It's just that Simple!

Embracing Joyful Growth and Expansion

July 30, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 12

In this conversation, Amelie and Neil discuss the importance of following one's highest excitement and how it can lead to abundance and fulfillment. They explore the idea that growth and expansion can be joyful and effortless, rather than challenging and stressful. They also touch on the concept of letting go of commitments that no longer align with one's highest excitement and the importance of honoring oneself in those situations. They also touch on the topic of donation-based services and the abundance mindset. The conversation concludes with gratitude and appreciation for the audience and an invitation to join them at the Unison festival. 


  • Following one's highest excitement can lead to abundance and fulfillment.
  • Growth and expansion can be joyful and effortless.
  • It is important to let go of commitments that no longer align with one's highest excitement.
  • Honoring oneself and prioritizing frequency and joy can attract desired outcomes. Follow your highest excitement and live in alignment with your true self.
  • Transformation can occur through coaching and personal growth programs.
  • Donation-based services can be a fulfilling and abundant way of offering support.
  • Cultivate an abundance mindset and trust in the universe's provision.
  • Express gratitude and appreciation for the present moment and all that it offers.
  • Join Amelie and Neil at the Unison festival for a transformative and joyful experience.


To win two general admission tickets (walk in camping included) like and subscribe to this podcast and send a screen shot to TheTeam@Awakening by 5 Aug 2024.  The drawing will be done on 8 Aug 2024 and winner announced on Instagram and notified via email.  

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Neil (00:03.086)
Hey, can you hear

Can you hear me now?

Amelie Ananda (00:08.999)
I can hear you now.

Neil (00:11.214)
How's it going?

Amelie Ananda (00:12.8)
Good, how about you?

Neil (00:14.776)

Amelie Ananda (00:17.722)
Nice. What you been up to? Anything new?

Neil (00:23.278)

Amelie Ananda (00:26.793)
That's old news. All right, do you have a? It's so weird to not see your face, but that's OK. Let's see. Make sure I close all of my other things.

Neil (00:28.334)

Neil (00:41.39)
Hey, your number went from zero to 59.

Amelie Ananda (00:44.765)
come on.

Amelie Ananda (00:51.284)
Yeah, this is even after the, they brought me all this new internet equipment.

Amelie Ananda (01:00.705)
Let's see.

Neil (01:01.524)
And it's good.

Amelie Ananda (01:03.646)
Yeah and then I just have to sit in the studio but I hope that it doesn't there it goes and I'm just having to close things and it's working better. It's so stupid. All right here we

Neil (01:14.83)
Look at that, look 99, yay.

Amelie Ananda (01:19.264)
Let me close this guy and close our messages. There is nothing else open. Okay.

Well, would you like to breathe?

Neil (01:34.35)
Let's do

Amelie Ananda (01:37.129)
Do you have any topics swirling that's active for you

Neil (01:43.48)
think we'll find out as we

Amelie Ananda (01:45.874)
Okay, perfect. Just making sure. All right, sounds good. Let's breathe.

Neil (01:51.733)
Amelie Ananda (02:28.306)
Wait, Neil. Is it? we're already recording, huh? So I'll just have to edit this out. That's OK. Sorry. Sorry. Keep breathing.

Neil (02:43.054)
Okay, 20

Neil (03:36.886)
Okay, I'm here when you are.

Amelie Ananda (03:38.378)
here. All right, well, welcome to It's Just That Simple. This is Amelie, Ananda, and Neil, ShabugiMax, Enjoy, and many other names, I'm sure. We are here. How are you, Neil?

Neil (03:42.2)
What a gift.

Neil (03:56.842)
I'm fantastic. I'm reveling in how blessed we are to be able to follow our highest excitement in every moment that we choose

Amelie Ananda (04:10.243)
There's so many good words in that sentence. Our highest excitement in every moment that we choose to. Yeah, why would we ever choose less than our highest excitement? Is that even possible? Like maybe our highest excitement in one moment is just being a people pleasing, numb, unhappy bugger.

So like, aren't we always choosing the highest frequency we can probably get to in Access?

Neil (04:41.73)
Yeah, I think that's true. Unless you say that you have to do something, like you have to do

Neil (04:52.622)
because then it implies that it's somebody else that's making you do it. And so you don't realize yet that you can choose something else. And that's okay. That's part of your high stakes. I went for a while too, because that gives you clarity.

