It's just that Simple!

The Power of Beliefs: Choosing Empowering Truths

July 23, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 11
The Power of Beliefs: Choosing Empowering Truths
It's just that Simple!
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It's just that Simple!
The Power of Beliefs: Choosing Empowering Truths
Jul 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11
Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda

In this conversation, In Joy and Amelie Ananda discuss the power of beliefs and how they shape our reality. They explore the paradox that all beliefs are both true and untrue. They emphasize the importance of choosing beliefs that empower and set us free. They challenge the notion that certain foods or dietary choices can hinder our spiritual connection, and rather it is the belief that those foods inhibit spiritual connection that is the what makes those things true for some people. They also discuss the concept of abundance and how it can manifest in various ways, not just through money. Again, discussing the importance of our beliefs and how they create the reality we live in. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of choosing beliefs that align with our highest selves and empower us to live the life we love.


  • There is a paradox in that that all beliefs are both true and untrue. Choose beliefs that empower and set you free.
  • Examine what beliefs you hold that place your ability to connect to Source/Spirit, outside of you . Trust in your own power to transmute and find abundance and high frequency in all things.
  • Abundance can manifest in various ways, not just through money. Look for and appreciate the abundance in your life and you will become more abundant.
  • Choose beliefs that align with your highest self and empower you to live the life you love.

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Show Notes Transcript

In this conversation, In Joy and Amelie Ananda discuss the power of beliefs and how they shape our reality. They explore the paradox that all beliefs are both true and untrue. They emphasize the importance of choosing beliefs that empower and set us free. They challenge the notion that certain foods or dietary choices can hinder our spiritual connection, and rather it is the belief that those foods inhibit spiritual connection that is the what makes those things true for some people. They also discuss the concept of abundance and how it can manifest in various ways, not just through money. Again, discussing the importance of our beliefs and how they create the reality we live in. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of choosing beliefs that align with our highest selves and empower us to live the life we love.


  • There is a paradox in that that all beliefs are both true and untrue. Choose beliefs that empower and set you free.
  • Examine what beliefs you hold that place your ability to connect to Source/Spirit, outside of you . Trust in your own power to transmute and find abundance and high frequency in all things.
  • Abundance can manifest in various ways, not just through money. Look for and appreciate the abundance in your life and you will become more abundant.
  • Choose beliefs that align with your highest self and empower you to live the life you love.

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Amelie Ananda (00:07.475)
Okay, welcome to episode 11 of It's Just That Simple. Neal, how are you today?

Amelie Ananda (00:20.867)
What's new for you? What's going on?

In Joy (00:25.39)
Well, I'm seeing a 0 % uploading thing over you again. Oh, you are? Okay, cool, it went to 99%. Alright, cool. Alright. Yay!

Amelie Ananda (00:29.102)
You are. I'm seeing 100%. Mm -hmm. OK, cool.

Amelie Ananda (00:38.264)
For everybody listening, we're having a little bit of technical fun over here. Not challenges, technical fun, right Neil?

In Joy (00:45.708)
Yeah. Well, I'm glad that it's working now. I'm just happy to be alive. I've been doing a lot more grounding recently. I've been gaining weight, which, yeah, which is fun. Yeah, it's totally good because it's like I, I got really skinny and super vegan and did that whole thing for years. And then I basically fasted for years and now I'm eating again.

Amelie Ananda (00:47.939)

Amelie Ananda (00:55.86)
Ooh, is that a good thing?

In Joy (01:15.24)
And it's cool because it's all of the downloads I got when I was lighter is now being grounded into my reality around me. it's all the lessons, I guess, maybe that's not the best word for it, but all the realizations are all being applied through my life now. And so I get to just really live the wisdom that I downloaded.

back then I just get to live it now. So it's kind of, it's cool because it's a new way of knowing myself. And I'm watching my physical reality change a lot as a result of, I mean I guess our physical realities are always changing, right? Like, it's never not changing. So, but yeah, it feels good.

