It's just that Simple!

Tapping into Your True Power

August 07, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 13

The conversation explores themes of self-awareness, abundance mindset, and the nature of reality. It delves into the concept of being in the present moment and going inward to tap into one's true power. The discussion also touches on the idea of a loving simulation and the importance of choosing beliefs and perspectives that serve us. The conversation emphasizes the need to embrace both the limitations and the limitless possibilities of life and make conscious choices from a place of empowerment. In this conversation, Amelie Ananda and In Joy discuss the power of awareness, choice, and non-judgment in navigating life's challenges. They emphasize the importance of observing the polarity in action without judgment and choosing a higher frequency. They explore the concept of surrender and expectation, highlighting the need to surrender to the flow of life while maintaining an expectation that things will work out. They also touch on the topics of manifesting, abundance, and the role of dopamine and oxytocin in our lives. The conversation concludes with an announcement of a giveaway for two tickets to an epic event at Unison.


  • Embrace the present moment and go inward to tap into your true power.
  • Choose beliefs and perspectives that serve you and align with abundance.
  • Recognize that life is a loving simulation that wants to support you.
  • See both the limitations and the limitless possibilities and make conscious choices from a place of empowerment. Awareness is the biggest act of love we can give ourselves and others.
  • Observing the polarity in action without judgment allows us to make choices aligned with a higher frequency.
  • Surrendering to the flow of life while maintaining an expectation that things will work out is a powerful mindset.
  • Manifesting and creating our reality requires a balance of surrender and expectation.
  • Cultivating abundance involves increasing oxytocin and reducing dopamine addiction.
  • The giveaway for two tickets to an epic event at Unison is open to those who email a screenshot showing they are followers of the podcast. (Send email to TheTeam@ Enter by 8/7/24

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In Joy (00:01.978)
I think Mercury's been retrograding over your life for a while, I think.

Amelie Ananda (00:08.839)
Yeah, yeah, I can't blame it on Mercury anymore because this is a state of technical affairs, irregardless of what Mercury's up to.

Amelie Ananda (00:23.657)
So what do you think? You beat me to the punch so much. So much. It's crazy you're in this dimension too. Out of all of the dimensions we could pick, we picked this one together. That's awesome. So cool. Yeah. Whoa.

In Joy (00:24.034)
What's going on in your world, Amelie?

In Joy (00:33.409)
yeah whoa

You called this to yourself, this is meant for you.

Amelie Ananda (00:48.231)
Yeah, I wish you guys could see me on camera right now. like, I look like I just got off a camping trip in the wilderness.

In Joy (00:54.382)
You do look like you've been some places.

Amelie Ananda (00:57.897)
I've around. Yeah, it's been a heck of a week. I really without much intention, just like, by virtue of being tapped into the now moment, I don't know if you're aware of it. It's pretty powerful. I've just been like in really going inward.

Amelie Ananda (01:26.439)
Just in the daily life stuff, a lot of my normal things just went by the wayside again without any intention. I wasn't like, I'm gonna shelf this. I'll get back to you. It was just like, I brushed. I brushed. I think I forgot to shave one of my legs today. no, just like I'm in a master's program and I didn't work on it at all for the whole week, which isn't like me.

In Joy (01:36.846)
brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, take each other.

Amelie Ananda (01:53.693)
different parts of my just business, posting online, but there was so much focus on the physical temple of me, the inside, the energetic temple, my home, what's been going on here. It was like the most beautiful reclamation

Amelie Ananda (02:13.381)
autonomy, which is really funny because I'm all like preaching unity and whatever. But I think that there's this beautiful level of like unity consciousness that we get to tap into from a place of autonomy. And I think I was a little out of balance, maybe is the word. I don't know. And so as I really brought like focus back inward. my gosh, the expansiveness back into the oneness has just been like,

In Joy (02:18.316)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (02:25.518)

In Joy (02:43.436)

Amelie Ananda (02:43.537)
and just the inhale and the exhale and the spaces between, and just really loving the totality of all of it instead of being focused on one part for whatever reason. So that's been really beautiful in how that's played out. And you know that I'm in crypto, so that's been a fun journey this week. And just seeing.

In Joy (02:56.554)
Mm. Mm -hmm.

In Joy (03:03.566)
I love

In Joy (03:07.138)

Amelie Ananda (03:11.379)
how the markets are also reflected in my home and like the little mirror of a child I have and him saying things in the last couple of weeks like money comes to me easily and just having just this beautiful money mindset this kid has and then the markets do what they do and I know and you know that this is when we can make our most money in the markets yet there's still this like underlying like I just lost X amount I just lost six figures

In Joy (03:22.434)
Amelie Ananda (03:41.853)
But you didn't. And so when I watched my child this week in his like abundance mindset while the markets are doing what they're doing and I'm observing my own inner wanting to like tangle back into the physical of scarcity and I'm like, okay, so I have a choice. I love choices, right? I like, wow, this is really cool. I could go into scarcity mindset and what that does for me isn't very good, but also what it does for my son isn't good. What it does for my lineage isn't good.

In Joy (03:57.017)
huh. Yeah.

In Joy (04:11.18)
yes we contribute from that place yeah totally agreed

Amelie Ananda (04:12.123)
And like, right, cause I'm like in that space of scarcity around the markets and what they're doing and him saying, money comes to me easy. I could be like, I mean, I'm, I'm creating an entitled little dude. gotta tell him, I gotta teach him. He's got to work hard. gotta, I gotta ingrain this scarcity. Right? Right? Like, my gosh. And I could have very easily gone down that road and I just see it. I'm like, that's how we do this. That's how we continue to create old world denser consciousness.

