorry.

Amelie Ananda (23:03.385)
And just cause it's not for you doesn't mean it's bad either. It's not good or bad. Like, you know, I have some girlfriends that like to sit around and talk shit about men. That's not for me, but I'm also not gonna anymore cast this judgment that it's good or bad. That's where they're at. They're working out what they need to work out. They're creating this dissonance in the field and it's fucking beautiful. Thank you contrast. And it's not for me. I'm over here doing this talking about how much I love men, talking about serving men, talking about how they've served me.

In Joy (23:06.668)
Bye bye.

In Joy (23:16.192)

In Joy (23:27.757)

Amelie Ananda (23:31.503)
breathing life into masculine. You all do what you have to do. I don't have any judgment. It's not good or bad. It's just not for me. Yeah, that's full acceptance.

In Joy (23:41.56)
Can I, can I left turn us for a moment or right turn us, turn us five times. Well, I want to say, I just want to say something about addiction because I believe if you're a human, you're addicted to something. I don't care what it is. could be apples. Okay. Whatever it is, it's your jam. All right. And

Amelie Ananda (23:45.529)
Yeah, let's let's turn upward or and then to the left a little up and to the left.


Amelie Ananda (24:02.021)

In Joy (24:05.856)
I believe that if we recognize what we came to the conclusion of earlier, which is that our vitality is our currency, that we will then make different choices in terms of our addictions. I'm just going to leave it that broad, addictions. so therefore, I just want to share something that supported me on my journey of releasing things that I've been in a habit of doing.

You're a monkey species. You are a habit species. People know this about you and they create games for you to play that if you're not aware of, you won't get out of the loop. I just want to give you this one way out of the loop. Your cells only have memory for 72 hours. If you choose to make that your truth,

and you quit doing the thing that you know that you want to stop doing right now for as little as 72 hours, come that 73rd hour, I believe, and this is my truth, it doesn't have to be your truth, but you can choose it for yourself if you want, your cells completely forget that and you're tuned into a different version of you. You're actually tuning to the version of you who never had that addiction in the first place.

Because there's a probable past, you have probable futures and you have probable pasts and they both change based on your vortex that you're in right now. And so when you shift yourself to the version of you who has the habits, is the person in the world that is that abundant, thriving, vital person being, and you be that person now, and you do it for as little as 72 hours and you stop doing those things that you don't want to do anymore.

For 72 hours, you shift yourself to a timeline, a now moment, where that version, that old version of you no longer exists. And I've done it a bunch of times with a bunch of different things, and I'm here to tell you, you can do it too. If I can do it, you can do it. So, there's just a little bit of empower.

Amelie Ananda (26:17.441)
Amen. I think that's kind of where I'm at with like my one of my addictions is my addiction to my I don't mean to be super, you know, esoteric here. I also fucking love ice cream as you saw in my post. Yeah. But one of my addictions is to my identity to myself. And so that's why I've been really like, OK, that which we give attention to our awareness.

In Joy (26:31.521)
Yeah, I just thought that.

Amelie Ananda (26:46.651)
makes it so. And so how like the 72 hour idea of like, okay, then focus my cells and all of the energy and attention of myself into the wholeness into the eternal now into limitlessness that where a separate identity doesn't exist, re calibrate.

my addiction towards self. Now to be here on this planet I also have to know that myself exists separate but can I exist in this separate body?

in full knowing of my wholeness. And that's kind of for me, my growth edge, I think that's what we're here as humans to do. It's not to like just have the human experience anymore. We're at a time in humanity where it's also about being able to walk in these human bodies without diluting the truth of our divinity and our sovereignty. Because otherwise, if we just want to go to a higher dimension, there's a very quick way.

very quick. And I'm not promoting it. I'm not saying kill yourself, but that's how you get there. You want, but, but can we get there in our bodies? That's the goal, right? Yes. Yes. But I want to bring my body with me into this space. And that is, I think the leading edge of the new world. How do we do that?

In Joy (27:54.182)
I mean, we're there now.

In Joy (27:59.842)
Well, that's weird, Well, you just close your eyes. Good.

In Joy (28:16.974)
question question if you want to bring your so let's acknowledge that our bodies is the slowest vibrating part of our consciousness we're in all the D's and our consciousness is here in this 3d right here right now 3d 40 whatever you want to call it and therefore when you lighten up in your body when you for example eat a plant based a whole plant diet

and let more light in, because light comes from the sun, and then it hits the grass, and then the cow eats the grass and digest it through their seven stomachs. Forget all the like religious stuff and all the like moral stuff. Throw all that out the window for a moment. Just pretend it doesn't exist. Because it doesn't exist for me. Now, do you want to eat an animal

that took the light and digested it seven times to then get it inside of you and digest it and have that experience? Or do you just want to eat the grass yourself or something else green that has a lot of direct light that took the light more directly and put it in you? And then what if you don't, what if dairy, this earth is a reflection of us?

