It's just that Simple!

The Power of Inclusivity and Self-Love Compassion

August 22, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode Neil and Amelie are honored by their special guest, soul brother and an epic facilitator of powerful medicine ceremonies, the one and only... Hoot! The conversation explores the themes of inclusivity, self-love, and embracing all aspects of oneself. The hosts discuss the importance of choosing to be present and accepting of who they are in the present moment. They emphasize the power of inclusivity and how it can transform relationships and experiences. The conversation also touches on the concept of living in abundance and releasing the need for external validation. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to love and accept themselves fully and to create a new world based on inclusivity and self-empowerment. The conversation explores the power of presence, compassion, and imagination in creating a fulfilling and abundant life. It emphasizes the importance of being present with our emotions and fears, acknowledging them without judgment. Compassion is described as deep empathy and acceptance of others' journeys, allowing them to be where they are without trying to save or change them. The conversation also highlights the role of imagination in manifesting our desires and creating new experiences. It encourages letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing the belief that we are co-creators of our reality.


  • Choose to be present and accept yourself in the present moment
  • Embrace all aspects of yourself and practice self-love
  • Inclusivity can transform relationships and experiences
  • Release the need for external validation and live in abundance Being present with our emotions and fears without judgment can lead to healing and transformation.
  • Compassion is about accepting others' journeys and holding a loving space for them without trying to save or change them.
  • Imagination is a powerful tool for manifesting our desires and creating new experiences.
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing the belief that we are co-creators of our reality can lead to abundance and fulfillment.

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In Joy (00:01.356)
Welcome, greetings. That was me. I'm Leonanda.

Greetings. enjoy Neil.

Amelie Ananda (00:14.114)

Amelie Ananda (00:17.867)
Yay. how cool is this? And how cool is that entry, man? I wish I could enter every moment like that, like off the breathwork slide, like.

In Joy (00:26.316)

Amelie Ananda (00:31.791)
So nice, so nice. Whoever designed these human bodies and gave us the whole like lung thing.

What a gift! What a gift. Yeah. So how have you guys been doing getting to hang out together, huh?

In Joy (00:52.493)
It's always so fun to in physical form, to meet in physical form, you know.

Amelie Ananda (00:58.55)
We'll wait, like our audience doesn't know the king that is on with us right now. This is Hoot. And I think Neil, you might be better at giving a segue to introduce, let him introduce himself maybe than I, but Hoot is an absolute Hoot.

In Joy (01:17.315)
I think it's all about choice. Not what you've done, not who you've been, not what your story is, but who you who who are you choosing to be right now? I'm choosing to be right here right now in this beautiful town with you guys. What a gift it is. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (01:24.099)


Amelie Ananda (01:31.2)
Nice, nice. Yeah, well, we're excited to have you here and I know everybody's gonna be blessed by hearing what you bring and who you are. So thanks for hanging out. I wish I was on that couch with you guys.

In Joy (01:40.405)

In Joy (01:44.216)
We wish you were too! Soon! Unison soon!

Amelie Ananda (01:46.507)
Soon, we'll be at unison. my gosh, my gosh. When that is the now moment. Yes, yes, yes. Well, cool. Neil, what are you choosing to be right now?

In Joy (01:57.036)

In Joy (02:04.052)
I'm choosing to be the possibility, the probability of universal basic income, which is this stepping stone to a post -scarcity society, which we can choose to be in a post -scarcity society now by choosing it, making the choice, trusting the choice and taking action from that choice. So what would the version of you do who already has anything and everything that you already want, that you ever wanted and you ever asked for?

Who, what does that version of you do? Does that version of you hang out on the couch today? Does that version of you hang out with your friends today? Does that version of you give something to somebody? What does that version of you do? And let's go forth and be the version of us who's already living the life of your dreams with no lack, with only abundance everywhere.

Amelie Ananda (02:56.229)
preach. Yes. Yes. You know what, that version of me would do right now? She would show up and record a podcast with you too. I'd have so much fun. Like I have so much fun. That's all like it gets it. When you get that practice of like, okay, what would that highest version of me do? The most excited, complete full version that has everything would be doing. And you get to ad lib and fill in that blank when you practice that, like it gets so fun.

In Joy (02:58.508)

In Joy (03:02.029)

Amelie Ananda (03:25.187)
And so easy, then all of sudden it's not a practice, it's a mindset, right? Because we repeat it enough, it just is. And that is where so many of us are headed. That is the new world. It's an inside job, a state change from within. so beautiful. We have it all. We are, we are. Welcome to the new world. You guys are in this dimension too? Sweet. So crazy.

In Joy (03:46.738)
We made it!

Amelie Ananda (03:52.579)
Out of all the dimensions we could be in, we chose this one. So fun.

In Joy (03:56.462)
We're all living on the 5D authority. We're already doing what we want to do. I know that may or may not be true for everybody, you know, but I do know that everybody is finding more joy in their life when they can. And so it's really just about releasing negative fear based beliefs. I'm doing one right now. I'll tell you, I don't have Instagram or TikTok on my phone. Right. And in the past, that's where a lot of attention, my resource of attention has come from.

Amelie Ananda (04:10.405)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (04:25.975)
Mm Yeah.

In Joy (04:26.306)
You know and so donations come that way a lot of co -creative experiences, but I'm choosing to see that I don't need to reach more people That I don't need more that I'm not missing anything that we already have everyone that we need in our now and so I'm still choosing to share on the patreon and Just knowing that everybody's there who's meant to be there whoever is meant for So I'm

Amelie Ananda (04:53.315)
Right. And more might come, but it's not like, not because you need it. It's just, if you're out there and you want to play with us, you can come play. There's space at the table for you. It's just, we're not hunting for people.

In Joy (05:03.672)

In Joy (05:10.131)
it's just an exciting frequency to be in. Right here. You can join in. I like tuning to this frequency.

Amelie Ananda (05:12.413)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it is a shift.