In Joy (04:25.39)
Squish those butterflies! Kill them!

In Joy (04:41.238)
I think it's an important thing that you're saying and every human that is listening can relate to something happening and going, wait, how much is that? Or, wait, you said what? You know, or like, because that happens, you know, people make mistakes, they charge you too much. And, and you could, you could either one get good with it, the loss, that's one option, right? And then, but are you really good with it? That's the question. Are you really good with the loss?

Amelie Ananda (04:51.048)

Amelie Ananda (05:08.462)
Are you forcing it? Trying to fake it till you make it? Because you birth nose.

In Joy (05:10.798)
Yes. So what about this perspective? I like the perspective of do more with less. So I'll give you an example. Riverside wanted to charge me $51 for the next month, right? The platform we record this stuff on. And I was doing another podcast before and that we spent six grand on Riverside. It was like the professional version. It wasn't much different than this, by the way. And, and so

And then they came up, so it was $15 to start, then it was $51. Then I was like, you know what? I don't need it. I'm going to take a break. Cause I am taking a break actually. I'm really enjoying myself. And then I might buy it again when I want it next for $15. Like who, who cares? Like in other words, we don't have to spend all the money to be worthy too. Like it doesn't have to be, yes, I need to let go of the hundred grand to feel my worthiness. can

Amelie Ananda (06:05.533)
Neil, your fucking post on masculine and the wound and I'm not enough. I was just like, this is honey. This is nectar. If you guys haven't seen that on one of his platforms, go find it. was so good. yeah. Just receive it. It's coming for you if it's meant for you. It was so delicious. I was just like, yes, this is truth. And it's what you're talking about here. It's like, you're enough.

In Joy (06:11.766)

In Joy (06:20.078)
Find it, it'll find you.

In Joy (06:34.466)
Yeah, just the way you are. You can be naked and be enough. You can just have a mouth and legs and you don't need legs either. You don't need a mouth either and you're enough. The way you

Amelie Ananda (06:35.153)
You're not just the way you are.

Amelie Ananda (06:41.927)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's been fun. It's been a fun little mirror, the markets. My son mirroring back what he's mirroring, realizing I'm more than enough. Not only am I enough, but I always will have enough. I'm taken care of, I'm safe. Like all the things that scarcity, like when scarcity is not enough to reel you in, it likes to put things on the hook, right? Like your safety and your joy and your life is

In Joy (07:00.269)

In Joy (07:09.516)

Amelie Ananda (07:11.957)
What like no there there is no hook there is no line you can reel me in on scarcity There's no monster in the closet named scarcity She's not unless you say so so that's been it's been a really beautiful portal in that way

In Joy (07:29.314)
Some people might not hear that though, because the other way that I say it that lands sometimes is just that it's an agreement. So if you get yourself into a place where you feel really good, where you're thankful, where you're playful, where you see the magic, you see the God presence in everything, and from that place, if something comes up and wants you to agree to fear, I call fear false evidence appearing real, and

You have to leave the place of feeling really good to go downstairs and agree to that fear or that scarcity of what you're calling, right? And you can't, you really can't be in both places. You have to, it's a choice right then and there. I'm going to choose to stay confident and knowing and knowing that the way that my state of being creates my circumstances, when I smile, the world smiles back. I'm going to, I can choose that perspective or I can get concerned about whatever the story is, the rumor is the

whatever it is and I have to leave this place that I love so much to agree to that so I just don't do it anymore. It's too quote unquote expensive to leave. My knowing.

Amelie Ananda (08:33.523)
Don't do

Amelie Ananda (08:37.032)

Mm -hmm. I feel that I want to take a left turn. You want to go to the left turn with me? This is one of the random offshoots of this portal. I've been in you know that the concept well obviously, you know the concept of this is all a simulation and And then the concept of like non -player characters Okay, non -player characters so I was having this moment where I'm like driving through

In Joy (08:55.554)
In Joy (09:00.544)
Ahaha, yeah, NPC. Yeah. Yeah,

Amelie Ananda (09:09.573)
life and look it around and like, wow,

trying to identify just for fun and playfulness like, but who's the non -player character? Right? And then I'm like, but everybody is, because it's my reality. So is everybody a non -player character? And then I was like, ooh, or am I the non -player character? What if it's me? And I just, mean, it doesn't, to me, it was just an existential like playground that I was on, like thinking about like, I think in other people's worlds, I am.

In Joy (09:19.628)

Amelie Ananda (09:44.219)
a non -player character. And it's up to me if I choose to be the non -player character in my own world. It seems like a paradox, like you can't be in your own world, but some of us choose to be. You know? I was like, wow, I could just show up in this game that I've played out for myself as one of those characters that's just kind of like, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,

In Joy (09:44.494)

Amelie Ananda (10:10.885)
I can actually bring myself into the game and be every character. Like, be like, there is no non -player character because my consciousness is all and is in all the characters. So I was like, I was all over the place with it and having so much fun and laughing and thinking about it. And I didn't really land anywhere, but I was just curious what your thoughts are about this being a simulation, non -player character perspectives and how that falls in your field.

In Joy (10:41.954)
Well, I like the idea of constellation theory. If you think of the Big Dipper, I don't know, can you call that up in your mind right now? It's like a box with a little handle off of it. And it's maybe like eight stars or something like that. And the closer you look at it, there are some other stars around, like on the second one in from the handle, there's two sister stars living right next to each

But my point is just that we're traveling in constellations. So right now you are part of my constellation and I'm part of your constellation, you know, and my wife and my kid and the people that I connect with. And, so we're traveling like a family together through the space time continuum, gravity, gravitational field. And I do think that it is a machine in that the beliefs that I have and the way that I feel manifest in my reality.