It feels good, it's weird because I used to like to fast a lot and I still get excited about fasting but then my intuition is like, no, feed yourself. So I

Amelie Ananda (02:16.855)
Right. That's beautiful. Intuitive eating for sure. It's interesting though that you were in a season of fasting and you felt like there was more downloads and codes. Like, do you still feel like now that you're eating more regularly and maybe fasting less often, do you feel like you're still getting downloads and connections or is it still more of a, I mean, I feel like you are, but like, it seems like it's more of a season two of like integrating what has come through and

rubber hitting the road, bringing, making the mystical or the logistical, like bringing the mystical, woohoo, and grounding it into the earth.

In Joy (02:57.858)
Yeah, I mean, even when I was before, still had lot of things changing in my life and I was still living the wisdom. It's just that now, I can't explain it. I can't tell you why it is this right now, but I just know that if we go high vibrational, when we bring that into the low vibrational, and I've been experiencing this,

from my past that wanted to be quote unquote fixed, resolved, have been coming up to be renown. So I'm getting the opportunity and now it's not, there's no effort in it for me, it just is coming through me. And I've been channeling a lot more and I have heard a couple other people say that when they were channeling more, actually I was channeling back then too, so I don't even know what it is

I'm just, and I'm happy though, I'm happy eating what I'm eating.

In Joy (04:03.222)
It feels good.

Amelie Ananda (04:03.703)
So on the note of eating, that post that we were talking about before we hopped on to record, the post that was deleted on Instagram had to do with food. And it had to do with my son eating a hot dog, okay? And so I made this post, because he's at a lacrosse tournament with his cousins and he's like all excited, he doesn't eat hot dogs ever. And he's like, ooh, what is this? And he's like super stoked. So we definitely documented the hot dog.

In Joy (04:27.786)
Okay. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (04:32.49)
And I can just hear the spiritual community like, you're letting this dog eat a devil dog, know, like all of the rhetoric around what we eat, how we eat, tending to our temple, taking care of our bodies. All those things are so beautiful, true, and I'm not bashing, and I absolutely agree. And if what we say is true, and if what we say and our beliefs really create our reality, then when we say,

that a hot dog is gonna stand between me and my connection with Source, it is. It is. And so we're making that even more true. When we say the fluoride in our water is gonna calcify our pineal and keep us from connecting to Source, then we give that more energy and then it's more true. If we say, I tap into Source energy, I am such a high frequency being that I transmute all that might be considered against me and it is instantly for me.

In Joy (05:05.922)

Amelie Ananda (05:29.064)
in this temple, nothing crosses into this temple without being transmuted and transformed to what is for my highest and best. And when we say, like I'm getting goosebumps, okay? I'm getting like, yes, like to me, this is like, duh. Now I'm not saying let's just all go out and eat hot dogs and McDonald's and say, I'm sovereign over whatever. And at the same time, I'm saying don't let gluten, don't let a hot dog be the reason.

that, I can't channel today, I can't get into connection with source. Like those to me are all just excuses to be afraid of your power, to be afraid of the fact that you really can connect because there is no disconnect. There's nothing to connect to. You are it. You know, it's like we connect to the internet because we think we're separate from the internet, but like you are the internet. Like you don't have to connect to God. God is there always.

And it's these stories that we run about our food and how we eat and when we eat and what's in our water and what's in the, all of this stuff. We're making it more and more true. And.

In Joy (06:35.086)
Well, I I I agree in that - Well, no, I completely agree with what you're saying. I mean, I wouldn't use those things as an excuse personally, but - What I wanna say is just that, - Most of what people are quote -unquote scared of, it's not - It is true, okay? However, all truths are true. So, it's just that some people

We're very good at disseminating information and belief systems and injecting that out there. And then you picked it up and believed it. But in the word belief is the word lie, which is the paradox. All beliefs are true, but they're all lies too. Whatever you believe is true. So you can't get it wrong and you can't get it right. Just believe something that empowers you and sets you free and gives you the life that you love.