It's super empowering when we recognize like, I thought Instagram was bringing me my community. I thought Instagram was bringing me my money. You know, we attribute our abundance outside of ourselves and pin it to something like Instagram or like I used to do it with crypto. It's like, no, that is one conduit through which infinite sources of abundance is coming to me. That is not my abundance. I am abundance. Like what an empowering shift. What a choice.

In Joy (05:45.526)

Amelie Ananda (05:48.131)

In Joy (05:49.55)
And also for me, got clarity on the agreement that I was in side of, know, because those companies want to make money the way that they're set up with the shareholders and the corporation and everything. Right. And so if it's free, you are the product, you are being productized. Right. And so

If you're in a cycle of wanting more likes, wanting more views, and scrolling to get more something out here to give you something that you actually have in here anyway, then that is one form of reality. But what would happen if we withdrew our energy from that, called it all back to ourselves, and then went in a new direction without those same agreements of whatever their privacy things are and whatever their...

whatever their strategies are, if we all called our energy back from that, not making it right or wrong, just letting it be a perfect expression of God, and then we put our energy in a new way, a new container, a new way in the world, we would still get what we need when we need it in that new way. So then there wouldn't, for me, I'm getting myself out of lack in this small way of wanting to reach more.

Amelie Ananda (07:00.42)

In Joy (07:08.748)
and just realizing I've already reached everyone that I ever needed to reach. Everyone that I wanna co -create is in my now, in my constellation. So I don't need more views, I don't need more likes, I don't need more donations, I don't need more, I don't need more, I don't need more. I have every, I have the more now.

Amelie Ananda (07:26.005)
Mm -hmm. Mm. I love it. It's just such a beautiful shift. It may seem to some like a very small nuanced shift and some might think it's a huge shift and it is whatever you're gonna make it. So why not make it an easy shift and tell yourself that making this, it really is. It's so empowering. It's so empowering. And it's just like, it's just a leak. There's nothing wrong with Instagram. Love it.

In Joy (07:44.063)
It's super easy! Yeah!

In Joy (07:54.156)
Yeah, yeah, thank you.

Amelie Ananda (07:55.257)
But if you are allowing your energy to leak into that instead of magnetizing the energy that is the one and you through that, just not, like it just is like, cool, it's there. But when you leak your energy into things outside of yourself, it just dilutes it and there's no coherence in the field around that. And it's basically a micro agreement with the universe that says,

I don't need that part of my power. I don't need that part of my life force and the universe aligns with what you say you want to create. absolutely call your power back. Zuckerberg is not the algorithm. God is the algorithm. I am the algorithm.

In Joy (08:33.816)

In Joy (08:43.024)
And also if Facebook is us and we are Facebook and Meta and all these people and bless them all for the experience they're having. I'm just choosing to choose a frequency where it's already done. It's done, it's done, The only reason I even want to talk about it is because it's so done that it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done, it's it's done.

Amelie Ananda (08:45.603)

Amelie Ananda (08:54.924)
Yeah, beautiful.

Amelie Ananda (09:01.623)
Right. Well, and talking about it helps people make those awareness shifts for themselves too, if they choose to and want to. And I think there's a sacred part of your journey where that's not the shift you were in. So if you're not there, that's perfect too. And these people here are now on this podcast. We're just choosing something different. And if you want to look at it, you're like, that's interesting. We invite you to give it a try.

In Joy (09:17.698)
And we'll

In Joy (09:21.355)
Exactly, that's what I'm saying.

In Joy (09:27.436)
Yes, exactly. We're speaking to exactly who we need to speak to right now. And it's an illusion that we need to reach anybody else than who's here right now. Listen in. Participate in.

Amelie Ananda (09:37.027)
Yeah. Yeah. How is this concept played out in your life at all recently now?

In Joy (09:45.233)
it's played out in every way and every day. mean, it's,

In Joy (09:53.656)
I'm here right now with Neil and that's a gift. And this is a beautiful now that I created and created being here with you on this. It plays out like, for example, like, well, Neil.

Amelie Ananda (09:55.576)

Amelie Ananda (09:59.695)

In Joy (10:12.5)
And I shared about doing the plant medicine ceremonies and the most magical beings came to the ceremony that facilitated and it was such an amazing connection bringing the soul tribe in and it was all our choice to connect in this space and place and share the frequency of joy that we're living in right now.

Amelie Ananda (10:28.482)
Yeah. Right.

Amelie Ananda (10:35.653)
That's so cool. It's interesting like the different energy and frequency of people that you bring to events when you are seeking the people to buy the ticket to the plant medicine ceremony versus who shows up when you're like, and surrendering and accepting just what is and whoever shows up is perfect. And sometimes it's like two people but it's the most wild, magical, profound transformation.

In Joy (10:55.863)

Amelie Ananda (11:02.613)
And then sometimes it's like a thousand people. You're like, my gosh, I could have never put my energy here and brought this constellation. This is perfect. So that's really cool to see how that shows up. And like plant medicine is powerful. She brings who she wants, irregardless of who's in. Yeah. So it's funny to see people marketing and getting really like 3D about marketing plant medicine.

In Joy (11:31.744)

Amelie Ananda (11:31.917)
events, because I'm like, you know who you're working with, right?

In Joy (11:36.014)
Exactly, exactly.

Amelie Ananda (11:38.797)
Yeah. But I say that and it's like, hear, hear plant, I hear mama, mama Aya right now. And she's like, sweet love, I am everything. And so I say, it's funny to hear plant medicine practitioners doing it, but it's funny for us to do it with anything. Like to feel like we need to like dictate, orchestrate, it all as opposed to just lean back and enjoy and receive.

In Joy (12:04.268)

Amelie Ananda (12:06.851)
the medicine that is mama IA that's coming from everywhere that is the universe.

In Joy (12:12.495)
So I've got something to offer here and it's that Mama Aya or So Sibun or whatever your choice is, is inclusive in the sense that it doesn't exclude anybody. In my life, I was sharing with HOOT last night that

Amelie Ananda (12:17.688)
Mm -hmm. Right.