So what if dairy is sort of thickening us and everything you believe is right, I'm just playing here. And so if we let dairy go.

Unless we bless it or it comes from like a direct, like a loving place. I believe that the love that things are made with matters more than what you eat. And I believe the way that you feel matters more than what you eat. Okay, so feel good whatever you're eating. I'm just offering for something to play with here. If we lighten up on ourselves with our thoughts, we lighten up on ourselves with our food, then our bodies lighten up.

In Joy (30:08.658)
And therefore we vibrated a higher consciousness. We're able to hold more of those higher dimensions in our body, which is what you were just talking about. You said you wanted to bring your body with you, which is vitality.

Amelie Ananda (30:18.511)
which is vitality, which is the currency that you started with. It's that like vitality is nothing more than a free flowing life force energy that is designed to flow through our body. That's what Kundalini is. That's what our whole nervous system was made for, our spine, our pineal gland, the whole thing here, this whole body was actually designed to be a conduit and channel for very high frequency energy.

In fact, way more so than we're able to experience because of the beliefs that we've been indoctrinated with and chosen. And so that's why, Neil, I know you talk about it a lot. We've said it a lot here. Like your beliefs matter, your thoughts matter, and your beliefs and your thoughts, those are under your control. And what you feed yourself, food -wise, entertainment -wise, that's under your control.

And so at some point you have to be accountable for your level of sleepiness and density because you've been given a body that yes, it's dense, it's physical matter. Physical matter by virtue of being physical is dense. Yet it is a conduit. is also most of what you see when you see me is space in between massively, vastly vibrating particles that are so freaking small that the space between them is enormous relatively.

most of what you look at is not actually physical matter when you're looking at me. And there's water that makes up our physical matter. That is also a conduit. We are electromagnetic conduits for the highest frequency energy that you can even freaking imagine. And we've been planted down in this dense realm for a beautiful experience of the contrast, but also to bring

the light, the love, the joy, the bliss, the expansiveness, the vitality here. And it's by virtue of the choices we make and the beliefs we choose to have.

Amelie Ananda (32:25.794)
and it's pretty simple.

In Joy (32:28.192)
So let's talk about some choices and beliefs. I'll just share what allows me to hold this state of being in this now, okay? I'll just want to get real with it for people, because it's my truth, right? So one is a practice of tantra, okay? Which really...

Amelie Ananda (32:45.31)
Mmm, yes.

In Joy (32:49.292)
You know, just to put it simply in my words, it's the art of being excited in life. Realize that creation is sexual and therefore being dancing with your life in that, in your full excitement and seeing how that plays out is priceless. So that's one of the ways that I do it. You go on, Amelie. What's the permissions that you use to have a high?

Amelie Ananda (33:17.755)
Well, mean, I would agree, like just walking a tantric path. And for me, that's just the inclusivity of all and acceptance of all and understanding that in ecstasy, if you want to experience ecstasy, you've got to, you have to be able to hold pain and pleasure at the same time. It hurts so good, right? And so it's really, tantra is the human's way to be able to be in this dense field as light, right? And so ways that I would do that is like, yesterday I freaking had the biggest bowl of ice

ice cream, but here's the reason. I'm sovereign over dairy. I was my nervous system after this crazy day I had, it was beautiful, but it was like still my nervous system was like, kind of a little bit on edge. And I had a shadow come up that I was like, yeah, I want to sit with that and transmute it and love it and all of the things, but like, I don't have the capacity. So.

It's okay. I'm just going to accept that I don't have the capacity for right now that right now. I'm to make a promise to myself to sit with it later. And I did. I did that this morning. But in the moment of last night, I just accept what is what's my highest pleasure right now. I'm going to have full ice cream. That sounds delicious. And I'm to bless that ice cream and I'm going to imbibe in it. Now you could turn to food. I don't want to. I don't want to do my shadow work. I don't want to look at this trigger. I'm having ice cream to feel pleasure. That can be avoidance or it can be like

awareness. It can be dissociation, or it can be, hey, I'm actually being astute of my energy, my time. I really want to be present with that. I'm to do it later. And I'm going to just enjoy the pleasure of this delicious bite of ice cream right now and relax into the moment of everything's perfect. There's no work to do right now. And so to me, like, there's no people talking about their morning routines and their stuff. Nah, not me. My life's my ceremony.

everything's a ritual. It doesn't mean I don't engage in morning practices sometimes, but I don't in this tantric lifestyle that I love, everything's accepted, including myself in moments when maybe I wouldn't have accepted myself.

In Joy (35:28.194)
Beautiful. So I last night when I saw your video of you eating ice cream, you also eating ice cream. I was eating these little cones of vegan ice cream. And so that's one thing that I do. The other thing I do is I take salt baths. I believe we're electromagnetic beings and through our feelings, we magnetize our

Amelie Ananda (35:32.549)

Amelie Ananda (35:37.147)

Amelie Ananda (35:46.627)

In Joy (35:51.358)
our next now through how great we feel, which feeds into the tantra. So I do a lot of things like I'm drinking out of a copper bottle right now that has water in it to because copper doesn't we don't produce it naturally. So it has to come from the outside. And so I put copper and magnesium and salts and things like that in and around my body. And I feel my force field like expand out. And I do breath work.