Amelie Ananda (07:24.529)

Amelie Ananda (07:31.861)
Right. Yeah. And I mean, it even comes down to like the prayers that people say over their food. Like, why do you think people started praying over our food? When you believe that your words are powerful, when you believe that your words can affect water, like the studies show, right? There's water in all of this. So when you cast that spell with your words,

of gratitude and you entangled that physical food in the frequency of your highest. If you believe that, then it's true. So that's my whole point is like, yeah, you can, whatever you believe is true. I'm not gonna combat anybody's truth. Your truth is your truth. Why not choose the most self -empowering belief?

and the beliefs and the truths that are gonna really align you with the life that you wanna live that's ease and grace and fun and liberating and not like this dogmatic, but I have to do this and then I have to do this. It's like, we're here to be the free sovereign creators we are. Let's align our beliefs with that and live from that. that's, well, I mean, that's one of them or like even just like the food is one of them, but even things like,

In Joy (08:43.906)
What are some examples?


Amelie Ananda (08:53.406)
You know, people will say, well, you don't have a partner. Okay, well, you first have to do X, Y, and Z. You have to, you know, and they have this list of things that you need to clean up in yourself. once you do that, then you can have this. And it's like, that's not necessarily true either. That's your truth because that's your truth. Like, why not have a belief that's like, gonna empower you? That like,

It's not that I'm trying to magnetize somebody else and draw them to me, but it's that I am complete whole and resourceful and I am perfect and whole and that which I want is coming towards me and is me and is here now and relish in like I can look out on the earth and see all sorts of divine masculine and appreciate.

I see it in you, Neil. There's so much that I appreciate about masculine energy that comes through you. There's so much that I appreciate about the masculine energy that I see in other places. So instead of being like, well, I guess I haven't done the inner work yet to deserve a sacred partner. Why not just see the sacred masculine showing up in my life all over, all over the place, right?

In Joy (10:09.326)
There you go. I love it. And that's the quickest way to get from a place that you don't want to a place that you do want is to appreciate things in the place that you are right now. Anything.

Amelie Ananda (10:18.471)
Right, so if you're at a place with a freaking ballpark hot dog, instead of being like, I can't have that because then I can't reach source, why don't you just say, not only can I have that, I can enjoy it and I'm gonna transmute it right here and now. This is mana from heaven. This chemical filled Oscar Meyer fuck dog is going, is actually a blessing from God.

In Joy (10:33.122)
Yeah. Yeah.

In Joy (10:40.014)

Amelie Ananda (10:46.003)
The geometry and the energetics of this hot dog are changing now. They, as they cross through the threshold of my mouth, are becoming gems of the highest frequency serving every cell in my body. And so it is because I am that powerful. If you can actually believe that, I mean, how do you think Jesus turned water to wine?

In Joy (11:12.834)
Yeah, let's not talk about him right now, can

Amelie Ananda (11:14.16)
That's fine. We don't have to. But my point is like the power is in our words. The power is in the belief behind our words.

Amelie Ananda (11:26.967)
Those are my examples, I suppose.

In Joy (11:27.426)
I'm with you, I'm with you. So I've been allowing the flow of my life. So like what you're saying, okay, the old version, there was a version who believed that like meditation and vegan and all that stuff was high vibrational or something like that, you know? And I'm glad I did all that because it was a lot of fun. And then now I just trust what comes to me. Like I trust...

You know, if I get a picture of something in my mind that I want to eat, I go eat it. know, or if there's... That's the flow of life. Trust what comes to you. What comes to you, you have a core frequency and that which wants to match, that matches your frequency, wants to be with you, is doing its best to get to you. And that which doesn't wants to get the heck away from you. So just let things go and let things come.

Amelie Ananda (12:18.344)
Yeah. So like my kiddo, he's a bit of a healer, a bit of a star seed. The other day he was in the car. He goes, and there had been another person in our car and that person knowingly told me, and I could definitely feel and sense the frequency that he was struggling with a dark entity at that very moment. And entity, like a dark dense gathering of energy was something he was really trying to work through. Anyways.

In Joy (12:41.708)

In Joy (12:46.306)
Yeah. Okay.

Amelie Ananda (12:47.878)
My son gets in the car and he goes, hey mom, are you, why are you, why have you been fighting dark spirits without me? And I'm like, what are you talking about? And he's, cause he could sense that there had been this density in our car and it's just this dark thing that this individual was going through and it's just fine. But then my son goes, hey mom, I want to turn on a song. So I gave him the phone and he turns on this song that I've never heard before, that I've never heard him listen to.