Amelie Ananda (12:23.396)

Amelie Ananda (12:26.969)

In Joy (12:32.204)
There was some people who found me on social media who were interacting with a fake version of me. Okay. And then they were receiving love letters from me. so that sometimes people would show up with me and be like mad at me because they'd had some conversation with me, quote unquote air quotes that wasn't with me, you know, and I had actually gotten to a moment where I was just blocking them because I didn't want, I want my, I'm worthy of my peace guys. I'm worthy of.

Amelie Ananda (12:43.467)

Amelie Ananda (13:01.241)

In Joy (13:03.16)
But then I had this moment where I realized that these people that were mad at me actually really love me. Right? And then...

And yeah, okay, they attracted this other version of me, which that's cool. So instead I unblocked everybody and the people that were acting crazy on texts on my platforms. I just told them that I love them and that they were welcome to come into the community for free. And they were welcome to take my courses for free. And they were welcome. They're just welcome there here. And they could sign up on donation based calls with me if they want to and that everybody's included. And when I did that.

My reality shifted because instead of making these people wrong or wondering why it was messed up that people were scamming on people and all the rest of it and blocking people from me, instead I opened my arms more and I gave everything a hug more and they are me and I am them. And so I'm hugging them and me and I'm being inclusive. And I believe that's how we're going with the new earth is, is that of exclusivity, which is the personality wants like the

VIP experience and the whatever and instead including everybody. You can still have exclusive experiences. We're having one right here right now. You're here with us right now. This is exclusive, right? But it's also inclusive because we didn't say you can't come in unless you do this. We're including everyone. So I'm shifting into this. Everyone's included. However, I don't really want to give more energy to supporting other people, scamming my people.

Amelie Ananda (14:23.589)

Amelie Ananda (14:30.543)

In Joy (14:42.946)
I choose to have that energy exchange be with me more directly than me just putting stuff out and letting it go wherever it goes.

Amelie Ananda (14:54.563)
Yeah. And to the scammer and to those that are scammed, they made the agreement to have that exchange. so it's like, so also you can release yourself from any obligation to, to that as well, and still create an environment that is conducive to your own peace and to the protecting of your tribe without all getting like hung up on like, I got to fight these trolls. Like, no, no, I don't.

In Joy (15:08.706)
Yeah, it is.

Amelie Ananda (15:24.701)
And, and you go learn your sacred lessons. Even the people in my tribe that have to be scammed, you signed up for that. You're choosing this.

In Joy (15:24.759)

Amelie Ananda (15:34.425)
But you know what your comment made me think of so much was one of the points that comes through the channel of the divine child. And it's that inclusivity. When you look at like so often this channel of the divine child speaks in many, many ways to me. But a lot of times the messages come in energetically, audible stuff. And then I see it in the world.

And one of the things that I saw that came in was children of a young age, like under five, are ultimately, if they haven't been hardcore already programmed, are so inclusive. Like they don't even see, like I was in, I lived in Uganda for a while and this young girl, she's, think she was about five, came from Oregon in a very whitewashed community. She shows up in Uganda.

In Joy (16:16.727)

Amelie Ananda (16:30.405)
All the kids are not her color. She literally did not see it. She also engaged with people that maybe had physical ailments, people that only had one eye, they were missing a leg, did not even ask questions about it. Wasn't like, what's wrong with her? There was no, there was just, let's play. There was no like, how do I categorize you so that I know how to play with you? It was just.

total acceptance and inclusivity. that is a part of like, you know, our shadow wants to tell us, our different shadow parts are gonna tell us that that's ignorance, that that's not safe, that whatever. But the truth is when we integrate that part of our shadow, it is the most loving, benevolent, aligned way to interact with people. Everybody's welcome.

In Joy (16:59.192)

Amelie Ananda (17:27.797)
Even the troll, even the, you no matter where you're at, you're welcome and I love you. You are me. I don't even see a difference between you and me and we're here to play. Yeah, it's so beautiful. It's so beautiful. I was talking to somebody the other day about dating. I'm gonna take a left turn to sexuality here. I was talking to somebody about dating. They were, you know, interested in me and they found out.

In Joy (17:34.215)
Welcome to control!

In Joy (17:48.674)

Amelie Ananda (17:56.579)
I don't even really know how, think through one of my posts or something that I have, that I'm bisexual. And they had so many questions, which was beautiful, but it was like they were trying to figure out, does that affect me if I'm heterosexual and in a relationship with you? And they were trying to understand my sexuality, like, wait a minute, like, so are you gonna be missing out on something if you're dating a man?

And my response, like it's hard for me to answer that question because I am so attracted to soul. I'm so attracted to spirit. I'm so attracted to like, don't give a fuck what body that soul chose to be in. Like I'm energetically like meeting people and can, once I have that resonance, coherence and connection, I can literally be sexually attracted to a wide variety of things.

In Joy (18:53.965)

Amelie Ananda (18:54.401)
humans, let's be clear. Well, shit, maybe some aliens. I don't know. but, but it blew his mind. I'm like, no, I'm not going to be missing out on anything. Like that doesn't compute to me. I'm not missing because it's all like, he said, you're not going to miss a vagina. And I'm like, well, I have one. So no, but also like, I'm not going to miss interacting with that because what I'm choosing to interact with, we are not our bodies and I'm interacting with the energy.

In Joy (18:58.395)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (19:15.19)
Thank you.

Amelie Ananda (19:23.427)
and I'm interacting with your soul and your higher self. And yes, we get to play with the body you chose, but I'm gonna fall in love with that because of who I'm falling in love with in it. And it's that same inclusivity that we're talking about, I just, not that bisexuality is the way of the new world. I'm just saying it was interesting to see that inclusivity come up. in conversation, it was last night that I was like, that is kind of a part of.

this divine child codex of inclusivity too. And that's beautiful. Like, wow. Like it actually shifted me into this kind of like feeling really good about how genuine my love is for people that I hadn't seen in that way before. So yeah, I don't know. Just interesting. Like the different ways that we can choose to include people and how that shows up and how it changes what's available to us. Like wildly.

In Joy (20:19.074)
Yeah. Well, yes.

