It's just that Simple!

The Empowerment of Your Choice

August 15, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 14

The conversation begins with a playful discussion about breathwork and the excitement of giving away a ticket to an event. The hosts then explore the topics of desire, choice, and responsibility. They discuss how desires can be rooted in lack or choice, and how feelings can be cultivated within oneself. They also talk about the power of making choices based on what brings joy and how responsibility can be redefined as the ability to respond to life. The conversation concludes with a discussion on honoring and respecting others' choices. The conversation explores the power of choice and the importance of being present in the now moment. It emphasizes the idea that who we are choosing to be right now shapes our reality and determines our experiences. The hosts discuss the concept of abundance and how it is not just about material possessions, but also about appreciating and being grateful for what we already have. They encourage listeners to shift their perspective and focus on the blessings in their lives. The conversation concludes with an invitation to embrace one day of gratitude and appreciation for everything we have.


  • Desires can be rooted in lack or choice, and it's important to align them with a feeling or frequency.
  • Feelings can be cultivated within oneself, independent of external circumstances.
  • Making choices based on joy and following one's desires can lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.
  • Responsibility can be redefined as the ability to respond to life, rather than a burden or obligation.
  • Honoring and respecting others' choices is an important aspect of living in a dimension of free choice. Our choices in the present moment shape our reality and determine our experiences.
  • Abundance is not just about material possessions, but also about appreciating and being grateful for what we already have.
  • Shifting our perspective and focusing on the blessings in our lives can bring about a sense of abundance.
  • Practicing gratitude and appreciation for everything we have can transform our experiences and bring more joy into our lives.

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Amelie Ananda (00:04.263)
Yeah, there it goes, okay.

In Joy (00:09.87)
It's a lot of air.

Amelie Ananda (00:10.896)
Funny way to start anything. A little breath work.

Amelie Ananda (00:17.574)
Man, how are you doing?

In Joy (00:20.066)
Well, I'm full of my soul now, I think. That's what breathwork does. yeah, I'm here. Wow, where am I? Whoa, wait a second. What is this thing?

Amelie Ananda (00:23.204)
Yeah? Did it land? Your soul landed?

Amelie Ananda (00:32.124)
How am I not myself? You're in this dimension too? What are we doing here? What are we doing here? I know what we were doing. What we were doing was giving away that amazing ticket to Unison. What we're going to be doing is going to Unison, but here now. Yay, Stacey.

In Joy (00:38.254)

In Joy (00:51.308)
Yay for Stacey, Stacey who got the ticket, right? We can say her name, Stacey. You won, she knows she won. So she gets the ticket. Which is super exciting. So synchronized because she's bringing somebody who's going to enjoy being with your somebody. Right.

Amelie Ananda (00:59.376)
Yeah, very cool.

Amelie Ananda (01:09.7)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The whole thing was synchronized because for those of you that didn't see the live, like we spun a wheel and the first person to win, well it almost landed on her and then it landed on another person. And then I said, okay, I'm going to do it again just for a runner up. And it landed on her, Stacey. I'm like, that's crazy. And then the first person, well then Stacey was like,

In Joy (01:14.103)

In Joy (01:19.128)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (01:39.042)
messaging us like I really think I'm going to win. think I think I mean, look, it almost landed on me. And then the other person the dates didn't align, he can't go. And she got the tickets. And I thought it was such a beautiful story of like what it looks like to hold the frequency. Like it looked like she hadn't won. And that woman stayed in her gratitude stayed in her knowing and was just grateful to even have the opportunity. And boom.

In Joy (01:43.096)

In Joy (01:54.732)

Amelie Ananda (02:08.774)
There it was delivered to her and then come to find out I guess she's won. She's been like a raffle winner, like a serial raffle winner since she was five and she listed off in the email like all these different things that she's won in her life. And she's like, this is nuts. So it's pretty, it's pretty beautiful story actually. was blessed to witness. Yeah, yeah, it made me really think about.

In Joy (02:20.963)

In Joy (02:25.943)

In Joy (02:29.769)
that's cool.

Amelie Ananda (02:38.82)
winning some raffles.

In Joy (02:42.039)
things. Well we won, we're here, we made it.

Amelie Ananda (02:46.426)
I know, I know, very true, very, very true. Well, where do we wanna go today on our adventure? The adventures of Neil and Amelie.