Amelie Ananda (05:03.266)
Right, right, exactly. Yeah, that's the thing. It's like our highest excitement, it can change from moment to moment, but it definitely that what that means and the freedom that that gives us expands as we awaken for sure. Because our highest excitement when we when we are in the denser, maybe victim mindset.

is still our highest excitement. Can it get higher? Yeah, but it's going to require a level of awareness and awakening to recognize the truth of what our highest excitement can be in any moment. I don't know. I just have been recognizing a little bit of my tendency to, I don't want to say judge, not judge in a bad way or condemn, but just make assessments about like,

Neil (05:44.642)

Amelie Ananda (05:58.978)
Well, they're not operating in their highest excitement, or they're not operating their highest frequency. And I'm like, you know what? That's an interesting story I'm telling myself. Because a lot of times, think people, nobody wakes up thinking, I'm going to go two notches lower than what could be my best day. It's just with what resources they have. That's their best. But.

Neil (06:07.416)


Amelie Ananda (06:27.337)
For us that are awake and are waking up and as you, you know, recognize like that we actually have control and sovereignty, we get to change what our highest excitement is for sure, recalibrate. But I just, I just am acknowledging my own view of others. And since I live that way, trying to really rein in any judgment or assessment about anybody else's highest excitement and what it should look like, you know?

Neil (06:56.602)
Yeah, I do know. My stepfather had a heart attack and he died at age 50, around there. And he was somebody who woke up super early, got in the car, drove an hour into Boston, and came home super late. When he came home, he was always pissed off.

He was just generally a stressed out person. And I mean, that's not the only side of him. He had a lot of other sides. I'm sure even a lot of sides I didn't see, but that was the main one that I saw. And then when he had the heart attack, it went into my belief system that I wasn't gonna do that. That I wasn't gonna just be busy nonstop on somebody else and be stressed out when I'm with my family, you know? And then have a heart attack and leave, you know?

Amelie Ananda (07:42.253)

Mm -hmm.

Neil (07:46.124)
And he had like a dream for the future and things he wanted to do and he didn't get to live that. And so I sort of, inside of my belief system went something like, I'm gonna enjoy myself as much as I can now. I'm gonna do the things that I would put off until I was retired. I'm gonna do those things now.

I think it's worked out really well for me, but it still came from something on the outside, like a belief from something that happened in my life. You know, just like he probably got the belief that that's what he needed to do to have the things that he wanted. I got the opposite belief.

Amelie Ananda (08:30.958)
Right. But with his level of consciousness, again, see, that's a judgment. With his level of consciousness, that's the highest excitement he could cultivate. I'm like, I guess I need to just bring it back to myself and recognize my own level of excitement.

Neil (08:48.984)
Well, it's normal to want a job to pay for stuff, you know? It's total normal thing, like, okay, I have a family, but, you know, I just, get the sense that in this new earth, we're moving into the, the, the word job is a little antiquated, a little old school. And so it seems like we're moving into a place

We really can follow our bliss. And the money will find us. Let the money find you along the way.

Amelie Ananda (09:26.638)
Absolutely. Absolutely. I was just out in the river, out in the mountains, at a cabin, really being intentional about wanting to cultivate bliss, asking questions like,

show me what my purpose is now. Show me what my highest excitement is now. And really just ruminating like an incessant child on these questions and getting curious and playing with it and just enjoying nature. And out of nowhere, I had three different clients call me all wanting pretty much the same thing.

And then one of them even like prepaid for an event that like I haven't even planned yet. It just came to pass out of me being in this highest excitement place, right? So it's not that there's not still more action and doing and inspired action that I need to take, but yeah, it was, think what happened was that I was in such a place of like just bliss and my highest excitement that I magnetized.

Neil (10:08.323)

Neil (10:14.03)
How cool.

Neil (10:19.106)
I love

Amelie Ananda (10:35.019)
those people to my field, which then brought financial abundance to my field. So, and it can happen in any way, but like we've got to get out of the way and quit thinking that like, it has to come to me through my job and it has to come to me when I'm in front of my computer in my office, right?

I wasn't thinking about building my business or throwing a retreat or I wasn't thinking about any of that. Although those things are my highest excitement in some moments, that was not where I was at. However, abundance wanted to come to me through those things.

and in just marinating my highest excitement, they were magnetized. Whereas if I would have sat behind my computer and plucked away at how can I grow my business and how do I reach so -and -so and which structure do I need, I don't think those three people would have called. It would have been a totally different frequency. You know what I mean? Yeah, it was really cool. And that's, it's just

Neil (11:09.144)

Neil (11:24.882)
That's pretty cool.

