It's just that Simple!

A Channeled Message on The 5D Bank of the Universe! Donation based hacks!

July 20, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 10
A Channeled Message on The 5D Bank of the Universe! Donation based hacks!
It's just that Simple!
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It's just that Simple!
A Channeled Message on The 5D Bank of the Universe! Donation based hacks!
Jul 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10
Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda

In Joy Shaboogiemax is accessing the Template reality to share quantum truths about money and where money is going on the planet next. This is litteraly the quantum structure of abundance broken down so that you can access the 5D Bank of the Universe as soon as today no matter where you live on the planet now!  The new financial system is here now! It's available NOW! It is a quantum financial system and this is the only place you will hear about it! You are your abundance and you are your money system. Now that the planet has risen in vibration you are able to access higher levels of consciousness and in these higher levels money has a new meaning and a new way of coming to you...

In this Channeled Message, In Joy shares tips on how to get into the channeling state and discusses the concept of the 5D Bank of the universe. He emphasizes the importance of sleep, water, and play in channeling, and demonstrates breathwork techniques. In Joy also talks about the existing money systems and encourages listeners to shift their perspective and take responsibility for their own abundance. She highlights the power of choice, the illusion of time, and the need to release fear-based belief systems. In Joy concludes by discussing donation-based offerings and the importance of staying in a state of bliss and gratitude.

Donation Based business is one way to start accessing this new level of money and abundance and shortens the time that it takes you to live a life that you love now!

Sound Bites

"Nobody is left behind."
"There's nothing wrong with the existing money systems."
"The way you feel and take action influences everything in your life."


channeling, 5D Bank, sleep, water, play, breathwork, money systems, abundance, choice, time, fear-based belief systems, donation-based, bliss, gratitude


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It's just that Simple! Donation based Abundance
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In Joy Shaboogiemax is accessing the Template reality to share quantum truths about money and where money is going on the planet next. This is litteraly the quantum structure of abundance broken down so that you can access the 5D Bank of the Universe as soon as today no matter where you live on the planet now!  The new financial system is here now! It's available NOW! It is a quantum financial system and this is the only place you will hear about it! You are your abundance and you are your money system. Now that the planet has risen in vibration you are able to access higher levels of consciousness and in these higher levels money has a new meaning and a new way of coming to you...

In this Channeled Message, In Joy shares tips on how to get into the channeling state and discusses the concept of the 5D Bank of the universe. He emphasizes the importance of sleep, water, and play in channeling, and demonstrates breathwork techniques. In Joy also talks about the existing money systems and encourages listeners to shift their perspective and take responsibility for their own abundance. She highlights the power of choice, the illusion of time, and the need to release fear-based belief systems. In Joy concludes by discussing donation-based offerings and the importance of staying in a state of bliss and gratitude.

Donation Based business is one way to start accessing this new level of money and abundance and shortens the time that it takes you to live a life that you love now!

Sound Bites

"Nobody is left behind."
"There's nothing wrong with the existing money systems."
"The way you feel and take action influences everything in your life."


channeling, 5D Bank, sleep, water, play, breathwork, money systems, abundance, choice, time, fear-based belief systems, donation-based, bliss, gratitude


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In Joy (00:02.756)
Hey guys, I got something super exciting to me. So maybe if you're here, it'll be super exciting for you too. And I'm gonna do a channeled message and I'm show you how to get into the channeling state, cause everybody can do this. Nobody is left behind. And the two things that I would say are most important about channeling, well maybe three things. First thing is sleep. You wanna get more sleep when you start doing this.

Your body is integrating higher energy, so sleep is your friend. The second thing is water.

In Joy (00:43.888)
Water. Get some water going because that is going to help you channel with ease and joy. Drink a gallon a day if you can.

In Joy (01:07.612)
The third thing, so we've got sleep, water, the third thing is play. When you start channeling, you start bringing through serious stuff, okay? Because it's like higher soul information.

You know, I'm channeling on the 5D bank of the universe. So you wanna play. You're not gonna be able to hear me play this right now, but I'm gonna play it to activate that part of my brain, okay?

In Joy (01:48.966)
See my goofy smile on my face?