In Joy (02:58.242)
Well, I just keep going on the adventure of choice. You make a choice, you trust the choice, you take action from the choice, and then your reality rearranges yourself around the choice. And it works. I'm here as proof that it works. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (03:02.555)

Amelie Ananda (03:17.262)
It does work. I wrestled with, choice came into my week as I was wrestling in a very fun, playful way with desire and recognizing that like the things that we desire, I think in the spiritual community, like, you know, there's this, this group of people are like, desire, nothing like, right. You're supposed to transcend your desires, but they, which, okay, teach their own, we're all learning our own stuff, but I'm like, man, there's so many things that I desire.

In Joy (03:26.435)

In Joy (03:37.529)
-huh. Yeah.

In Joy (03:47.074)

Amelie Ananda (03:48.198)
But it doesn't feel right. It does feel a little off because I have everything. When you have actually tasted, even just tasted, unity consciousness, just that drop. You're like, my gosh, I am all that I am. I have all that I need now. Everything I could desire, I have now. And I just tune to the frequency and boom, there it is physically.

In Joy (04:08.373)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (04:18.018)
When you then it's like well then what is the function of desire at all? Like why do it so this is this thing I'm wrestling with and I'm like my gosh in the old world desire was like rooted in lack. I desire this because I don't have it but now that I have it now that I recognize that this is the new world higher frequency I'm one with all I have all tune to the frequency there it is. My desire is rooted in choice.

In Joy (04:44.792)

Amelie Ananda (04:45.776)
Because like, don't, it's not like, I lack this so I desire it. It's I have it all and now I choose this. I have it all and now I choose that. And I was like, whoa, that's like, seems subtle, seems nuanced, but like that shift for me this week has been profound. It has liberated me into such a playful place with my desires and such an empowered place. Cause desire was so stuck with lack.

In Joy (04:53.53)

In Joy (05:09.302)

Amelie Ananda (05:15.46)
And now my desires are rooted in abundance and choice. What do think about that? That little shift. Yeah.

In Joy (05:17.549)

In Joy (05:22.68)
I think it's beautiful. Yeah. Another way, if you can't get to the place where you believe that you already have everything, then a sort of a step in that direction is what would you do if money wasn't an object for you? Like if you had, if you can imagine that you didn't need any more money, what would you just do anyway? Like what would you show up and do if you just because you wanted to do that? And then, so I just,

So I made that choice. Like I'm going to do what I just want to do regardless of money. Then I trusted it. And then I just sent out an email to my email list to say community to say, I'm going to do a course this Friday and Monday and the curriculum is me and who wants to show up. You have to join through the Patreon cause I'm I deleted Instagram and tick tock off my phone for this now. And

Amelie Ananda (06:09.18)
I love it.

In Joy (06:18.314)
So the only way to communicate with me is through my patreon and so you either got there or you didn't but if you're there And you got my email or you want to put the pot and I made a post in the community too you want to come to the course? Friday and Monday two different times I'm gonna just do a three -week course where I'm the curriculum and we'll sort out the curriculum as we go because it'll be based on what people's questions are that show up and and I'm not recording it for anything if you want to record a course I've got those

Amelie Ananda (06:42.064)

In Joy (06:46.658)
But this is just for people who want to show up for themselves.

Amelie Ananda (06:46.865)

That's awesome. That's a hell of a choice. Heck of a choice. A heaven of a choice. A beautiful choice. And I'm sure that the constellation of people that are all choosing to be there is going to be so magical. You have such a brilliant, bright tribe that gets magnetized to you, that asks amazing questions and have so much fun. that, that is a series of good choices, my friend. For sure.

In Joy (07:10.284)
Yeah, it'll be fun.

Amelie Ananda (07:19.89)
For sure.

In Joy (07:20.674)
And then for anyone who's got a question in their mind, well, how will like the practical things in life get taken care of? I'm just choosing to give that to God or all that is. If you don't like God, all that is, I'm just giving that practical stuff to all that is. And I'm just going to do what I want to do. See, just see what happens. It always works out wonderful.

Amelie Ananda (07:47.45)
Yeah, think some people really struggle with like, what do I want? I think it's like a, it's a hard, like when they get really down to it, they're like, I don't, I actually don't know. Like if I could have anything in the world, what would I want? And they say this, the peripheral is stuff, but then when they get to the corvette.