But pretty cool story.

Amelie Ananda (11:34.348)
One of thousands of stories between the two of us that are an example of how critical and important it is to really focus on what matters. And what matters is our frequency. And when that becomes a priority, our frequency is so attached to our highest excitement. And when those are our priorities, everything else just kind of falls into place.

It doesn't mean that we don't have to take action. You know, I just like was hearing, you know, some people in the collective saying, you're one of those that just sits on the couch and manifests whatever you want, huh? yeah. If that's my highest excitement is sitting on the couch that day, I'm going to manifest more doing that than pushing and grinding. And then once I've started the momentum, then there's action because it's inspired, you

Neil (12:10.51)
No, no,

Neil (12:16.92)

Neil (12:25.774)
There's a lot to be said for that though, right? Because it's like, for example, let's say you want a partner and you're going, where's my partner? I'm looking for my partner. Is my partner over here? Is my partner over there? The partner that I don't have right now is that if I do this, will it make my partner come to me? Will I find my partner this way? And it's really just announcing to the universe that you don't have what it is that you want. Versus when you just give yourself permission to sit on the couch,

Amelie Ananda (12:35.633)

Neil (12:52.962)
you might actually be matching the frequency of that version of you who does have the partner or does have whatever you want because you don't feel like you need to look for it

Amelie Ananda (13:02.235)
Right. And what happens, like if we want to play with it, potentially what is happening then is that the frequencies that you're omitting literally from your body and your heart and all of your astral beings are feeding into the quantum field. And different timelines, because infinite things could happen, all of sudden different timelines are aligning to your now physical moment.

which means the UPS driver that was gonna deliver a package tomorrow ends up having to deliver it today. He knocks on your door, he's your knight in armor and you happen to be on the couch. Like things happen like that that we can't even like, cannot even measure the way that changing our frequency actually affects what's actually happening in the physical world to line us up with the timeline that brings us what we want.

Neil (13:36.879)

Neil (13:51.268)

Amelie Ananda (13:52.405)
And we just got to get away from thinking that it has to be like a challenge or on the tail end of our doing and actions. Unless those doing and those actions are truly our highest excitement. Right? Somebody was talking about gr - go ahead.

Neil (13:58.414)

Yeah, well that's the tricky part is the fine -tuning part is feeling into yourself and going, I doing this out of anxiety or am I doing this because it's actually what I want to be doing?

Amelie Ananda (14:23.794)
Right? Or when like all of a sudden you have a big quantum leap and your highest excitement changes and then you find yourself just kind of in a routine that was made for an older version of yourself. And you're like, actually this isn't my highest excitement anymore. But then you're like, I've made all these obligations and commitments to people. What is that? Where does that leave me? Because I want to be in integrity. want to honor other people.

Neil (14:32.12)

Neil (14:36.353)

Neil (14:44.726)

Amelie Ananda (14:49.95)
but this isn't my highest excitement anymore. And then learning how to navigate that in a way that's honoring to everybody.

And an integrity. And I think that's like the most beautiful thing when somebody says, hey, we've, I've been doing this with you and actually I'm surprised, but it's just not in my highest excitement. I'm going to, I'm to do something else. And I'm like, wow, that's so beautiful to see you honor yourself that way. When what it does for me is create a space in my realm for the right aligned person to fill that space or the right aligned thing for my highest excitement to continue to evolve. Right. But I think sometimes we get stuck in like,

Neil (15:04.686)

Amelie Ananda (15:27.676)
Well, this was my highest excitement. This is what I said I was going to do. I have to keep doing it. And then there's that word, have to. I have to do this. It's like, nah. Yeah.

Neil (15:35.847)
Yeah. Well, cause you can't give up, you know, cause that's against the rules. Cause if you give up, you fail. And the only time you fail is when you give up. There's a lot of that type of talk out there in the world too, you know. Like giving up is the worst thing in the world. Well, just give up the struggle. You don't have to give up. Just give up struggling.

Amelie Ananda (15:46.969)
Right. Yeah. Right. Right.