Gamma, like you said, Gamma and Theta. All these things I've done today already. And I played my guitar and I did the things that were highest excitement to me, like contacted the people on my mind that I really wanted to connect with in this frequency. so we're doing this. This is our highest excitement. going to Unison Festival in like nine days now. And that's super exciting. We're excited to connect with some of you guys there.

The guys who won, the woman who won, the being who won our tickets that we raffled off. Thank you all.

Amelie Ananda (36:57.66)
Yeah. Yeah, I guess some of the other things I do is movement. I like dance. I like painting. like, but see, like even just now as you were talking, I was like, I'm to move my body. doesn't have to be like, for me, what I've found is that when I try and like regiment this and be like, I have to do this, then it takes the joy and the pleasure out of being in the moment of now.

In Joy (37:03.232)

Amelie Ananda (37:20.571)
If my body calls for movement, I'm gonna move it and I'm gonna dance and I'm gonna be fluid. like the moments that I wanna paint, be creative, I'm gonna paint, be creative and trying to just let my life be the ceremony, let my life just like what's happening. I'm walking out in nature and grounding, speaking of electromagnetic and then I see a butterfly. I'm gonna be fully present with that and like curious and odd and like just really bringing.

reverence like when you walk into a temple space and you're going to a breathwork ceremony or a retreat or something you're like you really are like Aware right and you're really present like I am here and I'm bringing myself to this moment because I know this is sacred Make your life Make your life the temple every moment is sacred and that's my practice is like, how can I make? every step that I'm doing

in a very easy, loving way, just acknowledge the sacredness in it. And then listen to my body and bring forward what it needs. Does it need breath work? Does it need movement? Do I need to scream into the abyss? Do I need to laugh? Do I need to giggle? Do I need to play? Do I need to shower? Do I need to hit a pillow and like feel the anger and transmute that anger and density into fierce compassion? Like not resisting any part of my now moment.

and just fully leaning in and receiving the sacredness. That's my practice. That's what I do. But I do love a copper bottle and I do have a copper pyramid that I meditate under. And I do have some of these like really practical fun things. I have all the drums and I have music stuff and singing bowls and yeah, I love all that stuff. But when I depend on that stuff, then I kinda, I gotta step back for a little bit and say, nah, can get there without you.

In Joy (38:47.17)
That's it,

In Joy (39:00.428)
Yeah. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (39:11.129)
So it's just a dance.

In Joy (39:12.706)
The only thing I depend on is the idea of reaching for a better feeling thought. I have a thought come in and I don't love it. Then I don't judge it. And I say, okay, that game existed and went. And then I on purpose reach for one that's just a little bit, you know, makes me a little better, you know?

Amelie Ananda (39:17.379)

Amelie Ananda (39:29.839)
Yeah, but that's an internal thing. If you're depending on your internal process, that's beautiful. It's when we start depending on the things that are outside of us. Even though the things that are outside of us ultimately are us, we're here to foster this within.

You know, first and foremost, I don't ever wanna vilify having a practice, but for me at this point right now, and maybe at some point I'll have more of a regiment in practice, right now what I'm liberating myself from having to show up a certain way. Like, you're not spiritual because you don't have a three hour morning practice? No, my entire day is my practice.

In Joy (40:10.36)
When I eat donuts, it's my practice.

Amelie Ananda (40:12.119)
Yeah, I could enjoy the sacred bliss and the experience of tasting this sweet, beautiful pastry and make that the most spiritual, sacred, orgasmic moment. Or I can shame and guilt myself. And either way is perfect. So how do I want to bring myself into the ceremony of that moment? That's what I've been up to. Just wearing that right now, what I'm swimming through. Yeah.

In Joy (40:38.798)
It's beautiful. It's really beautiful. I'm really happy to know you. I'm happy that I lived this long to be in this field myself.

Amelie Ananda (40:46.979)
Yeah, to our vitality and beyond. I agree. Vitality is our currency.

In Joy (40:50.092)
Yeah, too hard.

In Joy (40:56.494)
Cool. Cheers to that, yeah.

Amelie Ananda (40:57.497)

Well, you guys let us know what you think. You can comment on our pages, comment on this, share it, like it, love it, leave it. We love you all the same.

In Joy (41:08.61)
Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. We'll get some updates when we're gonna be together and like, that's so exciting. I'm so pumped.

Amelie Ananda (41:14.075)
Nine days, 10 days or something? Shaboogie woogie woogie woogie woogie. My son started saying that just randomly, like when he's excited, he's like, shaboogie woogie woogie.

So much joy. All right, we love you all.

In Joy (41:29.506)
Love you. Bless you, bless you.

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