In Joy (07:56.867)

Amelie Ananda (08:10.482)
The reason they don't have it is because like they can't name it and sometimes it's a little slippery or elusive because we especially as we get older we realize like Well, it's not the car that I want. I've got the car It's not that vacation I went on a vacation and then I got home so it's usually like Realigning yourself to like what if there's an object great, but ask yourself what you what you want to feel

In Joy (08:14.605)

In Joy (08:23.126)

Amelie Ananda (08:38.054)
How do you wanna feel on the other side of having that? How do you think it's gonna make you feel? And any of those, what was that? say it again. So when it's difficult to pin down the physical thing that you want, ask yourself how you wanna feel. And even if you know, I want this car, I want this vacation.

In Joy (08:42.85)
You froze for a second. Say it one more time for me. What is it that people want you Yeah, say it again.

Amelie Ananda (09:03.512)
As we get older, we realize, actually, you know, having the car was cool for a day, but like that faded. It's not the car that I want. What is it that I want? And you start refining your desires. And what happens is they become a little less physical and it becomes more of a feeling and a frequency. And when you can tune into that, when you're like, I wanted the car because I wanted freedom to travel.

In Joy (09:22.414)
Mm. Yeah. Mm -hmm.

In Joy (09:31.192)
Yeah. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (09:32.122)
I wanted safety, wanted predictability, I wanted to know if I was gonna break down, wanted a warranty, whatever, Right, wanted fast, wanted to feel useful, wanted nostalgia, wanted whatever the feeling is. Here's the cool thing about our feelings is that we cultivate them within. I don't care who's sitting in front of you, like you can eye gaze with somebody and you can say, think about the person you love.

In Joy (09:37.634)
Fast. Loud. Lots of grip.

Amelie Ananda (09:59.184)
You're gonna be cultivating love. You can sit in a room and think about someone you don't like and you're gonna cultivate a lower frequency feeling. Your feelings are all happening within you so you don't need the physical thing to feel the thing.

In Joy (10:14.497)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (10:15.814)
You don't. Stacey proved it. She didn't need the physical tickets to feel grateful for the physical tickets. And that gratitude and that frequency and tuning into that and choosing that brought her the tickets. So instead of just like, if you get stuck going, I don't know what I want because everything I want at the other side of having it, it's like, what was the feeling you were hoping to feel and then feel that now?

In Joy (10:17.122)

In Joy (10:31.522)

In Joy (10:40.899)

In Joy (10:46.147)

Amelie Ananda (10:46.65)
Yeah, but I think some people like to pretend like, my feelings are dependent on others because if I can choose to feel love, if I could choose to feel happiness and bliss, and it's not because so -and -so's in the room, that means that my anger, disappointment, fear, shame isn't because so -and -so's in the room either. And so it's a level of like accountability and responsibility that some people just...

In Joy (11:09.228)

Amelie Ananda (11:15.1)
Don't want to play in yet and that's fine, but.

In Joy (11:16.952)
The ability to respond to who doesn't want that I want the ability to respond to everything

Amelie Ananda (11:21.476)
Right? I don't know, maybe the non -player characters that we talked about last week.

In Joy (11:27.704)
I just think it's your definition, like responsibility. When I had a company and employees and clients and was managing their money, I felt the responsibility on my shoulders, you know? And so then I wanted to like escape through big pharma or something like that to make the responsibility less. But now I don't, I don't define it as being something heavy that I have to carry because I don't believe that it it's all me. I just believe that it's all the intelligence at work. So I'm not the one playing my employees.

Amelie Ananda (11:43.452)
Thank you.

In Joy (11:56.814)
bills or paying, it's just being done. You know, if I get to be a cooperative component, then great. But so responsibility is the ability to respond to. want that for everything.

Amelie Ananda (12:07.26)
Right. It's the same thing. It's just unhooking it from old world definitions so that it's not in that frequency. Like same with desire. If I unhook it from desire is coming from lack, now where's desire coming from? Changes the game. Same with responsibility. If it's coming from a place of like obligation and burden and beholdenness, yuck. But when responsibility comes from a place of like, like really gratitude.

In Joy (12:08.876)
I to be able to respond to it.


In Joy (12:18.392)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

In Joy (12:28.14)
Yeah, exactly.

In Joy (12:34.592)

Amelie Ananda (12:37.22)
I am grateful for all that I have and all that is happening around me and I want to respond to all that is around me. That's much different than, I have to.