And that's all that really matters. It doesn't really matter what anybody says. Just the way that I feel and what I believe is really all that matters to me. And so, and then through that I affect you and I affect like all the people through all the platforms that I send stuff out. So I get what you're saying. If I was going to call it a simulation, the part that I would add to it, I'd say it's a simulation and I would add a part that I got from religion, which I really like.

Amelie Ananda (12:02.673)

In Joy (12:03.186)
It's that it's a loving simulation instead of a loving God. It's a loving simulation and because because because I believe that I really believe that this simulation wants to serve you So all the things in the old world quote -unquote and all the things in the new world Like the old money and the new money and the old beliefs and the new beliefs and the old governments and the new ones They all want to support you in an experience So if you match the frequency of the experience you want to

Amelie Ananda (12:07.125)

In Joy (12:30.2)
no matter what any of that stuff's doing so you unconditionally hit this wave length, I'm making a wavy thing with my hand, then everything lands on that wave with you.

Amelie Ananda (12:35.795)

Amelie Ananda (12:41.034)
That, yeah, I like that. I like that. I love the loving simulation. Because I think a lot of people that talk about this in that context of simulation are also like going to preach to you about reptilians and like, not that I'm not, right.

In Joy (12:50.274)
Yeah, you take out the love.

In Joy (12:55.382)
Yeah, if you take out the love, I mean, I see loves and loving reptilians. Yeah. Yeah. I have reptilian in me. There's part of my crocodile mind. Actually, all of you guys do too, because I noticed when I started putting more testimonials out, more you guys started coming my way. And so your croc brain thinks that social proof matters. And I have that. So ha.

Amelie Ananda (12:59.559)
Yeah, I do too! I see love in it all, I'm one of those. I mean, and not - -

Amelie Ananda (13:22.899)
We all have all of it. It's so funny, like, so my son sometimes speaks light language. And at first I would think, he's just a kid. Like he's a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, whatever. But then I started like hearing some of the similar things that he'd say over, like similar patterns of sounds and words or whatever. And I'm like, wait a minute. And then I was like, what are you, he's like, he explained light language to me. This was a couple of years ago.

In Joy (13:24.534)
Yeah, that is

In Joy (13:31.138)
Me too.

Amelie Ananda (13:50.483)
And then I started looking into this. I'm like, light language. But then as I started looking into light language, I found a lot of people that get, my dog's speaking light language right now. I found a lot of people that really identify with like, I speak Palladian and I speak Arterian. And I'm like, but by the premise of what light language is.

In Joy (14:07.436)

In Joy (14:13.218)
like a non -country.

Amelie Ananda (14:13.253)
Isn't any of the labels we put on it kind of an ego? Like an ego thing, right? Cause I'm like, it's just energy. Like, so if you are of, in this higher realm, in this higher state where it's not physical, we're not bound by that, it's all the same. You know what I mean? It might sound different or whatever. You might have your own, but like, because it's energy. Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (14:18.087)

In Joy (14:28.568)
might as well be French.

In Joy (14:32.822)
Nye? Nye? You're speaking Australian.

I'm speaking Scottish.

Amelie Ananda (14:40.221)
I wanna know what way the toilet bowls flush in outer space. Cause Australia, always.

In Joy (14:44.074)

Amelie Ananda (14:49.619)
See, I'm all over the place. I'm with like a bouncy ball today, because I've been all over the place this week.

In Joy (14:54.338)
Well, let's hone it in for a second because you said something smaller than you skipped, but what you said was actually really big, it was just a few words, is that we contain all of it. So the negative belief, the negative fear -based belief, scarcity mindset, you contain that, right? You don't have to express it if you don't want to, but it is a part of you. And also the abundance, I live, I have everything I need when I need it mindset is also inside of

Amelie Ananda (14:56.763)
offer me some containment.

In Joy (15:21.206)
And it's which one do you take action from that creates your reality? And so if you get into scarcity and you like shoot a text to a friend or you do something like that's just like a small level of action you can do, right? And if you get into scarcity and you like cancel everything and like, I don't know, just take a huge amount of action out of scarcity, then you create more of that. So if you can stay in your knowingness that you contain all of it so you don't make any of it bad, that's the key,

You're not judging yourself, you're not judging any of it. You just are choosing what experience you want to

Amelie Ananda (15:57.063)
Right. Like it's okay to bring our awareness to the totality. It's all here. It's like a crayon box. It's like, I'm aware that there are all of these colors here and now I'm going to choose which one I'm going to color with. Like it doesn't mean that the green crayon isn't there. It's there, but I'm coloring with purple. my God. Yeah, it's beautiful.

In Joy (16:11.18)

In Joy (16:15.948)
Yes, I love it. It's profound. It really is profound because I like what you said. So zooming out so you can do this exercise with me if you want. You can say word, am word.

Amelie Ananda (16:29.489)
Okay. Word

In Joy (16:39.66)
Word I am Word through everyone listening to this podcast right

Amelie Ananda (16:44.839)
word I am worth to everyone.

In Joy (16:46.174)
Feel the energy go out to everybody who's listening to us and all the cities were in and all the places were in right and then Word I am word through the country. I'm in and feel the feel the energy flow out to the country that you're in Word I am word through this room that I am in word I am I am word through this town I am in word I am word you can really feel the energy Word I am word through my hands feel the energy shoot out to your hands all in your hands,

You can feel the energy and that energy is all you. Ha.