Amelie Ananda (15:56.7)
Yeah, somebody was talking, of my dear friends who I adore, and they were talking about being on your growth edge, And like, this expansion and awakening and like, if you want to continue, it was like, was a very like,

Why are you pushing yourself through this expansion portal? Why does growth have to be like, his comment was like, are you challenging yourself? Be really honest. Are you really, I'm like, whoa. Why does my growth edge have to be filled with challenge? Why can't my growth edge be my highest excitement, filled with grace and ease and joy and pleasure?

Neil (16:19.31)

Amelie Ananda (16:36.38)
And maybe people enjoy challenge. Great, that may be your growth edge. if challenge lowers your frequency and that concept of pushing and hustle and grind isn't your jam, it doesn't mean you're not growing because you're not challenging yourself.

Neil (16:52.355)
You could grow on your bliss edge. Yeah, you're growing here.

Amelie Ananda (16:56.069)
Right, right. Yeah, I've talked about suffering being one of the greatest teachers. I everybody talks about that. But bliss can be our great teacher too. Ease, joy, rest, right. it's just, I think it's interesting to look at what we choose to wrap our highest excitement around and why.

Neil (17:08.002)

Just as good as crying.

Amelie Ananda (17:22.527)
I'm getting ready to like leave a container that I've been a part of and I made a commitment to be a part of for over for a year. So I'm probably six months in and I'm really wrestling for some reason with I know it's clear in my heart like this is no longer my highest excitement. I've been served. I've served here. And my season's done. And yet I am still moving through the process of just.

Letting go of the people pleasing like well, but I said I was gonna do it. It was a commitment You know, and there was there's money involved. There's a contract So then I'm like, okay, so do I just continue paying? And just but emotionally energetically step out and pay the bill in full is that stewardship of the energy that is money?

Neil (18:13.006)
Well, you've just got to check in with yourself. You just got to, you just got to check in with yourself and see what the self abandoning part of it is or isn't. know, like for me, if I kept paying, let's say it was something that was a lot of money, like the most I ever paid for a coach was $2 ,600 a month for one. I had a couple at the time in a few different areas, but that's what I was paying for one. So if I, for me in that case, if it was six months times that,

Amelie Ananda (18:29.279)
It is.

Neil (18:40.462)
Let's just round up, let's just say it was $20 ,000. If I would have kept paying that and not had the service, for me that would be self -abandonment, you know?

Amelie Ananda (18:48.842)
Yeah, that's how I feel about it too. And it doesn't feel like a steward. I am in charge of and sovereign over the energy that I am and that flows to and through me. And when money comes to me, it's coming to me because it knows that I love it and that I'm going to honor it and let it be free and flow. And when I start getting lazy, I feel like with my care and

stewardship of money, money gets offended and is like, well then I'm not gonna come to you if you're just gonna continue paying for something that, you know what mean? If.

Neil (19:24.499)
It's something like that. Yeah, totally. I mean, it's all beliefs, so whatever you believe is right. But like my dad, I grew up hearing respect money, that kind of thing. And I've been in parts of my life when we didn't respect money as much. that was, I still had a lot of flow at the time, but knowing what I know now.

I... What I find - I just get a lot for free now. Because so much just comes to me anyway. You know?

Amelie Ananda (19:55.691)
Right, that's, so that's, but that's the other thing is like, since we know what we know about money and the quantum financial system, does it matter? What if I just pay the whole thing off? And I'm like, cool, I, now I know that I've given the whatever and I'm in my highest excitement and I made right on an agreement I made and more money's coming.

Like I could, I feel like I can make a really solid argument and stand in integrity with so many different directions in this one decision about leaving this container. And I'm like, it's so, like my, it's so perplexing. Like I'm not stressed out about it, but I'm really an observation about like, huh. Like there's no wrong, there's really no wrong answer. No.

Neil (20:25.676)
Right, I get

Neil (20:35.998)
Well, so.

or right answer. And so take it that way. I mean, what I like about that one is just you're in the business of supporting people one -on -one with your coaching programs, right? And in groups. So what I like about that is who you're being is somebody who signs up and completes, you know, an agreement. it, I mean, if they asked for 12 months because it was going to take 12 months to make the transformation that they were offering you.

Amelie Ananda (20:49.108)
Right. huh.

Neil (21:07.746)
But do you still believe in the transformation or not?