In Joy (13:14.83)
Okay. Yeah.

Amelie Ananda (13:15.238)
I don't know how he found it on my phone. I I had Spotify open and I just handed it to him. The song that plays is screaming, yelling, scaw, angry music, right? And I'm looking at it and I'm like, what the heck? And I'm trying to be like, honor his autonomy and just be the observer of my son. So I'm not like, don't listen to this. It's gonna ruin your vibe. I'm like, I get curious, right? And I'm open. I'm like, this is odd. I watch him and he's like, he's in the music. Like I can tell that he's like into the music. And then maybe,

halfway through the song, he goes, okay, cool. You can change it. And I pause, I'm like, but what was that about? And he goes, mom, he's six, by the way, for those of you that don't know, he goes, mom, you can't be around...

How did he, I forget how he exactly said it, but it was beautiful. And basically his essence was, if I'm gonna practice being around low frequency and holding my frequency, how am gonna do that? I need to be around angry music so that I can make the choice to hold my frequency independent of what is going around. So he was like, mom, I know that's really angry music, but I wanted to hear it so I could practice staying in my light. That's what he said. And I said, wow, bud.

In Joy (14:22.86)
Mm -mm -mm.

In Joy (14:30.23)
I love

Amelie Ananda (14:32.143)
And that's exactly what we're here to do. So maybe Monsanto is in our highest alignment and our highest service to us because it's giving us the opportunity to claim sovereignty, to claim that sovereignty and be like, yeah, that's poison in my food. And I am powerful enough to transmute that poison into mana and make it pure and high frequency and to remind us, right? Not just to provide us with a contrast and then be like, we have to avoid

In Joy (14:42.786)
Yeah, choice. Choice. Agreed.

Amelie Ananda (15:01.745)
But like here it is now and it's prolific. It's even in Uganda. Like I was in a tiny village shop and there's a roundup there. I'm like, what the heck? It's everywhere. So, okay, if that's our experience and part of being in high frequency is coming to a place of acceptance of what is, then what's next? If I accept that that is what is, can I also accept that I'm powerful enough to transmute what is into and believe through my belief?

that it's the highest frequency and allow it to be practiced. As my son said, this is me practicing. Mom, I'm listening to this angry music so I can practice staying in alignment with my highest frequency. Amen, hallelujah. Preach little six year old. I was like, whoa, this was two days ago that that happened. I was just like, it's beautiful. Beautiful. What do think about

In Joy (15:38.008)

In Joy (15:47.768)

In Joy (15:57.612)
I think, you know, he's an angel and

Amelie Ananda (16:02.608)
But not just about him, about the idea that like the rough and the tough stuff that we might come into contact with being our practice ground.

In Joy (16:09.164)
Yeah, I agree. think it's all choice. Yeah, I think it's a choice. I think when you're not aware and you take actions, then you get a free pass. I think once you get the awareness, now it's up to you to complete the circuit with a new choice or not. And that is your defining moment is when you get the repeat.

the deja vu, the repeat scenario, can you choose what's in the best good for

Amelie Ananda (16:47.951)
which is kind of what you've been experiencing it sounded like. Like some things are resurfacing and you're getting to like sit and observe them again and hold a different energetic with them.

In Joy (17:00.494)
You know, I just have completion with everything now. So it is sort of like a circle, but the circle goes up. So I'm drawing circles and going up and complete. Like the circle of life, the flower of life. And so you get the information. I'm just realizing that I've fully integrated the stuff that I knew 2017, 2018.

that I was taking action on back then, now it's in my bones more. It's like, it's like, okay, the joke is before awakening, chop wood, carry water. Now awakened, chop wood, carry water. Well, it's like that. It's like, I was doing it back then anyway, but now I have all these experiences and clarifiers to let me know why I do what I do. For example,

doing the donation -based meetings with people. I recently moved to a group model with everybody because not everybody when they sign up for a donation -based meeting always shows up for themselves. And so I thought, well look, I'll just do this with groups of three people. Somebody doesn't show up, doesn't matter. I'll still be there with two people, you know? And it didn't even matter if they did cancel because when somebody doesn't show up, then somebody else calls me randomly or they're like, hey, I missed my call. Can you fit me in here? It sorts itself out.