Amelie Ananda (17:21.286)
Isn't it like if you're gonna identify with something? Cuz we spent so much time trying to find our identity here on this earth. It's so funny. And it's like if you're gonna identify with something Let it be something you feel really good about and is limitless You know like and even like even if you want to identify as like a palladian king or a lumarian queen

In Joy (17:28.909)

Amelie Ananda (17:46.471)
Like great, but you just totally limited yourself. You know that. Like that sounds wonderful and expansive and woo woo and metaphysical and awesome. But you're so much more. You are word, I am word. Like I am that I am all of

In Joy (17:53.495)

In Joy (18:02.542)
I came up with some words that I use to my zero point. went into my quantum field and regressed myself into theta and picked some words out that bring me back to the zero like that. So no matter what is going on around me, I basically NLP'd myself into the zero point whenever I want. so some words that I picked, one was cup, because I am the cup that holds all of it. That was the first one.

Then there was rich, like I'm a rich, I'm a man, I'm a rich man. But those two words, cop and rich, they bring me back right here because I've anchored them

Amelie Ananda (18:45.555)
So cup, did you identify with the actual cup or did you identify with the space within the cup?

In Joy (18:51.419)
both. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (18:52.797)
Both. Those are two different things.

In Joy (18:56.79)
Yeah, I mean, I went in and my higher mind just dropped it in. I didn't even come up with it. I just received it. Cup and rich

Amelie Ananda (19:03.643)
I am what holds the space and I am the space.

In Joy (19:06.02)
huh. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (19:09.331)
Yeah, that's very masculine and feminine too. That's very unified polarity of you, Mr. Zero Point.

In Joy (19:15.054)
Zero point is magic because the key is to realize when in this context of we are all of it is to realize the polarity because both things are coming from you so the lack scarcity is a projection from you and the abundance is also a projection from you and so the Choice is if you're in the center point and you can see both of them. That's actually a really good

Amelie Ananda (19:42.377)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (19:42.582)
You actually want to be able to see both choices because now it's a choice and you can take, you can respond to and take action out of the abundance mentality. And that is the key. That's your power on a plate. That's hacking your reality. That's, it's what you take action from the state of being off. You create more

Amelie Ananda (20:02.131)
Hmm. Yeah, that's beautiful. Being able to see both and making the choice an unconditional alignment with your highest frequency, your highest excitement, your whatever, but not because it's all you're choosing to see, but because you see all of it. Yeah.

In Joy (20:18.872)
You're right. Yeah, it's about taking the blinders off really, which is what your work and my work is all about. For those who are doing it, they're taking the blinders off, some slower than others and some faster than others. And yeah, and that creates a new reality because you can only create what's inside of your perspective.

Amelie Ananda (20:30.859)
Some faster than others, yeah. It's cool

Amelie Ananda (20:37.853)
Yeah. And if you're willing to look at that which you've been resisting, you can stop resisting. like what you resist, resistance is still giving it energy and where you put your energy, you're going to get more of, right? It's the magnet. And so when we resist, we think, even if it's just by ignoring it, dissociating from whatever, we're still giving it our energy. But when we can just stop the resistance and like settle, lean back, and like you said, look at both.

and the limitless things that lie on the scale between, right? And be like, that just is there. It's just there. Limitlessness, abundance, it's just there. Always there. And scarcity and lack, it's just there. It's always there. Now, what do I choose? Right now. And sometimes, honestly,

In Joy (21:14.69)
Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (21:25.836)
It's a choice.

Amelie Ananda (21:35.229)
It's kind of beautiful to lean maybe a little bit into the limitlessness or the limited to be like, I'm feeling this and to really feel your humanity, feel the limited form of this physicality and this physical plane and then still make the choice because it's about like, it's about that ability to snap back. It's about being able to like, irregardless of what's going on around me, I'm going to choose this.

In Joy (21:38.922)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Mm -hmm.

In Joy (21:45.314)
get clarity.

In Joy (21:50.542)

Snap back. Yeah. Dance. Irregardless. Yeah. Exactly. That's the cool part, because that's when you become powerful, because it's the state of being of something good comes from everything, so who cares what happens? And when you tap into this energy, boom, get ready to lose all your friends and

family and everyone because they can't you're gonna make and some of them might come back when they when the mood is the moment but I do believe that you reprint everybody in your reality as you upgrade your consciousness I do believe that and that you don't need to start over with new people in order to do that I think I think actually keeping people around is a compassionate thing to do yeah yeah because you know how it works now so you don't judge them when they're going off doing whatever they're doing

Amelie Ananda (22:24.329)
but then you're gonna make some good friends.

Amelie Ananda (22:39.869)
Mm -hmm.


Amelie Ananda (22:50.407)
Right, that's just another opportunity for you to then observe the other side of the polarity in action in someone's life and to not have judgment about it and to just be aware. Our awareness is the biggest act of love that we can give ourselves or another. So to be aware that it's there, but I'm not gonna choose that. But I'm aware and it's okay. Not I'm aware and shame on you.

In Joy (22:55.064)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (23:17.728)
Right. And it's okay. And I'm not coming there to meet you. So if you want to come meet me, you got to come over here. You got to make the choice that I made to be here. And I see you as being able to make it in a moment because I made it for myself. And I don't see that I need to help you or support you in that moment because you get all the support you need just by existing.

Amelie Ananda (23:17.895)
I'll love you anyways, because I'm the bigger person.

Amelie Ananda (23:25.107)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (23:29.842)
Right, I love that.