Amelie Ananda (21:16.363)
The transformation that they were offering, the coaching, the servicing, I mean, I feel like in the six months that I've been in this container, there's been massive quantum leaps in my life. And some of those are obviously tied to having been in this container, and some of them aren't. And yet the energetics of the container now,

what I receive from it and what I am able to give to it are not the same. I'm not the same. And I don't feel a match. Like not in a not in a hierarchical way like, I've vibrated out of your realm and I'm up here in the ether. No, not like that. Just like.

Neil (21:53.294)

Amelie Ananda (22:02.202)
there's just some dissonance. There's just not the same congruence and resonance and the frequency and the, and what's going on in the container and in my life and what I need and how I can serve there and all of that. And I'm like, well, okay. So, you know, at the same time, as a coach, if I'm holding a container and somebody's not like somebody's experienced so much growth and they're like, you know what? I'm good.

Neil (22:20.366)
Most of those coaching contracts aren't enforceable by anything.

Amelie Ananda (22:28.995)
I'm actually good and they tune in with their inner authority and feel like, yeah, it's time for me to go. Never in a million years would I hold them to some contract, but that's me. I never want anyone to feel like they're beholden to me. Ew.

Amelie Ananda (22:48.427)
Right, but whether or not it's enforceable doesn't matter to me. Right, I would never, but I did sign a contract. And even when I was signing it, I remember thinking, this is interesting, because I don't have a coaching contract. That doesn't even make sense in my realm.

Neil (22:51.16)
Yeah. But you said hold them to a contract. Like good luck with that anyway.

Neil (23:03.362)

Amelie Ananda (23:08.535)
Like same with like marriage for example. If I were to sign a marriage license, it wouldn't make sense because I will love you unconditionally. We will be together until it is not of the highest service to both of us. And I intend on it being a while. Amen, hallelujah, let's go. Like, I'm not, I don't know. just, I, in a world.

Neil (23:26.774)
You got it right.

Amelie Ananda (23:31.543)
especially in the new world where things seem to be moving so fast and people are growing and expanding and our everything is just coming online so quickly. How can I tell somebody, yeah, in six months I'm still gonna want this same service? I have no idea.

Neil (23:51.832)

Amelie Ananda (23:53.403)
And five years ago, it would have been a much slower growth path, perhaps. And I could maybe have committed to that. I just, yeah. And I wouldn't ever want to do that to anybody else. So I could go either way. We'll see. To be determined. We don't have to beat this out. But just acknowledging that the highest excitement path sometimes gets convoluted when we try and also honor

other 3D commitments. So it's like, what is your priority? Staying in integrity with your highest excitement and your highest self is ultimately the highest service to all. So your other commitments, in my opinion, my experience, fall beneath that. And it's just not my excitement. You know what is my excitement?

Neil (24:35.258)
Yeah. What?

Amelie Ananda (24:47.62)
Donation based services, wrapping with you on our podcast, getting ready for unison, building connections with people all over the world that are waking up. it's beautiful.

Neil (24:51.636)

Neil (25:00.401)
You better mention to about what unison is. What's happening to unison?

Amelie Ananda (25:04.595)
Unison's an amazing festival. I've never been, but Neil's been. And I am so excited. So many great musicians, high frequency workshops, camping. I hear there's a lake. Do I need to bring an inflatable? OK, cool. And yeah, so Neil and I and Katya and my boy Xavier, he's going to come and we're going to.

Neil (25:17.787)
We got you, we got you on that.

Amelie Ananda (25:28.719)
we're raffling off those two tickets. So actually that happens any day now. We're gonna be, the raffle ends on August 5th. And all you gotta do is click like and follow on one of our, either Spotify or Apple podcasts. Send that email to the team at Awakening Leela and you're entered to win two tickets. That's $500 where the tickets includes camping, right Neil? Does that include the camping?

Neil (25:54.173)
That concludes walk in 10.

Amelie Ananda (25:55.863)
The walk -in, the walk -in tent camping. And yeah, it's in southern Colorado, northern New Mexico -ish. Yeah, it's gonna be a blast.

Neil (26:04.614)
Yes, near Durango, yeah. And Moses is playing, he has a bunch of musicians playing this. It'll be a lot of fun. It's gonna be a lot of fun for sure. And you get to come with us if you want to.

Amelie Ananda (26:14.446)
Yeah. Right. Right. I mean, it's funny.