Amelie Ananda (20:20.953)
but wildly, yeah. I just talked about sexuality instead of vagina in front of two men that are like, holy shit. maybe I derailed the conversation, but I think it's really interesting to bring inclusivity into other areas other than just like, how can I be inclusive in my work, in my speech, in my relationship, in all of these areas, in my finance, and not...

In Joy (20:29.458)

Amelie Ananda (20:49.455)
focus so much on segregation and compartmentalizing things, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I know. I felt like it was. It was definitely, the awareness of it has been cool over the last day to marinate in. So anyways, we'll transition away from that. I'm not gonna make you guys talk about sexuality, but is there other areas where you feel inclusivity has?

In Joy (20:54.222)
Wow, it's pretty powerful and super.

In Joy (21:15.384)

Amelie Ananda (21:19.607)
change your life, or that you want to bring more inclusivity.

In Joy (21:25.366)
including myself, deeply loving and accepting myself, and then not making anything wrong anymore. It's been a huge quantum leap for myself because I don't know...

Amelie Ananda (21:32.953)

Amelie Ananda (21:40.281)

In Joy (21:43.214)
how much longer I'll be in this moment, in this life, and I'm not sure how long it lasts for, maybe it lasts 300 years, maybe it lasts till today. And in the latter case...

Amelie Ananda (21:52.313)

In Joy (21:55.854)
At least I made it to a moment where I just accept myself exactly the way I am. I am what I am and that is enough. And it's changed things. It's changed my diet. It's changed the things I allow myself to do or not do, not have to do. That's sort of the season I feel like I'm in. Maybe it's I'm turning 40, I don't know, but I'm identifying as a 33 year old. I'm just choosing that age for the rest of my life. And physically, I don't know, whatever.

Amelie Ananda (22:19.885)

In Joy (22:25.592)
But what I'm saying is, just that, you know, the version of us that has what we want, who is that person? Do you even know that person? You know, I mean, not you, but do I even know who that is? And tuning and being that guy now and not giving a flying who to what?

Amelie Ananda (22:38.617)
Yeah, the royal you.

In Joy (22:52.224)
anybody thinks what anybody's opinion is, what even the hologram affirms or doesn't affirm for me, and just I already made it a lot of times. So just choosing to live in the frequency of having already made it.

Amelie Ananda (23:12.227)
Yeah, just drop for me as you were speaking, like you can't be inclusive until you are inclusive of all the different parts of yourself and really loving those parts. And this idea that you're talking about of like being your highest version of yourself, living that excitement, knowing you have it all, is very challenging to do if you haven't done the work to love who you are. Like to love all of yourself because it's like...

In Joy (23:36.48)
Mm. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (23:40.217)
you're gonna bump up against like worthiness and all this other weird shit when you're trying to program this, like I have it all, it's all here. If you don't love all of yourself, then the parts of you that you don't love are gonna sabotage and point out how this isn't true. And so if you're stuck in like making the shift into what Neil's talking about, I would maybe turn and look, okay, what parts of myself can I include in love more? And as you do that,

In Joy (23:44.535)

In Joy (24:07.15)

Amelie Ananda (24:09.423)
You're gonna have it all. What the hoot?

In Joy (24:11.03)
Yes. Yeah, well that was the most powerful aspect of my journey is going into like a hypnosis and going back to the versions of me or the shadow in me that I wasn't proud of or I was ashamed about or regretting and all that and just rapping that version of me in so much love.

Amelie Ananda (24:36.313)

In Joy (24:37.526)
peace and joy and the tears just start flowing because you're just embracing and loving all aspects of yourself. know, the dark side is part of us too. So love it, love it for what it is. And it's such a breakthrough in our experience and in this human experience just to love all aspects of yourselves and say, it's okay. That forgiveness, that forgiveness.

Amelie Ananda (24:45.668)

In Joy (25:06.254)
clears everything out, I forgive.

Amelie Ananda (25:07.749)
Well, that you can't include others until you've done that. Like the people that are dropping into your inbox and causing all sorts of drama, you can't reach out and give them that hug and bring them back into the hole until you've left parts of yourself that maybe were causing the chaos as well. And so this self love is at the core of so many of these new mindsets and perspectives that are part of this new world that we're creating for sure.

In Joy (25:11.118)

In Joy (25:35.276)
Yes, so we can get from the overflow. The overflow. So let me ask you this. So self -love people are just like, okay, yeah, sure. I'm self -loving myself. Of course I am. And yeah, so what are some words that are maybe not...

Amelie Ananda (25:38.445)
Yeah. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (25:47.821)

In Joy (25:52.288)
at quite self -love yet, but are on their way to self -love. So for example, let's say instead of self -love, it was joy, but like you're twisted up and angry right now. You can't hear self -love, you can't hear joy, right? You might be able to hear acceptance. Well, that sucks. That thing happened to you. Well, that sucks. So that's closer kind of getting on the path towards self -love. Like what are some other words that we can give people to resonate with that are on the path to self -love?

Amelie Ananda (26:20.729)
The gateway, what's the gateway to self -love? The gateway drug to self -love is snorting a line of presence. is unadulterated motherfucking presence with what is. You angry? Bring awareness to it. Being present with what is occurring for you and within you is the most profound and underrated act of self -love that there is.

In Joy (26:23.116)

In Joy (26:30.326)

In Joy (26:39.628)

Amelie Ananda (26:50.829)
And a lot of times just being present with your what? Silo -Sibid, Mama Aya, guide us into doing. It is being present with what is and just saying, I see you. I see you, I'm scared of you. I see my fear of you. I see you. And sometimes just that heals more than we could have healed in like years of talk therapy. Like just bring it into the room.

In Joy (26:59.406)

Amelie Ananda (27:20.909)
and sit with it and look at it and acknowledge that you're angry, that you're upset, that you're fearful, you're in scarcity, that you're whatever the fuck it is and let it just be okay and just be with it. Bring your awareness to it. When you do that, everything kind of softens and then you can get to maybe the parts that want to be held and worked with and transmuted and all of that. But sometimes just your presence is gonna melt that shit away because some of it isn't even yours.