Amelie Ananda (23:47.527)
Yeah, and I also don't feel like I have to run away from you because you're going to threaten my frequency with yours. Like I don't I mean there is a time and a place for a physical boundary. We've talked about boundaries and like being like, know, I'm done with this energy around me. But also how beautiful is it to be in a place where you recognize no matter what fuckery is a foot, you get the choice. And perhaps those people are giving you like when they come into your field and it's like, whoa.

In Joy (23:48.151)

In Joy (23:53.686)
Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (24:18.094)
Bring it

Amelie Ananda (24:18.491)
what they're giving you the gift of choice. And they're giving you the gift to like sharpen your sword here and be like, wow, and like strengthen that muscle of I'm aware that there's other choices to be made. And I'm still making this of a higher frequency and alignment with myself and allowing that to exist. And there's no attachment. There's no need to save sir. Like it's just, it just is. It's really beautiful, really powerful, really empowering. but some

In Joy (24:20.686)
Bring it on.

In Joy (24:46.06)
Yeah. How does it feel?

Amelie Ananda (24:48.797)
How's it feel?

In Joy (24:50.252)
Yeah, like emotional words. What does it feel

Amelie Ananda (24:55.785)
feels light. feels light, like as opposed to weight. It feels open. It feels expansive. It feels spacious in my body to be in that energy. And the only way to like, when I really feel those things is when I see the opposite of that. Like, I can't tell you how abundant I felt.

In Joy (24:57.272)

In Joy (25:09.198)
It's nice.

Amelie Ananda (25:25.265)
when I leaned into the, my gosh, the markets just crashed, scarcity. And I was like, I see that option to make that choice and to feel that. And I'm choosing to see still what's physically happening and to write a story that's just as true about it that aligns over here. And that moment is, that is, that's our conscious creation. That's so fucking powerful, so delicious. Like,

could bring tears to my eyes, just joyful because it really means I'm safe. And the more often we can do those things and make those choices, the safer we feel inside of ourselves. When we can be confronted with scarcity, fear, craziness, and still choose the higher frequency, not from a place of denial, but from a place of acceptance and sovereignty, whoa, we are like, we're stepping into some serious power.

In Joy (25:57.666)
Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (26:25.292)
Yeah, and we free everyone, and we free everything, we stop making anything wrong, or right for that matter, and we free ourselves in the process.

Amelie Ananda (26:37.287)
Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with where anybody's at. That's what's been really beautiful for me recently. Even this last week, this portal I was in, somebody asked me, like, they know my story and some things I've been through and the timeline, and they're like, how are you where you're at already? This just happened. And I'm like,

In Joy (26:40.739)

Amelie Ananda (26:58.067)
So I really reflected on that and I could go into that some other day, but like what I, as I was reflecting on that and also thinking about where this other person is at and how they're navigating a similar situation, but just, you know, moving in a different direction and it's being, becoming heavier and harder for them, the more time goes on. And I'm like, wow, that's okay. Like before there would have been something in me that was like, I need to tell them what I did so that they can get out of this.

And now it's like, well, I can share with them my experience, but I also know that there's something sacred in the experience that they are choosing to have and it's okay. It's not just okay, it's perfect. It's perfect. Like you can't rush your healing and you also don't need a healing. Like the human experience is full of paradoxes and that's one of them. So you are perfectly fine to stay right where she is. You don't need to rush this. And you also...

In Joy (27:37.568)
Mm -hmm. It's beautiful. It's beautiful.

Amelie Ananda (27:57.277)
don't have to stay there, you can change like that. And side note, the one thing that really catapulted me through some dense times was choosing to feel. Choosing to not numb out. I mean, that's what I came up with. was like, you know what? The biggest difference between me and a lot of people I see that go through this shit is that I didn't take anti -anxiety. Not that there's a problem with the drugs or whatever, but I didn't take any medications. I didn't overwork to numb out. I didn't drink. didn't...

In Joy (28:18.669)
Amelie Ananda (28:24.709)
shop myself into oblivion, I chose to feel.

In Joy (28:28.962)
Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes I feel and I get sad because I feel how much I'm changing, you know, and, and then I start to go, so the future and I get into that, like, so then, but that helps me actually, because through feeling that it makes me appreciate now even more. It's so beautiful.

all of the cooperative components that have come together to allow this experience to occur right here right now. And it just makes the now even more tender. So that's where sadness takes me. It takes me through the movement, right? Because there's always something dying to be reborn in your life. And you don't actually control it. And the more you hold on to things, the more you make it. I mean, I don't want to say worse, it's easier when you let go of the shore.

Amelie Ananda (28:58.535)
You know, yeah.

Amelie Ananda (29:28.231)
Yeah. Well, and grief, I feel like what I was sensing as you were talking was like, he's like, he's grieving who he was even a moment ago. Because every moment, every now moment, you are expanding and new and learning new stuff. And there is a moment of like, man, especially when you're in these times and expanding so quickly and like this, whoa, that you can look back a week ago and not recognize yourself, but at the same time have such fondness for who that person was.

In Joy (29:50.211)

Amelie Ananda (29:58.801)
And it's like, that doesn't have to be sadness. can be. It can be sadness. be through is also, but grief is a sacred portal. like you grieve who you were, but that's because you loved who you were so much. That's so awesome.