It's funny to listen to different podcasts and to know that people are listening to us or watching online, but then needed to meet the people, wrap your arms around them. There's something just beautiful about actually having your community in proximity. So I'm really excited for whoever gets to join. You don't have to say hi to us, but I sure hope you do. I sure hope you want to play with us. It'll be fun.

Neil (26:31.104)
Mm -hmm. Darling.

Amelie Ananda (26:50.672)
So I'm looking forward to it. Yeah.

Neil (26:52.824)

So, we talked about highest excitement and we talked a little... So, is the donation -based thing, would you say that's... is that working for

Amelie Ananda (27:07.224)
Yeah, seriously, the three guys that called me the other day when I was in my highest excitement and I manifest these three different people wanting to do this retreat.

Neil (27:08.62)

Amelie Ananda (27:18.024)
One of them literally sent me five figures in advance for the retreat. He asked me how much it would be and I was like, but I have no idea. I haven't even planned it yet, bro. He's like, well, how many days is it? And I was like, probably four or five. He goes, all right, well, I'm to send you some some coin. And I'm like, OK. And then it hits my back. I'm like, that's the kind of retreat we're doing, huh? OK. So like, I don't I think that there's a frequency I could get in where donation based services would

Neil (27:24.632)

Neil (27:28.446)
I love it.

Amelie Ananda (27:47.882)
fall in their face and not work and I could be resentful and I could have a bunch of people that weren't really willing to play ball but when you're following your highest excitement when you're maintaining your alignment with your frequency you're going to attract people that are at the same frequency of the same mindset

Neil (27:54.451)

Amelie Ananda (28:07.109)
that understand what you're doing. And yeah, I have some people that don't. And I have people that can't give. They literally are in places where they can't give anything. But the appreciation that they pour after the call, the reviews that I get, the emails, they've all been beautiful. And one lady's like, I have to give you something, but I have nothing to give. And she's out doing acts of kindness in her community that isn't going into my bank account. But are you kidding me?

That's going into my quantum account. So yeah, I think it absolutely works for me. And it feels better to me. Because then I just get to be in gratitude for whatever comes. I get to be in full trust. There's no delusion about where my abundance comes from. It doesn't come from my business. My abundance comes straight from God. It comes from source. It comes from the universe. It comes from the I am that I am.

Neil (28:37.284)
That's nice.

Neil (28:45.902)

Amelie Ananda (29:00.171)
It's not my business. It's not crypto. Those are ways the universe brings me abundance You know, so I it puts me in this place of just awe and wonder and playfulness and It allows me to just give a sense and a frequency of freedom to the people I work with and my content. Are you kidding? Somebody was telling me to trademark the divine child codex. This is gonna get stolen And I started giggling. I'm like go for

It's all out there, it's gonna be all out there for free. My hope is that you take it forward and share it. Speak your own voice around it, your own experience, whatever, or not. Just share it, like I don't care. There's nothing to trademark. And when you give in that spirit, you can't out give the universe. It's totally working for me. I've got full body goosebumps just talking about it. I love it. Although.

Neil (29:30.542)

Amelie Ananda (29:54.597)
I don't have commas in my bank. I'm not collecting commas, but I want for nothing ever.

Neil (30:00.312)
Yeah. Yeah. I think that's part of the shift is how much do you need in order

feel like you made it, you know?

Amelie Ananda (30:15.376)
Yeah, you know, if I had a bunch of money in the bank, like if I win the lottery, which I'm not, I'm not opposed to doing it, but I would have to really be more conscious. It would require more conscious energy and effort for me to stay in this playful romance with the universe. And because it's like, well, it's all right there. My abundance is right there, but it's so fun to watch the universe surprise me.

and send me love notes in the funniest ways through provision, the way that I'm provided for, then I wouldn't want to give that up for $100 million. It's priceless to me.

Neil (30:54.668)
Well, it's an and universe, it's not or and. I think that you just have mastered the frequency of following your joy. I think really when you hack the system is, okay, you have a hundred million dollars in the bank, what would you do next? What would you go do today? Who would you be today? Who would you give to? What would you allow yourself to do that you wouldn't allow yourself to do otherwise? Go live that way today. Go do those things today. Go be that person today.

Amelie Ananda (31:13.905)

Amelie Ananda (31:24.335)
Mm -hmm.