In Joy (12:41.41)
Yeah. Yes. And now all of a sudden, all of a sudden, now you want to vote wherever you are in the world, whatever's going on. You're like, I have the ability to respond to this within this thing that I can do. Okay. I'm going to go contribute my energy, not making one bad or one right. Just, just take exercising my free choice.

Amelie Ananda (13:06.212)
Yeah, that is a big part of the game down here on planet Earth. We came here for the choice.

In Joy (13:10.402)

In Joy (13:14.306)
Or you could be like, no, I don't agree with any of that. I'm going to go over here. which is a choice, which is then invalidating the reality you've created around you that you chose and making creation wrong. Creation doesn't like it when you make it wrong. would much rather you say, OK, all of this is perfect as it is. I'm choosing my choice and then go do what you want to do.

Amelie Ananda (13:17.904)
which is a choice.

Amelie Ananda (13:39.908)
Yeah. What do you do? How do you respond to other people's choices?

In Joy (13:47.566)
I smile at him.

Amelie Ananda (13:50.63)
Well, it's an interesting question. It's loaded because like it's not just like.

In Joy (13:53.517)

In Joy (13:58.167)
I agree with them.

Amelie Ananda (13:58.33)
Some people's choices might elicit for some people some frustration or like, why would you choose that or like questions or triggers. And then other people see people make choices and it just is what it is. And you smile and you're like, whatever, that's their choice. And they can be free from thinking they're responsible for others' choices. And then what about the, my gosh, the world's my mirror.

There I go again making that choice because I am you and you are me and having some level of like really profound compassion for the other choice.

In Joy (14:37.1)
Yeah, I like that. And I think interwoven in here, what you were saying is so respect for other people's choices. Our choice wouldn't exist without everybody else having their choice. So in that sense, that's why I smile at it, because I want everyone to have their free choice. And this is the dimension of free choice. And then, yeah, that deeper compassion.

I think there's still a smile to that,

In Joy (15:12.27)
smile, compassion, appreciation, honoring others' choices.

Amelie Ananda (15:20.422)

In Joy (15:21.474)
Can you honor their choice?

Amelie Ananda (15:23.76)
Yeah, I mean, I think it's like just watching, you know, for example, I have a brother who's like super down a path of a lot of substances and makes some interesting choices. And there was a time where I had a lot of judgment about it, loved him without condition, but there was still judgment. Like I wish he wouldn't do that. He shouldn't, I love him to pieces and.

In Joy (15:39.2)

Amelie Ananda (15:51.716)
And now as I'm just at this place where I realized like he is me having a different experience and he is here to learn the lessons of his choices and they are perfect for that journey. And thank you, bless you for I hear learning these choices and the consequences and of my choices over here. And I don't.

the greater I am wants all of that. And wow, thanks for showing up and going down that road to expand consciousness in that way. And it's really just like this gratitude and like deep empathy for the perceived suffering of another at the expense of their choices that maybe I used to judge that now I'm like, wow, those are sacred.

In Joy (16:30.359)

In Joy (16:42.923)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (16:51.514)
choices that you were making that on this plane seem questionable, but with this higher perspective, I have just love and appreciation for you being willing to go through that portal and learn those lessons and expand consciousness in that way. Thank you. Does that make sense?

In Joy (17:12.566)
Yeah, it makes sense. You know, I think there can be an illusion because we, from linear reality, we see things as linear. Like we went to first grade and second grade and got a trophy, went to the next school, that kind of thing. then really though, creation is all now. So I think sometimes we confuse, you make a choice and then it has a consequence. Right?

Amelie Ananda (17:25.326)

Amelie Ananda (17:41.296)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (17:42.626)
Well, that's true, right? From one perspective, the linear, you know, you did something and then it has a consequence. But actually what I'm referring to as choice is who are you now? Not what the story of you is, not how you got here today. You know, what color your shirt is, your skin is, or anything like that. Like who are you choosing to be right now? And then that rearranges reality around you based on who you're choosing to be right now.

Amelie Ananda (18:04.199)
Mm -hmm.

And it can be qualitatively different than who you were two seconds ago without. Yeah.

In Joy (18:12.92)
That's the kind of choice I'm talking about.

Amelie Ananda (18:17.83)
That's powerful choice.

In Joy (18:18.03)
I don't think that's the one we learned about, but that's the one that your past, you're not a result of your past. Today is not a result of your past. You might say that your past informed you now, but who you're being now, it changes your probable futures and it changes your probable pasts too.