In Joy (27:28.632)

Amelie Ananda (27:48.845)
And so just bringing it into the room and being present, think, you're asking for words, I would say like being present, accepting, know, compassion is probably way closer to love than somebody who's just self -loathing. But being, yeah, I think self -patience.

In Joy (28:08.354)
What is compassion?

Amelie Ananda (28:10.629)
Hmm. Compassion is that like deep feeling of like connectedness to the, like the one, the difference between sympathy and empathy. Like I actually feel your pain because I've experienced your pain. That's empathy. And that is part of being compassionate for somebody is allowing them the freedom to be exactly where they're at in their journey and holding just a loving space for what is.

In Joy (28:38.008)

Amelie Ananda (28:40.751)
in their journey. You can't do that till you've done it for yourself.

In Joy (28:45.738)
I have compassion for my dad right now. Because my dad, because I know how it works. I know how the process works. And I have compassion for people on social media that are unhappy and wanting to express it out loud. And because I know how it works, when I'm not feeling good inside, then I will push out into my external not feeling good.

Amelie Ananda (28:49.092)

In Joy (29:11.628)
take action from that version of me. So it's easy for me to have compassion for anyone going through anything difficult, because I know that it's as difficult as it was for me, for you, and for everybody else. It's as difficult as. So I know how difficult it is, okay? And therefore, I bless you wherever you're at on your journey, because I know the steps that are behind you and the one you're on and the ones that are front of you, and I know they're all beautiful.

Amelie Ananda (29:22.713)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

In Joy (29:38.766)
Because it's only difficult when you're perceiving it as difficulty. When you shift and you instead see the God inside of all the moments, that's compassion for me.

Amelie Ananda (29:49.155)
Yeah. Yeah. I think also compassion doesn't want to save. Like it's not, it's not an energy of like wanting to relieve somebody from their sacred suffering. It's like, I feel you and I'm here with you in it. And it's beautiful. You can also offer and bring the energetics of a knowing that all is well, even in it. But compassion is, is powerful. It's a type of love that like

Yeah, it's not about disempowering people. So many people in the suffering are like, I just need something to make it end. Compassion doesn't bring it to a quick end. It allows it to run its natural course because that's for your highest and best and your evolving self. And compassion can sit in that with you. Compassion doesn't rush you through it because it's uncomfortable.

So compassion is delicious and juicy and yeah, and it's layered. It's not, don't think, I think it probably has a misconception for a lot of people, you know? Like Mother Teresa was known as being very compassionate, but guess what? She didn't build everyone a house. She went sat in the streets with the motherfuckers and held their hands. Yeah, she'd bring the food, but she would feel the hunger pain.

and tell them they're okay right where they're at. Love them right where they're at. That's compassion. Not that there's anything wrong with Habitat for Humanity. There's some compassion there too, but that deep core compassion is I don't have to change anything for you or about you. I love you and I'm here with you and all is well. We're gonna be okay.

In Joy (31:36.216)
That's nice.

Amelie Ananda (31:37.025)
Yeah, and you bring that, Neil. You bring that to so many. And sometimes compassion might even look rough, because some of the, of the, you're just bottom line. Like the most compassionate thing I can do for you right now is to tell you to look at your shadow, to look at your shit, to tell you to like turn and face what you fear right now. And that's compassion because she's accepting what is. Yeah. I bet you deal with a lot of

In Joy (31:43.21)

Amelie Ananda (32:07.257)
the energy of compassion in your different ceremonies. Yeah, I'm sure that comes up a lot.

In Joy (32:12.306)
Absolutely. it's holding that space and allowing them to experience what they experience and the music, the medicine music, guide, and it just brings you into a whole other frequency and just allow them to go through it and just say, you're doing so great. know, that's enlightened. You're doing great. You're doing great.

Amelie Ananda (32:37.483)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (32:41.398)
Yeah, just holding that, that, that compassionate container of love.

Amelie Ananda (32:45.156)

Amelie Ananda (32:49.312)
Such a beautiful, beautiful, and compassion is inclusive, right? Bringing it back to what you were saying, Neil, about inclusivity.

In Joy (32:54.634)

In Joy (32:59.884)
I love what you said though about not needing to change anything though, because honestly, there's this saying where if you help somebody where you are strong and they are weak, you help them not. And I noticed that in myself wanting to help others where they perceivably see themselves as weak. And so I changed it. I was like, you know what?

Nobody needs this. Nobody needs anything that I've created or nobody needs anything, you know? And on some level, all of us have chose exactly what we're experiencing right now. We all chose it. So really, perhaps the best thing I can do for everyone is see them as perfect, and complete in the choices that they're making right now, no matter what they are. And

That is enough.

Amelie Ananda (33:58.913)
Mm -hmm. I mean, that's the healer's way. The people that are out there saying, do healings, I can heal you, that's not healing. That's not healing. In fact, you might be able to play with the quantum field and the energetics and provide even a physical, physiological response in their body where a rash goes away. But guess what? It's going to manifest again in their body in some other way.

unless you've done what you're talking about, Neal, where you just meet them with love and compassion and everything's fine. We're going to love this rash. This rash or whatever it is, is a sign of your healing. It's a sign of your body doing what it needs to be done. This is not illness. This is not, we just love it. And I'm going to hold you in your highest frequency that I know that you also simultaneously are. And as I do that, it gives you permission to do that. And if you do that, you heal yourself.

In Joy (34:39.8)

Amelie Ananda (34:56.825)
I don't heal you. I can just hold that frequency to remind you and mirror back to you what it is you need to remember about yourself. And I used to do energy work and healings and stuff. I got to this point where I was like, nobody needs a healing. They need a remembering. And it shifted everything that I do. Because even in my coaching or mentoring calls,

In Joy (35:14.262)

Amelie Ananda (35:22.477)
I was reading the transcript of one point and I was like, if you took out everything the other person said, I shouldn't be paid anything because what I'm all I am doing is like asking questions that are open -ended that are mirrors, getting them to talk in ways about themselves or the problem or the thing that leads them to talking about it in a way that's truth and remembering who they are. They actually are.

as the powerful creator of their life. And I'm like, man, and that is healing. That is facilitating a deep remembering so that that person can then heal themselves. Cause any healing that's not done through the own person is not gonna be sustained. It's just not. Yeah. That's.