Neil (31:24.46)
And now you're matching the frequency of that version of you. Whether it comes in a hundred million dollars or it comes in friends and shelters and vacations or however you want it to come for you, that is in store for you. It's teed up. It's already done. The universe is wanting to give it to you as soon as today. It's just waiting for you to be that person who's willing to hang out on the couch and do what they want to do rather than do what they feel like they have to

Amelie Ananda (31:35.613)

Amelie Ananda (31:51.7)
But think about it, the reason you want a $100 million lottery win is because it's like, then I could just relax because I know everything. I have all the money to get everything that I want. So by what you're saying, and the same thing that Bashar would say, there so many beautiful, wonderful, tapped -in people, instead of needing the money in a physical bank account so you can relax and know at any moment I can buy and access whatever physical thing I want, be that now. I don't want for anything.

Neil (32:16.866)
Yeah. Be it. There you go. Exactly.

Amelie Ananda (32:21.076)
I have $100 million in the bank. It's just not a physical bank. I already have it. I have even more than $100 million. So you could put it in a bank account if you want for me, like, I appreciate, right now, where I'm at with this money game, I think the reason why I don't have $100 million in the account is because I'm still solidifying this neuro network and this thought process and really.

really nourishing my being in this experience of constant provision that's available even when I don't know where it's coming from. And that's an invaluable season in your life because then when you have the hundred, ten hundred billion, whatever dollars in the bank, if you start thinking that that's your source of abundance,

you're going to be limiting yourself. And so I'm really just like ingraining this knowing that even that I believe it before I see it. And it's true. It's not even it just is that I'm wealthy, that I have this abundance that I have and my needs are always met and I never want for anything. I didn't pay a dime. I didn't pay a dime for the house that I'm sitting in. My name's on the title and it's paid in full.

Neil (33:33.934)

Neil (33:37.646)
All right, same.

That is cool. I love

Amelie Ananda (33:42.022)
I never, I never want for anything. Don't tell anybody. It's a big secret. You guys, there's a way. Just choose. Just choose to feel that way now.

Neil (33:50.158)
So let's dial it back a little bit. from hundreds of millions to like, let's say there's something you want today and it costs $67. It's something that's been on the back of your mind, comes in front of you, costs $67. You look at your accounts, you're like, okay, I can move the money around and get the 67 bucks in one account and I can circulate and buy this thing that I've been wanting for a while.

and stop the waiting game and have no insistence on the outcome of it. Even that type of action is matching the frequency of the version of you who has everything because it's not measurable by any amount in a bank account anymore. It's measurable by how you feel and how you take action. And so if, for example, for you, back to the $100 million story, let's say a Ferrari was what you wanted.

Amelie Ananda (34:27.893)

Neil (34:47.576)
then the version of you who has that would probably go into a Ferrari dealership and say, hey, I want to take a car out for a ride. Would be that crazy, right? And so that's the difference between the vibration of the version of you who has the things that you think that you say that you want and the version of you who doesn't is one actually does what they want and the other one lets money trap them or lets the not having of it stop the action.

Amelie Ananda (34:54.919)
Right. Right.

Amelie Ananda (35:15.037)
Right. You know, another one that's not money based, because I think when we talk about manifesting and abundance, we always focus not us, the royal we, we tend to focus on money. But like one that's really active in the field for me right now is a partner. And God bless whoever shows up in my life. Love you.

But one of the things that I am doing around that, because it's like, well, I thought you never want for anything. I don't. The second I find myself in wanting a partner, I'm like, OK, what is the feeling that I'm looking for that having my partner here now would give me? So when my son's spinning out and the garbage disposal is broken and he needs help with his spelling, the feeling I would want is support, right?

It's like, gosh, I wish I had my partner here. I really feel like I need more support in this moment to be able to meet all the needs that I want to meet right now. And so how can I cultivate support within myself? What can I do to like, OK, so how am I supported? OK.

Neil (36:19.31)

Amelie Ananda (36:23.626)
I'm supported by my practice of meditation. I'm supported by friends and family. then I can just start cultivating that feeling of support. So all of a sudden, I'm OK, I'm good. I'm good. He can come, my partner, whenever he needs to come. I feel support right now. And I will feel supported when he's here. I want to feel loved and adored. I want to feel whatever it is, whatever that feeling is that you want on the other end of the thing.

that you gotta figure out how, okay, yes, I will feel that perhaps when I get that thing, great. And knowing that I want the feeling, let's cultivate that now. And when you cultivate that now, that's the frequency that you're then start spinning in your being. And what starts magnetizing to you is other things that are gonna make you feel that way. So.