Amelie Ananda (18:45.959)

The zero point of now changes everything forward and backwards. And so that choice of who you want to be right now is what matters, which then can give us all grace for one another. Because I might be frustrated with who you were, but that's not who you are now. So who are you now? Who are you choosing to be now? And meeting everybody anew in each now moment. Yeah.

In Joy (18:51.714)

In Joy (18:55.234)
So I'm


In Joy (19:11.907)

Yes, exactly. Beautiful.

Amelie Ananda (19:16.954)
And yourself, meeting yourself new in each now moment. Giving yourself that grace, giving yourself that, yeah, but who am I now? Yeah. that's, hmm.

In Joy (19:23.608)
Yes. The power of choice. It's so freeing. It's so freeing. Yes. Yes. And

Amelie Ananda (19:32.538)
Yeah, I don't remember that in the curriculum in my public schools, but maybe I was sleeping. I don't know. Not that there's anything wrong with public schools. There's really not. I caught myself getting on this like, what, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. just, as I'm making this choice for Xavier, I found myself being like, justifying the choice to.

In Joy (19:47.756)
Beauty in there too.

Amelie Ananda (19:58.746)
to bring him into homeschool or unschooling or whatever you want to call it. And I would justify that by saying public school, private school, school as an institution is, and then this negative shit, all this judgment. I'm like, you know what? I can actually choose to homeschool my child just because that's what feels good. Like even if the public school was the perfect system.

In Joy (20:18.488)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (20:24.314)
I still might want to choose to cultivate my own resilience and patience and rapport with my son and spend the time with him to homeschool. It doesn't have to be because I'm running from something and I don't have to vilify something else to justify my choice. And that was freeing. And honestly, the second that I did that I had, the field responded. There was a couple moms in general that like reached out to me.

In Joy (20:42.339)

Amelie Ananda (20:51.846)
that are friends of mine that are like, hey, I want to talk to you about this homeschool thing you're doing. Like, how did you make that choice? And it's because I dropped the judgment and they felt it. Like they're like, well now I can be curious. It's safe to be curious. And I didn't post about dropping the judgment. This is the first time I'm talking about it, but like that shift in me to allow other people's choices to be okay and allow my choice to just because it's my highest desire, not because it's me running from something shifted the whole field.

In Joy (20:57.281)

In Joy (21:21.218)
Yeah. That's it.

Amelie Ananda (21:22.873)
So it's not just choice, but it's like, where are you putting it? Where is your choice coming from? What kind of a choice?

In Joy (21:28.046)
That's it. So, so if we take an example, let's say somebody doesn't have enough money for something, right? So they accept that as a truth. Number one, that's a choice. Then they move into action out of the space of, need to get more. Right. So then you may create the money for the thing that you want. Right. But because you were taking action from the place of lack,

Even in the having of that thing, you'll still be feeling lack somewhere inside of you and you can get all the way to you have millions and millions of dollars and lots of different things and Still have a feeling of lack inside of you and it'll shift now for money to like your spouse your partner your kids or your You know still just shift around. It'll still be in your field Yeah, yeah, yeah health whatever it is. You'll have lack of something But you won't get why but it's because you were always in the state of being of lack even when you were getting

Amelie Ananda (22:16.643)

In Joy (22:27.65)
the things versus the choice to accept that you have, can't be any more abundant than you already are right now. You already have all the abundance and you can choose to define abundance. Go ahead.

Amelie Ananda (22:37.82)
Yeah, it's like.

I was just gonna say it's like desiring food. You're hungry and you're desiring food and you look around and you're like in the streets and there's no food versus creating the truth and stepping into the truth that like not I'm hungry and I'm desiring food and I'm at an all you can eat five star buffet. You still have the same desire. I'm hungry and I want food.

In Joy (22:59.212)
Yeah, you're on your way to the restaurant exactly.

Amelie Ananda (23:05.062)
but your perspective about what's around you and what's true is different. And so your desire is gonna be, and your action is gonna be rooted differently. So when you can actually see your abundance and what's around you, then that same desire is going to be of a different frequency and your actions are gonna be wildly different and the universe is gonna respond in kind.

In Joy (23:31.308)
wildly different Yeah So so another way would be I've got to get this company up and running or this business or need to make this money for this Experience I want to have right and so you go into action around that Versus the version of you that's also living right now Who's hanging out on the couch today? I'm sitting on a couch right now who's hanging out on the couch today, you know doing what?