But I just wanted to honor my own time. so then here I am doing these donation -based things and creating more content because I'm a maniac. I just like to create and enjoy and I have a lot to share. And so now I'm sharing with people how to have... I just had a video go to 190 ,000 this last week. So I'm just sharing with people how to do it, how I do it, you know?

And then I'm like, well, you know what? could easily charge for this because social media coach is going to charge you a lot of money. I have views probably better than they are. But what I'm meaning to say is that, so I was going to charge people just a nominal amount in 49 bucks a month for access to the social media stuff. I just caught myself out and I was just like, you know what? I'm going to give this to people because I know a lot of our audience are everywhere in the world. And that's truth because I with someone

In Joy (19:24.45)
Denmark, Norway today, we have people everywhere. And so I just decided to give it to people unconditionally because that's who I am. That's who I choose to be. That's who I choose to show up as in this moment is somebody who has extra to give because that's how I feel. That's how I act. That's how I take action. That's who I am and not agree

the norm, the mass consensus of how you should do stuff, because I'm not that anymore.

Amelie Ananda (20:01.889)
Right. Well, and you hold a belief. Like you hold the belief that the donation -based service is of your highest excitement, is of the highest service to all. And then so it is. But if there are those of you out there considering donation -based businesses and you hold the belief that people who are gonna, clients of mine, if they're donation -based are only gonna donate a little bit, then so it is.

If you hold the belief, and that's one of the things that I love about my experience with you, Neil, is that like it gave me somebody else that's as crazy as I am. So there was a level of like third party validation that like, okay, somebody else gets this. Somebody else is doing this successfully and not only just believing it, but because of their belief, it's manifesting. And then even being able to be a client of a donation -based.

In Joy (20:43.896)
Mm -hmm

Amelie Ananda (21:00.78)
and then give accordingly and then see how that manifests in my business. And then that also solidifies my beliefs. And the more strong that I get in my certainty in my belief, the more profound this non, this, this business model really is. The problem is not the problem, not the problem. The thing is the growth edge, the hurdle is

In Joy (21:08.856)

Amelie Ananda (21:29.225)
identifying the areas of beliefs that you have that you want to change. Cause we've all been programmed that this is not the way to do it. And so why ask yourself why and figure out what it is and, and see if just get curious. Is there another belief that I could hold that actually feels an integrity and inch your way towards actually this is awesome. You know, like as Abraham's Hick says, it's like, you don't have to go from hot to cold. can inch your way towards evolving your beliefs so

what you believe really manifests as it is for you and I in this business model.

In Joy (22:05.198)
So you mentioned two things. One was earlier talking about jobs and two is Abraham Hicks, right? So Abraham Hicks always says, don't need a job to manifest money. That's a, you do not need a job to get money in your life. And more than that, most of the things that you think you need money for, those things can come to you without you reaching in for your wallet. I'm not saying don't reach for your wallet. I love reaching for my wallet. It's my favorite thing. I got one from Columbia, my wife's.

Amelie Ananda (22:12.586)

In Joy (22:34.146)
mother gave it to me. It's great. I love reaching for it. It's just that so much can come to you through people, you know, through gifts, through having something to trade when you need it. it, we just got, what I really think is going on is this. We thought we needed large amounts of savings and large amounts of retirement accounts

buy insurance and all this stuff. Well, energetically, saving money for a rainy day is creating a rain... Yeah, fear. It's creating a rainy day. That's not... There's no downside to anything unless you create it. So, that's one thing. Two, investing in these structured products that banks created and insurance companies created, I used to sell them, I get it. Those things are all based on your fear too. And then what they were doing with the money

Amelie Ananda (23:07.959)

In Joy (23:31.86)
and who owns the money. There's all kinds of, when you dive deep into it and you start to understand what's really been going on in the court systems and how the money system and the court systems, legal systems are so intertwined with each other and how much darkness is in there. Also so much light, also so much beauty, also so much freedom and liberty is created through that. It's beautiful. It's also like, you're like, hey, wait a second. I might not do this anymore. I might not buy