In Joy (30:03.362)
Yeah, you're

In Joy (30:11.534)
So yes, yes, and he's still inside of me, right? He's still, and the thing that sometimes I get in touch with is how humanity is killing ourselves and with smiles on our face. Like we're doing it like, give me that pizza, give me that, whatever the thing is. I just did it this weekend. And so no judgment for me. It's just that we're all doing it to different degrees depending on what our awareness level

Amelie Ananda (30:15.911)

In Joy (30:40.354)
And the awareness level you have is perfect and there's, you can't get it wrong. And so it just, that's just it. The paradox of walking through the valley of our shadow down here is that we've been killing ourselves and there is no death. I don't believe in death. believe in, you know, I will exist beyond this meat sack and maybe not with the same preferences I have right now, but you know, so yeah, just that, that we've

humanity has been killing itself not knowingly and I just wonder when everyone's gonna wake up and make some new choices and I guess that starts with me because that's what I can control and and I still like that old version of myself and I still like that old world and I get that there's sort of two trains going in opposite directions and which train are you on unless you're really good at the splits

If one's going 90 mile an hour, then...

Amelie Ananda (31:38.759)
Right, and to be completely honest, there's infinite trains in infinite directions, zero point. So zero point.

In Joy (31:46.88)
Yeah, zero point. then so go. So going back to the light, which is the lighter emotions that, okay, you're not killing yourself. That was just a perspective I was taking on for a moment. And, you're just experiencing, which is perfect. And your soul is getting the experience it wants from whatever you're going through, whatever level of density you're traversing right now. And even bringing that light down into the denser things. I've been playing with that these last months and years where I'm just, cause I went so high.

And I still can go real high in my meditation, my practice, and then bringing and still being here and being present, having a lot of presence here though, not elevating myself out of the experience, but instead leaning into the experience. And just to see what that transforms and what that looks like here in this physical reality, I'm here for that. I'm here for the middle road now. I did this, I did that. Now I'm here in the middle, bringing it all home.

Amelie Ananda (32:40.094)

Amelie Ananda (32:44.905)
Yeah, think that's one of the like really unique things about what's happening right now for so many it's like Yeah, we can reach these high heights Great But we still choose on some level to have these bodies on this physical earth. So why? Is it to escape them over and over again if it was then we wouldn't come back Right, you get to these higher states and be like and our bodies would just fall to the ground and we'd be like peace out that was

In Joy (33:11.479)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Amelie Ananda (33:12.733)
That's not what happens. What happens is we come back. The growth edge for us is then how do we like come back into this physical body and keep that frequency.

Like, to allow both the totality of our divinity and our humanity in one spot here, now, in this body. And when we do that, like, that is homo angelicus. That is awakening. That is Christ consciousness. That is, like, Christ consciousness. I know we don't want to talk about Jesus too much, but like that, it's, what that man was doing was bringing in his divinity to his physicals vessel.

And that's why he said, too will be able to do this and greater because we can when we bring those high frequencies down to this earth, which we're charged to do. That's why we're here. Then we get to be empowered to do both, to be both, which is all of us. And that's unifying polarity. That is zero point. Like how can I zero point my divinity and my humanity here and allow all of it to be true and not diluted, not make gray out of black and white, but to hold both.

In Joy (33:59.916)
Yes. Right. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (34:24.213)
it's so empowering. It's that same thing. It's like all of a sudden what felt like constriction or like limits just burst open into this like limitlessness and space of acceptance and love and like curiosity of like, wow, where is this going and what could we create and who are you and where are you at? And that's perfect and wow.

In Joy (34:42.477)

In Joy (34:46.264)
Somebody was just telling me that, talk about a whoopty twist, was just telling me that he follows Ayurveda and this special town in India. He's a member of the community. He's beautiful. Saul reached out to me because he wanted to give to me. He wanted to give me this nutritional information, which was so cool. And also I have a friend I think you can relate to on some things. And so he's sharing with me some of these old Ayurvedic secrets.

Amelie Ananda (34:52.135)
Right turn, we're taking a right turn.

In Joy (35:16.174)
that the people who were following, you know, you'd take a picture of them and you couldn't see them in the picture and they were living on light. They believed that their bodies created these 10 different nectars that you make your own food. And I've witnessed from doing dry fasting that you make your own water, not as much as you do when you drink outside, but you make your own and it flushes your system and you get light and you really start to bliss out in all your interactions. You see the God in everything.

So he's saying that by doing a certain diet and the one that comes up is that cold foods, like our body is hot. And when you eat cold stuff that like cold is the frequency of something being dead and hot is the some, the frequency of something being alive, which goes contrary. Cause I was thinking before like raw vegan in some ideal world. it doesn't exist on my planet right now that,

that that was the best thing for you even though I know there's a bunch of vegans that are malnutritioned and stuff like

So it's like part of the knowledge you wake up you waking up and you're like, okay meat is pumped full of hormones and cheese and stuff in the US you put it in your body and so you're doing that to yourself and you start to look like it too. You look like you're on hormones if that's what you're doing like I can tell. And and then but then you keep doing it because you've got this false dopamine hit that comes with the salt and the cheese and the food. So

Amelie Ananda (36:37.865)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

In Joy (36:50.818)
This is what I mean by we're killing ourselves. We're doing it on TikTok, we're doing it on Instagram, we're doing it on all these things. We're giving ourselves these false dopamine hits, right? When the truth comes, like I've been on a fast for a couple of days now. I've been not moving a lot and I'm coming back to my center and that's where my knowing and the truth is. And that's when I have my highest excitement. Okay, actually this is what I want to create today. This is what I want to put out into the world. That's when my connection to my higher self is the strongest.

is when I stop eating, stop dopamine -ing and I stop like, so salt, I'll just get on the court with it, salt, oils and sugar, SOS, right? The things that make things tasty, that's because it gives you the biggest dopamine hit, right? Sex, so that we can survive and procreate and all that. So those two things are heavily reinforced through dopamine receptors, right?

Amelie Ananda (37:29.961)
We're fine. Yeah.