In Joy (36:09.472)
Exactly. Yes, you're just a guide. It's steering the energy to their own healing, to tap into their own resources, their own healing. They're like, you know, like spiritual practitioners. They're not looking at the person. They're looking at the God presence in you. I'm looking at the God presence in you when we're sharing.

Amelie Ananda (36:21.177)

Amelie Ananda (36:32.741)
That's why people get so addicted though to these like, you know, different healing events or coming to calls maybe with you Neil or the Patreon because there are people there choosing to see and hold the frequency of truth of who other people are, of who they are. And that is intoxicating, especially for somebody who's not really aware what's happening, right? But they step into that field and they're like, I don't, yes.

And it's just like, all of sudden their body starts resonating with yes, because it's truth, right? But if they don't have that awareness, they start attributing it to, it must be hoot. Every time I go to one of those things with hoot, like, I feel this way. And now they've taken the truth and the power and attribute it, not saying this happens hoot, but it probably does, not by your intention, it's just what happens. And so as like a leader, I think it's really beautiful and important to remind people like what you are experiencing here.

In Joy (37:12.035)

Amelie Ananda (37:29.975)
is the truth and fullness of who you are. And it's not me that's giving you that experience. And you can have this experience anywhere, anytime, any place. And just like unhooking people from like that, that leak. It's the same thing we do with Instagram where we like leak our power to Instagram. It's like, no, no, no, no. No, no, no.

In Joy (37:37.463)
Yes sir.

In Joy (37:52.128)
It's sad.

Amelie Ananda (37:53.465)
But it's an easy slippery slope and I would rather people be confused and get themselves into those situations where people are remembering and holding their truth for them. It's like the gateway drug to like remembering your truth for yourself. But I think it's a big shift for people is when they like take the guru off the pedestal. And it's nice to be around leaders like you guys that like recognize people might put me there but I will constantly step down from there in service to them remembering.

In Joy (38:06.157)

In Joy (38:23.96)
Anything on a pedestal, Instagram on a pedestal. I like this idea of universal basic income for this now to play with because I like the idea that everyone gets enough to live a life that they love and of dignity. I like this word dignity right now.

Amelie Ananda (38:25.657)
Yeah. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (38:43.653)

In Joy (38:44.722)
So, for me that includes the place that you live, it includes everything. And it also includes having free time to do what you choose to do. And I do think that if you just choose to have free time to do what you choose to do, that you will actually wake up in the world where your income needs and everything is met. As long as you're choosing also to feel how worthy you are.

Amelie Ananda (39:06.755)

In Joy (39:07.84)
And I'm not saying that we need anybody to pay us something outside of ourselves. We are the payers to ourselves, right? And in that sense, you are your government. And you just hired some people to do some administrative work inside of your government. So if you would like to hire those people to pay you money and receive it in that way, and I think the key is to...

It's your field that's giving it to you. So then to continue to give to others in the way that feels authentic to you, not just take it and necessarily just sit on the couch all the time. Just unless from the couch you're also giving to others somehow. You see what I'm saying? Like this give and take can be met without the need to go to a job. I believe that.

Amelie Ananda (39:52.185)
No, that is so true. That is so true.

In Joy (39:57.334)

Amelie Ananda (39:59.306)
Yeah, absolutely. I can't get behind jobs. It's okay if you have one. Some people it's their highest excitement. I get that, whatever. But like for me, I'm like the worst employee. yeah, I also like, just can't do the nine to five. can't, I don't want to. I can, I don't want to.

In Joy (40:08.941)

Totally. Yeah.

In Joy (40:25.644)

Amelie Ananda (40:25.837)
And when I do and I force myself into that matrix, that paradigm, I am of significantly less service. Like if I was like a psychotherapist and like billing insurance and doing all that, can you imagine all of the energy leaks I would have into doing what I have to do to be able to serve the people I want to serve instead of just showing up and saying, hey, if you want to talk to me, you can talk to me. I don't care if you pay me.

In Joy (40:51.864)

Amelie Ananda (40:52.397)
I got whatever, I'm abundant now it's coming, it's here, it's going. It allows me to actually have the impact I'm here to have because I don't put myself in that matrix. Otherwise I wouldn't have the same continuity and coherence in my life force because it would be leaking to all of these things that like.

I think in my lower brain are going to give me safety and abundance because now I have an abundance of patients because they're coming through the insurance model and then they're going to insurance is going to pay me. Okay, I get the model. But you're forgetting how much of your energy you're leaking in exchange for money coming to you through that model. Instead of just like owning that like, I don't need that. I don't have to be a job. I don't have to have my career look like that because that's how it looks. I just show up.

If I want to serve people like that, I just show up and hold space. It is like, keep it simple. Isn't there a podcast about that? It's just that simple. Like truly it is. We've way overcomplicated it. You want to serve?

In Joy (41:52.908)

In Joy (42:02.557)
Then people are like, yeah, but I want to buy groceries, you know, and if I don't go to the job that pays me, then how is the money going to show up for the groceries, Amelie?

Amelie Ananda (42:12.431)
you're gonna stop that story. That story is what is creating that story. Like, what if you just said instead that you don't? Like just allow yourself for one day, get into the child mindset, be imaginative, be creative. Remember when you were a kid and you would play and you were doing rocket ships and you were actually on a fucking rocket ship, man. And really, if you were objective adult, you're in a goddamn cardboard box.

In Joy (42:19.373)

In Joy (42:37.27)

In Joy (42:42.069)

Amelie Ananda (42:42.789)
As a kid, you were in the rocket ship and you had a whole adventure and a whole, so just let yourself play for just a moment with the idea that I can live in my highest bliss and not go to this job and I will still have a full stomach. Make that your rocket ship for the day. Like find a way to just play with that and then look for it.