I might not circulate my energy that way. I want to do something new over here. Well, what is the new? The new is knowing that everything is always working out for you, no matter what comes through the black box in your house or through the neighbor or through your cell phone or through anything, you knowing that everything is okay. And I'm not saying that we're the first people on the planet to figure that out. I think lots of people have figured out that by being confident,

Amelie Ananda (24:25.953)

In Joy (24:29.72)
by being generous, by being just themselves, by being you, who you truly are, who your true nature is, that your life goes wonderfully and you will see less of what you don't want to see in the world. Because when you take a small action out of fear, let me tell you, you will get another thing in your hologram that will give you clarity to whether or not you want to agree to fear or

And same goes the other way, if you take a small action out of confidence, now you're changing who you are, you're changing your identity, and therefore you're going to see a different world manifest around

Amelie Ananda (25:13.119)
Yeah, I think for a lot of people it's like that are listening, it might be how do I change that belief? Like how do I go from I believe I need a job, let's say in order to make money to believing that my abundance comes to me in infinite ways. Because it's that belief if you believe you need a job to make money, if you believe

then that is going to be true. And money won't probably come to you in many other ways. So how do you shift that belief? And for me, it was stepping out in faith, little mini experiments, right? Just trying it and the universe proving itself to me, not that it needs to, but it did. When I would be like, all right, well, how else can, like at least just, if you can't change the belief and go from

In Joy (25:48.216)
for a little

Amelie Ananda (26:10.985)
I have to have a job or I'm gonna be broken dead. Then let's just, can we open you up to just be curious? Can you just be curious? Can you say, hey money, what other ways can you come to me? Show me that money. Like even just that is gonna like shift your trajectory so much. And when you do that, then eventually down that path, you're gonna get to, holy cow, how did I, this is now my belief that money comes to me in infinite ways. So that's I think the.

In Joy (26:23.704)
Yes, I love it. I'm gonna do that right now.


In Joy (26:41.038)
I love that. I think it's perfect. sometimes we have short memories, you know? Like when I look back over last five years of my life that I haven't had a job, quote unquote, and really it's been 10 years since I worked for somebody else, or for 11. Well, whatever. The story is the story. The point is, is that remember that time when that surprise money came out of nowhere that you weren't expecting? I mean, you're an example of that for me just because that Instagram account went away and I could have been

Amelie Ananda (27:08.318)

In Joy (27:10.21)
bummed out and then you showed up and wanted to co -create with me and were super generous and so what I mean to say is then the next month comes and then are you worried? Or are you like, wait a second, I'm thankful for the expected money that comes in? I'm thankful for the unexpected money that always has been coming in for years and years and years. Honestly, I've been getting money lots and lots. I have so many donors from all over the world over these years. I could just tear up

right now in front of you just because it comes from everywhere all the time. And so, but yeah, that's my belief and it's been shown back to me lots and lots of times. Plus, things that you couldn't even pay to transmute and switch around the energy in has happened for me. And I believe that a lot of it is because I've given so freely of myself that also I get so freely as

Amelie Ananda (28:02.43)
Yeah. Yep. absolutely, I think that's beautiful. And I think again, it's just a matter of trying it out. Try it on. You don't know until you try it. So find yourself some little ways to experiment with this and see what happens. And then actually be consciously looking for it. Cause that's the other thing. I think a lot of times our abundance comes to us, but if we're not consciously looking for it, we're not going to see it. And so make the, make the request say money, abundance, whatever it is. Cause money in abundance.

Money is a type of abundance. Abundance is many things. So if you wanna focus on money, fine, talk to money, say, hey, money, expose yourself to me, show me all the ways that you show up in my life. And then actually look for it with excitement, whether it's a penny on the ground, a dollar in the laundry machine, a refund from your car insurance company for $2, like whatever it is.

In Joy (28:33.76)

In Joy (28:50.21)
with excitement. Yeah. Yeah. Yes.

In Joy (29:00.494)
I love it, yeah.