In Joy (37:47.786)
Even when we get likes and comments and shares and all that stuff, that's all dopamine stuff. So we're all sort of doing this circle of dopamine, but actually if we just stop everything, then an awareness comes through us that actually is what your soul wants to do while you're here.

Amelie Ananda (38:08.765)
You know what's interesting too, like I'm a super nerd. If anybody's ever listened to anything, they know I try and hold back my science stuff, but I am a nerd. So it's a dopamine, right? It's very like, yeah, we're addicted to dopamine in this culture right now. But one of the things that dopamine addiction has done is really side shelfed oxytocin. So like when you're working on like a dopamine detox, one of the things that helps

In Joy (38:17.39)

In Joy (38:25.474)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (38:30.976)
Okay, love.

Amelie Ananda (38:37.147)
is looking at the things that help you increase your oxytocin. And oxytocin is more of like, if you wanted to put it in a category, it's more feminine, dopamine's gonna be more masculine, but it doesn't necessarily, oxytocin would be like the hugs, the connection, the belonging, which some would say, well, that's what I'm trying to get out of social media, but what you're getting is the instant dopamine hit of I'm liked, right?

In Joy (38:46.989)

In Joy (38:54.574)
Long -term 20 second hugs. Yep.

Amelie Ananda (39:06.567)
Oxytocin is gonna be more of like, this is like a sustaining, like, what you get from your partner, what you get from your actual, like, real connections, from your knowing.

In Joy (39:12.462)
Right, long term. Yeah, from your knowing. From the feeling when you go into your heart, like everyone can do this right now, focus on your heart. Go into it again, go into the middle of it again, keep going into the middle of it, watch it light up, go into the middle of it, go into the middle of it. If you don't have a smile on your face right now, I have a smile on my face right now. That's how quickly it happens for me. Just by focusing on my heart that quickly. If you can do that for 17 seconds, if you can do that for a minute, if you can wake up and do

You know, like give it to yourself. Give it to you. You are the giver and receiver of all the money in your life, all the abundance in your life, all the free time of your life, everything that you have in your life, you give it to yourself. Nobody gives it to you. You got to give it to

Amelie Ananda (39:55.305)
Absolutely. So one of the things that I was doing to this last week with my inner child divine child codex was like, okay So and this is part of how I got into the whole Non -player character thing rabbit hole that I went down, but here it is I'm driving around and I'm like acknowledging this dopamine oxytocin the differences where I get them where I am over doing it where I could whatever right and I'm like Wait a

I'll make this a game, right? So that's my inner child. Like, okay, so how can I make this game and make this fun? And then I like, my inner child actually literally will talk to me and she's, do you remember being a kid and like being like sprinklers on and like, like the sprinkler, like, right? And your mom would be like turn on the sprinklers the sprinklers come and you'd be like, I'm so powerful or like, you know, sunset. And it would be right when the sun was setting, right? And you're like pretending to like command things, right?

In Joy (40:26.956)

In Joy (40:48.366)
I'll got it. God. God. Yes

Amelie Ananda (40:55.901)
dopamine on. So I've literally been going like, oxytocin increase, like, go go get some dopamine. Like when I feel like I want to grab my phone or like, there it is. I want some cheap dopamine. So I'm like, all right, what's going on? What else? Like, and I'll literally call forth at like in this playful, like, but also knowing that like my words are powerful and I'm a powerful being.

and I'm in control of the biology and the chemistry and everything happening in this body. And it's been funny because I'll be like, dopamine on, which makes me laugh and brings me into this playfulness. And what do you think happens? Like, I get ahead of dopamine. it's working. I get ahead of, like, but then it's like insourcing my dopamine instead of what we've been doing is like outsourcing it, right? So that's been my little playground lately.

In Joy (41:38.946)
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

In Joy (41:48.056)
Well, you're doing it. You're doing exactly what this Indian guy was saying. I don't know if he's Indian, you're doing exactly what is happening. He's in Italy right now. It's getting it from the inside. Whether it's your food or your water or your dopamine. If everybody does a little bit more of that, just a little bit more, right? Then you shift yourself to a parallel version of the planet.

Amelie Ananda (42:06.665)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (42:17.102)
that reflects that version back to you. And you get out of the loop, the loop of this lack and limitation dance. You get, you, you, no longer have to participate in the idea that you have to do anything. It freaks

Amelie Ananda (42:19.613)
Right. Yup.

Amelie Ananda (42:34.621)
Right. Yeah. You know just came in? Abundance now.

In Joy (42:42.668)
Yes. Well, guess what? Guess what? It's always being broadcast to you. Whether you can receive it, whether you can notice it in the moment or not, it's on full all the time. None of you, nobody can be any more abundant than they already are. It's just about practicing seeing it. And you can witness anybody in your life, if you are a little bit grateful, you notice your days go better. You get more of what you want. When you are generous to others, you receive more.

Amelie Ananda (42:47.985)
Yeah, so too.

In Joy (43:11.126)
It's just the way life is because your attitude, you can't be generous and want to get more out of it. It's just because that's the way I am. I'm generous. I give extra time. I give extra resources that I have because that's the way I

Amelie Ananda (43:25.277)
Yep. That's the reward in and of itself. Just being.

In Joy (43:27.81)
That's it. And it gets reflected back everywhere. And you carry this sort of knowing with you. It's sort of like maybe Mother Teresa syndrome or something like that, where you know that you're supporting others and working things out. And so you expect things to be worked out for you. And I don't think that's, I think that's really healthy. think if there's anything to expect here is expect good things to be coming for you and let it work itself out.