What you look for you're gonna find. If you wanna tell me that you have to have a job or you're gonna go hungry, that is what you will find. It is true because you say so. And I understand it's hard to make that shift and believe it, but like start doing little experiments and then you'll start seeing little things. Turn those little things into big things. So when you stay home one day and you really practice this and then somebody like, I don't know, like you've...

In Joy (43:15.212)

Amelie Ananda (43:35.619)
You find your leftovers in the fridge from dinner two nights ago and you're like, I love that. I'm to have that. OK. It seems little and nuanced. Let's make a big deal about it. I'm so abundant in food. This is delicious. Thank you. I didn't have to do anything for this day. I didn't even have to cook it. I didn't have to buy it. And start rewiring that neural network so that that belief is no longer a cardboard box that you're getting into pretend and imagine, but our imagination is how we create.

Our imagination is what has been stolen from us as children in the school systems and the matrix that we live in. The reason there's an attack on our imagination is because it is how we create thoughts become things. our imagination is where limitlessness lies. So if you want limitlessness, you want to be able to create anything you want, including food, just by not even having a job.

In Joy (44:17.582)
That's our power.

Amelie Ananda (44:32.015)
for example, if that seems so outlandish, it is through the portal of your imagination that you're allowed and able to do that. so just start proving it to yourself with little things, little things.

In Joy (44:45.291)
There's a movie out, it's great advice, I love it. And there's a movie out right now called, that I went to see, which I don't usually go to see movies, it's called Harold and the Crayon. And me and Katha went to see it without my kid, my kid didn't wanna. Yeah, yeah, it was really good. And the idea is he draws things with his purple crayon and then they turn into reality. And he's like.

Amelie Ananda (44:59.097)
Was it so good? I haven't seen it yet.

Amelie Ananda (45:07.885)
It was my favorite book as a kid.

In Joy (45:10.362)
Cool, cool, cool. And he's so generous with it. Like he gives his creative to somebody else. He's like, you know, and, really that's what I see myself as doing. I'm generous with my imagination. I lend it to, creating things for everybody really is really what my highest excitement is. And, and so it's cool to just, you know,

Maybe the exact thing doesn't have to happen the exact way that we imagine it, you know, but living in the feeling of that rocket ship in the cardboard box thing, but living in the feeling that you're in the rocket ship. think that is the way, because I do believe that the way you feel will be reflected back to you as soon as today. And if you, if there's a quantum hack here for anybody, it's really get happy and stay happy and watch how good this day gets. Watch how good the rest of your life gets just by choosing to be happy no matter

And then there's always someone who comes on and is like, no, feel sad man when you're sad. Yeah, I'm with you. Feel what you feel. See what you see, feel what you feel, and let it be. And then get back to being happy, will ya?

Amelie Ananda (46:18.831)
Yeah. Well, it's electromagnetic. This entire universe is electromagnetic. So electro are thoughts, magnetic are feelings. So we've got to have both. And that's why imagination is so powerful because it employs both thoughts and in your imagination, you can't be there without feeling. Like you've got to have, like it's really a both and.

In Joy (46:24.428)

Amelie Ananda (46:43.257)
thing that you're playing in. so imagination is not just sitting and imagining yourself in the car, it is also feeling that feeling. And then, since we're on a physical plane, the next thing is action. So you have to act and take actions as if the thoughts and feelings you just experienced are real.

So like, I envision the car, I want this car, I feel it, what it's like, and then I go test drive it just for fun. And when we start doing those things, and we get wild and crazy, and then we start celebrating when we see the little things lining up, then we start believing more that, hey, this is working. Because what happens is we do this, but we do this with this subconscious thing of like, this isn't gonna fucking work. And so it doesn't.

In Joy (47:31.522)

Amelie Ananda (47:32.483)
And so you've got to start small with these tiny little things and start proving to yourself it does. And then like the scientists be like, let's get a little bigger. And then all of a sudden it's just a fucking mudslide of truth, abundance and who you really are as the ultimate creator. But it's okay if it starts small. Nobody, but nobody wants that. Everybody wants to put it in a microwave and have it now. And you can, but you've got to eradicate the belief that this doesn't work. That you have to have.

the job to have the food.

If you can't get rid of those types of beliefs, then you gotta start smaller.

In Joy (48:05.335)

Amelie Ananda (48:11.471)
There's a book I can... Yeah! Yeah.

In Joy (48:11.772)
Or play big. Play big because inside of the big you'll get the experience that will give you clarity quickly. You'll get the clarity. That's what I...

Amelie Ananda (48:20.902)
That's true. That's true. then I've, but that's me and you do that. And I guess I hesitate to encourage other people to do that because then they do something big and it doesn't work out and they're like, see, I told you so. Like, yeah, it's because you have this underlying belief that it's not going to work. So you've got to get yourself into the imaginative state of a young child in a cardboard box that's going to Mars. Who truly believes he's going to Mars. Like you.

In Joy (48:48.684)
Yeah. Well, I'm on Mars and I'm coming back to Earth because I like it. And I don't need Instagram on my journey.

Amelie Ananda (48:49.316)
You gotta get there.

Amelie Ananda (48:57.741)
No, you don't. don't. And knowing that you'll probably get where you were wanting to get thinking you needed Instagram, you'll probably get further, faster and farther by the belief that you don't need it. Yeah, you're there now.

In Joy (49:09.358)
I'm already there.

Amelie Ananda (49:14.671)
That's pretty awesome. my gosh.

In Joy (49:14.914)
What a gift. It freaks me. And it gives me my time back and my energy back and who knows what I'll use it for. That's the other thing. I'm unknowable.

Amelie Ananda (49:21.741)
It created abundance everywhere in your life. Wow. Time hacks, abundance hacks, just belief. Be imaginative, creative, feel worthy, love yourself.

In Joy (49:24.64)

In Joy (49:35.886)
I'll say this, I'll say this for people's benefit, I'm doing it with zero dollars in my pocket right now. I'm releasing the Instagram and I've got a build -in soon and I'm excited about it. I'm excited to watch it all shaboogie the froogie in my reality the way that it wants to with no judgment, not even needing it to honestly do anything.

Amelie Ananda (49:49.517)
Mm -hmm. Totally.