Amelie Ananda (29:01.681)
Then celebrate it. Celebrate it like it had two commas in the number. Celebrate it like, holy crap, there it is, you're right. And all of a sudden you're gonna start changing your whole fricking actual neural network about how money comes to you. And as that neural network builds and that road gets wider, more of the frequency of money gets to come to you. But you gotta start somewhere. You start,

In Joy (29:08.642)

In Joy (29:23.512)
I love that. I love how you explained that. beautiful. also, if you don't have as much money as you'd prefer right now, like don't make that wrong. Because like Amelie was explaining, money is one part of abundance. And so it's a totally valid way of abundance, but there's a million other kinds of abundance going on in your life right now. So if you find yourself with less than the desired amount of

look around at all the other kinds of abundance that you have and start counting them and get a notebook out and start writing about how you're so... You can start with the abundance of air and the abundance of water and the abundance of technology that's working so you can hear us right now. There's infinite other kinds of abundance you can tune yourself to and when you practice that enough, then you just see abundance everywhere and you don't see lack anymore. And so if someone comes along and wants to invite you back into lack, you just go, okay buddy, see you later and you go back to what you were doing.

Amelie Ananda (30:20.914)
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I'm bring it full circle back to this food thing that we, cause we started talking about food. So when we open that belief about our abundance and our money and that roadway gets wider and more energy of abundance can come to and through us.

In Joy (30:27.502)
Okay, cool.

Amelie Ananda (30:41.799)
what food is available to us will change as well. So like the whole concept that like, you have to eat this very pristine, perfect diet or you can't connect to source. I'm sorry, what about the people that at this point in their consciousness are still on a scarcity mindset, maybe have food stamps, maybe have a very limited amount of money for food. You're gonna tell me that they can't tap into source because they're eating General Mills cereal? Nah, brother, nah.

No, so even if that is you and you're like, yeah, but I don't have the financial resources to eat the way that I need to eat or to create the, but like Neil said, you can find all sorts of things that you're abundant in. You're abundant in the food that you do have. And so don't let this spiritual community tell you that you can't tap into this stuff because you don't have the organic produce from the neighbor down the farm and the like, it's okay.

In Joy (31:35.886)

Amelie Ananda (31:37.404)
I'm telling you it's okay. you actually have, you're in a, in my opinion, a more powerful place even, because now you get to see that you have the power and it's not about anything outside of you. And you're gonna see that what the abundance is, is actually flowing, not just to and through you, but from within you. And there's nothing more amazing and more empowering than that. And so there's not a person on this planet

no matter your situation, no matter where you're at with money, no matter where you're out in the globe, that cannot find abundance and be abundance and create more abundance.

In Joy (32:06.168)
left behind. You're all

In Joy (32:15.596)
And what you just said was inclusive and that is another paradox. I'm finding lots of paradoxes these days. Another paradox is going on where it's like people want to, the personality wants to have exclusive experiences. The consciousness is inclusive. You know? And so there's what you just said was inclusive. I'm going to include another group, people that eat a hundred dollar steaks at the steak place, the robe. They can be just as connected too. That's just it. That's the, this is the,

Amelie Ananda (32:20.496)

Amelie Ananda (32:38.545)
Yeah, totally.

In Joy (32:45.662)
That's it, we were living, well, that was then and this is now. We're including everybody. Everybody is included. And I think that's the way to the new earth, if you want to call it that. It's not making anybody wrong anymore for anything. Instead, having compassion and love for everything.

Amelie Ananda (33:06.491)
Yeah, absolutely. And we compassionately love all of you that are listening. Thank you so much. It's been so fun to be doing this and I'm excited to keep doing it with you, Neil. And like you said, we have people all over the globe from Egypt to Australia, to Denmark, to Los Angeles. It's incredible. And we are abundant in the people that want to hear this and the people that are also sending their energy back to us and blessings back to us. I just, I, I again,

like you could tear up right now to just be a part of this. And thank you all for co -creating it with us and sharing this message, because it's our message. It's not me and Neil, it's all of us. And thank you, thank you, thank you for being, and we love you. Bless you, bless you, bless you. Shaboogey, woogie, woogie, woogie, woogie. All right, see you next time.

In Joy (33:51.438)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank Bless you, bless you, bless bless you, bless you. We love you, love you, love you. Bye guys, see you guys next time. Thank you, thank you. Bye.