Amelie Ananda (23:31.568)
Life's a banquet. Life's a banquet.

Amelie Ananda (23:58.674)

In Joy (23:59.724)
What he or she wants to do showing up in the world the way they want to show up in the world not doing the things that they don't want to do. Wait a second. Aren't I supposed to grind and aren't I supposed to hustle and aren't I supposed to push past the pain and do all the things that I don't want to do? So one day it'll get better. No, no, that is the lie. You'll find successful people that'll tell you that you need to sacrifice and cause that's what they believe they had to do to give themselves permission to sit on the couch.

Amelie Ananda (24:29.062)

In Joy (24:30.136)
But it's just their belief system and you can have the belief system that you can do what you want and things will find you when they're meant to find you. And if you don't have something then you guess what? You don't need it right now. That's how I look at

Amelie Ananda (24:41.156)
Yeah. Well, and if you don't physically have something, there might be something greater that it is that you're wanting that the absence of it allows you to have, right? So like, want, I don't know, let's say I wanna be in Tahiti. Well, me not being in Tahiti right now.

may be part of the universe lining me up to meet the man of my dreams who owns an island in Tahiti. Like, I don't know, but like, we never know what's really lining up. Like, we have more than one desire, and as we're tuning to those frequencies, we need to like, we can, if we choose to just like, relax.

In Joy (25:13.634)

Amelie Ananda (25:27.514)
And just appreciate what is showing up right now and trust that what is showing up right now is also not only delivering you what you've already set you desire, but it's also part of the divine orchestration lining every other desire you didn't even know you had up for you. Like it's the most beautiful dance. It makes the synchronicities that we can see and acknowledge seem silly.

In Joy (25:27.886)

In Joy (25:49.848)

Amelie Ananda (25:54.842)
Because the weave that is taking place in this now moment is just, yeah, it's just mind blowing. Just mind blowing.

In Joy (26:02.04)
I like that, the weave.

And it could be you want to be in Tahiti, but it could also be like you want to pay your internet bill, right? And then you don't have internet and right or and now you have a

Amelie Ananda (26:13.563)

Amelie Ananda (26:17.2)
But then you don't have internet and now you're playing a board game with your kid and you find out this cool thing about your kid.

In Joy (26:21.142)
Exactly. Right. Yeah. Your pace of life slows down and you find more peace. Or yeah, you hang out with a kid more. Could be something beautiful inside of that thing that you're like, no, I like to have it this way. But

Amelie Ananda (26:31.814)
So then the game is, the inner child wants you to play a game about it. The game is always start asking, how is this working out for me? Like when you feel like, but I wanted to manifest blah, okay, that's coming. But how is this working out for me right now? What's the perspective I could hold about what is right now that proves this is all working out for me?

In Joy (26:40.887)

In Joy (26:48.812)

In Joy (26:58.444)

Amelie Ananda (26:59.236)
And start looking, it's a treasure hunt. Find the treasure in the moment now by asking the right question. If you ask why don't I have it yet, that's not a very empowering question. What evidence do I have in this now moment that it's coming to me?

That's way more empowering.

In Joy (27:17.42)
Yeah, and what do you have right now? And I'm like, yes, so much. Yes.

Amelie Ananda (27:21.904)
Right. What else have I asked for in my life that I have now? Like we are living the lives we live now are often many times answered prayers to our previous self if you want to be linear. And yet we like just glaze over that. We don't even recognize like, my gosh, yeah, five years ago I didn't have a home. Five years ago, was like, whatever it is, right?

In Joy (27:32.278)
I agree. Yeah.

In Joy (27:41.41)

Amelie Ananda (27:50.554)
And yet now we're here just wanting more and desiring more and being like, I don't have what I'm manifesting and this is crock. Okay. What were you asking for five years ago? And take a look around and see how much of that has showed up.

In Joy (27:59.096)
or the subtle things. Yeah, even the subtle things like maybe you were a busy person who worked a job where you're busy and now and you wanted always wanted to have time to read your books or I mean, I for a long time, affirmed that time was wealth. And I have a lot of free time I choose to have time to enjoy. And I also have I choose to have plenty for me and plenty to share. And with those two choices.

Amelie Ananda (28:07.548)
subtle things.