Amelie Ananda (43:57.737)
Okay, so you're on the monkey bars, right?

Amelie Ananda (44:02.579)
Get me from expectation to surrender, because they both exist and they're both beautiful and I love them both and they're both part of manifesting and creating. But that was another thing. I told her I was in this portal. That was one. Expectation is surrender.

In Joy (44:10.254)
Yeah. Expect generally.

expect generally because what happens is we want to be specific and everyone has a different frequency you come with so you might be a really good specific manifestor I'm a really great general manifestor for sure and also specifically as well but if you expect generally that things are always working out for you if you start there things always work out for me things are always working out for me like you know Abraham Hicks

Amelie Ananda (44:19.997)
Mm -hmm.

In Joy (44:42.296)
Things always work out for me. In fact, they're working out for me so much that even when they look like they're not working out for me, they're still working out for me, right? That's a general expectation of things always working out for you. Now when you get specific enough and you can feel really good doing it, great. If you get specific to a moment where it's like, I'm really noticing more the fact that I don't have this thing that I really want, now you cross the threshold, go back, go back to general. Yeah, just, yeah,

Amelie Ananda (45:07.162)
And so that's where you would surrender.

In Joy (45:11.244)
Your mind is only designed to decode what's happening around you now. And if you want to tell a story yesterday, you can. It's not your personality's job to know what's coming tomorrow. And the more you pretend that it is, you're going to burn yourself out. You're going to find yourself miserable. You're not going to have the things that you want for yourself in your life. Versus if instead you give it to the light, you give it to the wisdom, that vision board, that thing that you really wanted to work out that one specific way, instead,

You just give it to God. Now you've surrendered yourself.

Amelie Ananda (45:46.317)
Because you can have both. Yeah, the surrender and the expectation. And you can't live this life here without either of those. I mean, you can, but you're not going to manifest and create.

In Joy (45:58.456)
So what are they though? If you put them together, I think they're knowing. Instead of, right, if you put expectation with the surrender, you put it together. It's, know that what is for me will not miss me. That that which matches me wants to come to me right now. I know that. So then all I have to do is choose to match the frequency of that which I want to experience.

Amelie Ananda (46:03.547)
Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (46:24.534)
and let the rest take care of itself. Not give anything permission for me to come down from my tower of choice to agree to the fear and the lack and the limitation and the stories and the rumors and the whatever's coming through the television or the social media. None of that has any effect here anymore.

Amelie Ananda (46:43.593)
No hooks. No hooks. That's awesome. Well, speaking of manifesting, because we're going to come up on our clothes here, but speaking of manifesting, there have been some of you that have been wanting to manifest an epic event and experience at Unison. And we have so many of you that have liked and followed us on different platforms for this podcast. so, first, thank you. We love you. We love you so much. Bless you.

In Joy (47:00.268)
Yes, you know some

In Joy (47:08.204)
Yeah. Thank you. We love you. We bless you. We honor

Amelie Ananda (47:14.185)
And we're going to, I'm gathering that whole list of names. You have to have emailed them so that I can email you back. But I'm gathering that whole list of names and on the eighth, we are going to announce who won. I'm to put them on that wheel. We're going to spin the wheel and it's totally going to be up to technology to pick one of you. And you're the two tickets to unison.

In Joy (47:36.436)
If, if, if people are listening right now and they hear this, can they go and follow us on Spotify or Apple and take a screenshot and email it to

Amelie Ananda (47:40.905)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (47:49.415)
Well, we're doing the drawing on the eighth. So I would say, I said the fifth because I wanted to give myself time to like do the admin pass of getting it all in the wheel.

In Joy (47:51.766)
Okay, so now's the sixth.

In Joy (47:58.488)
Yeah. Yeah,

Amelie Ananda (48:03.721)
But here's the deal, you got 24 more hours or something. So tomorrow by tomorrow at noon Pacific time, if you've emailed me, it's theteam at awakeninglila .com. Just email me a screenshot that shows that you liked our podcast and you're a follower and we're gonna enter you in. L -I -L -A, awakening L -I -L -A.

In Joy (48:08.214)
Okay, cool. Alright,

In Joy (48:15.694)
Okay. Got

Amelie Ananda (48:33.905)
and we're good to go. I'll post that in my stories. So at Amalia Nanda, you can get the directions too. Today I'll have that posted. But yeah, that's gonna be exciting. I'm excited to see who ends up joining. Excited to play with you in Katha there.

In Joy (48:43.096)
Cool. Yeah, me too. Me too. You too. Yeah, I'm excited too. Cool. You'll be out here in Colorado before you know it. Yeah. This is a good month. I think this is a really good month. A really good month. got, you know, the people talk about the Lions Gate and all that stuff and that's great. And I just feel this is a great month. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (48:54.746)
I'm so excited.

Amelie Ananda (49:07.549)
Yeah, the funny thing is, I love Lionsgate, yay, and time's an illusion. So Lionsgate is always in the now. So all of the energy and excitement that you have about Lionsgate is here now always.

In Joy (49:11.222)
Yeah. Yeah. It's already done.

In Joy (49:20.236)
It's here now always, yeah. Agreed. Agreed. And it's a reflection of you. And so it just shows, I think, that how empowered you all are now, how empowered you are. You are all finding yourself. You must be feeling better than ever before. It's better than ever, right? Like acknowledge that. It's better than it's ever been, and it just keeps getting better and better and better and better.

Amelie Ananda (49:43.515)
Amen. Shaboogey woogie woogie woogie woogie. Love you, love you.

In Joy (49:45.486)
She boogie boogie boogie. Love you guys. See ya. Bye.

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