Neil (37:16.91)
And then, yes, not being attached to what the things are. Because if you thought it was the Ferrari, for example, but maybe the Ferrari actually isn't very relevant for you in your life. Maybe there's other things that could unfold in the now that would make your life a lot better even than a Ferrari would, for example, you know?

Amelie Ananda (37:20.811)
Mm -hmm.

Amelie Ananda (37:27.456)

Amelie Ananda (37:35.698)
Right, for sure. Absolutely. And to be honest, like I feel really blissed out that I get to have moments of wanting partnership in my life and finding other ways to meet the needs of partnership. That's awesome.

And I know that the partnership's coming, but how empowering? I don't want to surrender my power to my partner. I'm not going to feel supported unless he does x, y, and z. Because there's going to be times in my partnership where he doesn't do x, and z. Does that mean I'm just not supported? No. It has to start from an internal locus of control. We've got to figure out how can I start feeling these feelings of having what I want before I get it.

Neil (38:06.518)

Amelie Ananda (38:25.367)
because that's how you get it. So that's what I mean when I say I never want for anything. It's like the wanting for things is so brief. I acknowledge that I want something, and I'm like, cool. How can I give that to myself now? I don't have the $67 in the bank at all. OK, the thing I wanted was just a cheeseburger, right? OK.

Neil (38:25.762)
That is it. Yeah.

Neil (38:37.52)
There you

Amelie Ananda (38:50.903)
Well, what do I want? How do I want to feel after that? Sasiated and full. OK, well, what do I have that can allow me to feel full? I got rice. OK, I'm to eat the rice and I'm going to acknowledge that I'm full. Now, this sounds silly and it's like people might laugh and be like, no, like you aren't abundant. It's like if you tune into the rice and you are eating it and you fill your belly and you acknowledge that feeling of fullness and that you are sasiated and you are grateful for

Neil (39:01.184)

Amelie Ananda (39:20.876)
Guess what? You're gonna get more. You're probably gonna get a whole Burger King if you keep it up. God, don't get Burger King. But you know what I'm saying. do whatever you want. You're sovereign over the Burger King. So anyways, I guess we went on a couple different tangents here today, didn't we?

Neil (39:20.993)
I love

Neil (39:26.562)
I love

Or do do whatever you want

Neil (39:41.56)
Well, it all circles around to living with the end in mind. It's that neville goddard stuff where it's can you can you get out of the lack of limitation? Can you get out of what's not working in the world? And can you get into how everything is perfect in this moment for if it wasn't exactly the way that it is, we wouldn't all be here doing what we're doing right

Amelie Ananda (40:03.309)
Right. Right. Yeah. If you can't be grateful now, I guarantee you, once you get the Ferrari, you're not going to be grateful either. That's going to be a fleeting moment of gratitude. So we can cultivate all those feelings within ourselves before the things get here. Yeah. So beautiful. Yay for the new world. Yeah.

Neil (40:24.398)
Thank you for my eyesight. Yes. And if really, it doesn't take very long, right? If you want to cultivate that feeling, like you said, you just get thankful, you just get a piece of paper out, you list that you're thankful, and we can do it right now. I'm thankful for my, that I can hear you right now. I'm thankful that this technology is synchronistically working so that we can have this experience together. I'm thankful that you wanted to be here today. And I'm thankful for all the parts, Amelie, that you're playing in this now.

You've sort of taken over a lot of the parts that I was doing before and I'm really thankful for that. So thank you for being here and thank you for being you.

Amelie Ananda (40:59.385)
And I'm thankful for our audience. my gosh. And I'm thankful for their openness and their curiosity. And I'm thankful for the way that they reach out and also fill and contribute art to our cups. And I'm thankful. I'm thankful for the blue sky today and this crazy squirrel out in the yard. I've been watching and I'm just thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful. I'm thankful.

Neil (41:05.048)

Amelie Ananda (41:24.216)
We love you. We love you all. We are thankful for you. Make sure that you go and you like and subscribe to our podcast on Apple or Spotify so you can enter to win and see us at Unison. We would love to party with you. That's my highest excitement anyway. Yeah. All right. Over and out. Shabooki woogie woogie woogie.

Neil (41:25.902)
We you. We bless

Neil (41:39.792)
Yeah, dancing, Okay. Bye.

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