In Joy (28:26.658)
I really live in the end results of a life that I love, which is another choice that I make. choose to live in end results of a life. But it works, you guys. If you just make these choices for yourselves, your whole world will transform around you to support you. That's the thing. You're infinitely supported here. So if you believe that you can't or that you need to do something to get something to happen, then you're right. You'll be supported in that. If you just believe that the stuff that's meant for you will fall in your lap, you'll just trip over it.

You just be you, your job here is to be you as unapologetically as possible. Then we're to have a world full of everyone doing a course called me. Starting on Friday.

Amelie Ananda (29:06.688)
That is that is kind of like what we came to earth for I Was gonna say yeah, it's just a matter of like what are you like? What are you looking for? Like Neil you don't you don't go through your day looking for evidence That you're not abundant and if you did You would find it

In Joy (29:26.318)
I get thankful when I find 30 cents. found 30 cents yesterday.

Amelie Ananda (29:28.89)
Right? like, but like when you look when you just choose like wake up in the morning and be like, all right, I spent a lot of my day talking about what I don't have what I want from a place of lack. If you can just for one day, just as an experiment, we'll close with this but like just as an experiment tomorrow morning, wake up, take some deep breaths and say today, I am going to look for all that I have.

and I'm gonna acknowledge it and I'm be grateful for this piece of paper I wrote my list on and these headphones I got and my gosh, thank you. I love this desk and to really just see all of the things that you have. I have friends, I have my health, I have a brain that works, my eyes, my gosh, these tiny little eyelashes. Everything that you have and be silly about it. And then you'll notice like,

when a thought comes in that's like, I don't have, laugh at that. like, all right, maybe I don't have that Porsche, but I do have this Toyota Tracell. I do have this bike. I do have these legs that work that can pedal this bike. I do have the sunshine. It's not snowing today. I do have the breath in my lungs. do have, and like literally like allow the thought of what you don't have and just kind of laugh at it and like just make the game.

tomorrow all about acknowledging and bringing your present awareness to everything you have and be grateful for what you have. I dare you. I dare you. One solid day of that. Yeah.

In Joy (31:08.078)

In Joy (31:11.512)
And if you fall off the wagon, just take a nap and wake up and start all over again.

Amelie Ananda (31:12.475)
I'll be done.

Amelie Ananda (31:16.432)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. If you fall off the wagon and you find yourself down the train of like what you don't have, give it a giggle. It's okay. It's just a program. Laugh it off and just start a rampage. Isn't that what, who calls it a rampage? Esther Hicks, go on a rampage. But all the things that you have and that you're grateful for and not just physical things, all of the blessings you have in your life shifts.

In Joy (31:33.558)
Abraham. Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (31:42.604)
Yeah. Just acknowledging all of the non -physical energy that's already moved into form for you to create the now that you have and stopping to need things to change into any new way. Just being thankful for everything, the state of everything now.

Amelie Ananda (31:46.179)

Amelie Ananda (32:03.558)

In Joy (32:05.25)
And then what might you do? You might get inspired, like when you're just sitting here in the peacefulness of not needing anything to change. That's when sort of God talks through you. Like you'll get in your quietness, you'll get an inspiration to do something. And you follow that inspiration, take it as far as you can, no insistence on the outcome. And that's the journey that your soul came here to experience. And take that journey for a while and

Nothing else will compare ever again.

Amelie Ananda (32:38.448)
Yeah. I just heard that song. Nothing compares to you. we love you guys so much. Thank you for choosing to be here. Thank you for choosing to co -create this vibe and this energy and this portal of truth. Neil, thank you for choosing to be you.

In Joy (32:43.746)
Yeah. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (33:03.185)

In Joy (33:04.504)
your mind. My passion and my highest excitement. And you too. Thank you guys.

Amelie Ananda (33:06.398)
Yeah. All right. Well, we will see you all next week. And if you didn't win, if you're not Stacy, you didn't win tickets to unison, you can still call in a win where you can buy the tickets and call in abundance some other way. We would love to see you there. If you're going to show up, send us a message. We'd love to connect in real life and give our soul family a hug.

In Joy (33:18.274)

In Joy (33:22.541)

In Joy (33:30.456)
should buggy

Amelie Ananda (33:31.502)
Shabuggy wuggy wuggy wuggy wuggy wuggy wuggy.

Amelie Ananda (33:37.67)
Here we go.

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