Amelie Ananda (49:55.621)
Yeah, it's addicting. I was telling somebody, think the reason, I think I said it on this podcast before, the reason I don't have $10 million in my physical bank here is because it's so fucking fun to see the universe provide in the moment. Like, well, I want that, but I don't have this. And then be like, well, I have it. And then to see it manifest. That whole drama, that whole dance is so magical.

In Joy (50:19.009)
Thank you.

Amelie Ananda (50:25.485)
that I'm like addicted to it. And I feel like if I had a big bank account, I would very easily attribute my, of this abundant like way the universe provides to me. like, it's because I have a trust fund or it's because I have this. And it's like, no, no, no, it's because I'm a co -creator with all that is. And yeah. And it's so fun to watch. I always lose my keys because I enjoy finding them. So like.

In Joy (50:44.886)
It's because of who you're being. Who you're being. You're being virtualized.

In Joy (50:52.76)

Amelie Ananda (50:54.905)
So I always give freely because I enjoy receding and I enjoy the magic of receding and not knowing where it's coming from. And, which, yeah.

In Joy (51:05.358)
I donated a bunch this week. Yeah, that's what I mean. Like what you're saying, you really completed the loop for me when you said this. said, first, what you just said, which was that the universe is electromagnetic, so your feelings actually are drawing your reality to you. I've known that to be true for some time.

And what you said was, you know how good it feels to give. You know how good it feels to give because you give a lot, right? Well, I do too. And so when you realize that when someone gives to you, that you're actually, even in your receiving, giving to them, that changes the polarity of your...

your situation because you're no longer in shame and guilt for anybody giving anything to you. You're actually just in appreciation that you have what you have when you need it. And so this other way of living, and I believe this is the new financial system, it's not about needing commas and millions and thousands in the bank in order to be your best self now. And it doesn't mean that you still can't have commas and millions in the bank.

Amelie Ananda (52:13.145)
Right, totally.

In Joy (52:14.766)
is simply saying that perhaps when you have zero and you feel great anyway and you be who you are anyway, you're actually matching the frequency of the version of you who has 10 million who is being free and be themselves anyway. It's the actually, you're actually matching the exact same version of you who has everything by having nothing yet still everything. Something like that. It's some kind of paradox.

Amelie Ananda (52:39.312)
Yeah. And 10 million would be such scarcity to be honest. you want to know, like we have limitless resources. So like having 10 million in the bank would confuse me to think that like, I only have this much. Yeah. I know. Yeah. I was.

In Joy (52:44.674)

In Joy (52:55.362)
I'd probably spend it.

Amelie Ananda (53:04.529)
The paradox of the new world that I think is, know, altruism is like the giving with the expecting of like nothing in return. It's just like pure philanthropy, altruism. But like in the new world, there's no such thing because of what you just said, Neil. Like we understand that like when we receive, we are giving the gift of that person being able to give. And so like there's mutual celebration and reception of giving because

so excited to give. feels so good. I'm so excited to receive. Like there is no like, I give and I'm so selfless. Like everything I do is of service to me and to you. And that's beautiful. Beautiful.

In Joy (53:46.098)
And the one other point to complete the circuit for people is because we're all one, our ancient religions, Eastern religions have been telling us this for thousands of years. The thoughts you put out come back. What you put out through action, it does come back to you. It has to. And so when you give unconditionally, not making money, the middleman in between you and the services and the things that you provide,

Amelie Ananda (54:02.095)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (54:10.476)
You receive unconditionally too. Because your hologram, your quantum field is you. So when you put a condition in the field, the condition also comes back to you. But when you just give unconditionally, you make a choice and you stick with it, the reality will reflect back to you, you. It will agree with you. I know this to be true because I've just done it so much now. Who's choosing to go to the bathroom?

Amelie Ananda (54:40.165)
Puchas asked to travel to another realm to relieve himself. So I want to give a resource that I find really, really cool. I don't get any kickbacks, although if anyone wants to give me a kickback for promoting your book, you can, Pam Groot, but it's a New York Times bestseller and it's called E cubed. Well, actually there's E squared and then there's E cubed. And it's just a big letter E with like a two up at the top.

And it's nine do it yourself energy experiments that prove your thoughts create your reality. And the like very easy, like little tiny energy experiments in this book are things you can do in your day that then start proving to yourself and all of your doubting parts that this is true and you start seeing it. And that is how we use neuroplasticity to rewire our brain is we've got to start.

creating new experiences and seeing new things. And she's got two different books and it's super easy stuff and it's super fun. And so if this seems totally out there to you guys, that might be a resource that you could use to like actually practically practice these things and prove to yourself and all of your doubting parts that this ish works. So yeah, it's a cool book.

In Joy (56:01.591)
It's really the hottest thing you can imagine. It's an internet sensation to really understand that your quantum field is you and the beliefs that you're running is what's giving you the experience that you're having plus how you're feeling. And if you change the beliefs that you're running, which also could be changing your identity, if you change who you see yourself as, then you change...

all the beliefs that go along with you and you have a new experience.

In Joy (56:33.046)
It's confirmation from your dog.

Amelie Ananda (56:34.957)
Yes, yes, the spirit animals agree. I don't even know whose dog that is, to be honest. There's no, my dog's not barking. So there might, I there must be a dog at my door or there really is a spirit animal. me look. Spirit, spirit, are you there? That's so weird. There must be a dog at my door. But yes, yes. And the audience all agrees. That is so weird.

In Joy (56:39.436)
Yeah, that's just...

In Joy (56:49.932)

In Joy (56:53.72)

In Joy (57:02.71)
It's alright, let's stop the recording and thank everyone.

Amelie Ananda (57:04.823)
Yeah. Hey, thank you all for coming. We're gonna go hunting for a spirit dog now. Hoot, I can't wait to see you in Unison. Yeah, there's a dog outside. I can't wait to see you at Unison in Colorado. Love you guys and we will play again next week.

In Joy (57:07.671)
Thank you, thank you.


In Joy (57:21.302)
Yeah! So excited!

Thanks for

Amelie Ananda (57:27.908)

People on this episode