In Joy (02:07.004)
Okay, now you've got sleep, water, and play. Now you're wanna get some air in. This is all how to channel, right? The best way to get air in is just doing some breath work. Breathe all the way in through your mouth and then just let it out. It looks like this.

a sigh out, not power breathing in and out, in and out, just... And if you want, in the beginning, do that 30 times. We just did it twice, so I'm going to count to 30 with it.

In Joy (02:42.364)
And if you go to my Patreon, it's free to get into. I have a bunch of little meditations to show you how to do these different exercises. We wind up the light chakra wheels and call all your energy back to yourself. So if you do that, plus this breathing.

In Joy (03:02.502)
I'm not needing that much to get it in the channeling mode, you get the point.

So this channel message is all about the 5d Bank of the universe And I can actually channel easily with my eyes open For the purposes of this transmission. I'm gonna keep them closed so

There has been a lot of talk on the planet about different money systems, different ways of things going, different information disseminated about belief system, about the current money system, and what's good about it, and what's bad about it, and all the rest of it. And the more you step into your higher self, the more you don't look at things as bad anymore. You stop judging anything. And so...

The more you do this, the more aware you come of the truth. And the truth is that there's nothing wrong with the existing money systems. Everything has always been perfect. Just some people got really good at disseminating information to make you feel bad about things in the current world. Because they know that when you feel bad about stuff, it keeps you in a lower frequency and you project that in your hologram. Whether you're willing to accept this or

One of the beautiful things or the curses of being a human is that the way you feel is what constantly gets reflected back to you into your environment. So if you have something in your life that's come up that makes you feel not good, maybe because of something you did or something somebody else did to you, then what happens is you, that feeling comes through you and you take action from that place. You create more experiences of like

In Joy (04:59.1)
And you can also use it as a jumping off point to realize that you're an infinite creator and that the way you feel and take action influences everything in your life. And this is your power on a plate as we call it. Okay? Your power on a plate. You can take your power back simply by... They taught you this in preschool by the way. When something comes up that invites you not to feel good, counting to 10.

1 1 ,000, 2 1 ,000, 3 1 ,000, 4 1 ,000, 5 1 ,000, 6 1 ,000, 7 1 ,000, 8 1 ,000, 9 1 ,000, 10 1 ,000. Which is also taking three deep breaths. If take three deep breaths. And then responding with your words and your actions.

from the place of knowing who you really are inside. You can put your hands on your heart if you need to. You can take time out and go meditate if you need to. Get out in nature. The key is when you respond from knowing who you are in truth, you create solutions everywhere that you look. You create harmony everywhere that you look. You create peace everywhere that you look. You create abundance everywhere that you look. And so, what happens is you start to create the life of your highest.

Timeline and with infinite abundance there's infinite abundance here for you right now If you don't have enough abundance in your life and one go sign into my patreon course Because there's a free course called soul money Which I've just started clipping up into little clips to make it more digestible for everybody that was channeled at least a year ago, so Maybe more maybe two years ago,

If money is an issue for you, the issue isn't the money, okay? The issue is you. And if you can handle that, now you're on the track to being able to fix it. Because when you take responsibility, it's not some heavy bags that are somebody else's to carry. They're your bags that, for you to respond to, the ability to respond to, and it feels light. It's not a heavy bag. Your bags are not heavy. Your bags are light, okay?

In Joy (07:31.014)
So this new 5D bank of the universe is always taking care of you. Always, in all ways. And it's been like this since you were a kid. And when you redefine things to match a high feeling state, you get access to everything that's always been here for you. You get access through any way that you want to receive it. You want to receive it in more time.

you get more time. want to receive it in pixie sticks, you get more pixie sticks. You want dollars, you get dollars. You want cash, you get cash. You want money in a debit card account, you get that. You want an online bank, you get money there. You want it in a traditional bank, you get it there. You want it in cryptocurrency, you get it there. It's up to you. It's all you. It's all here to support you. Okay?

So the clarity that your life gives you gives you a knowing. If you run around in your life and you say, don't know, I don't know, what should I do? Do I choose this? Do I choose that? Life will give you the circumstances. What happens is you start fluctuating realities like a ping pong ball. Because the way this quantum realm is structured, it's based on your choice.

When you choose something, you choose a lane and you stay there, no matter what the outside looks like, you stay there, the outside will bend to you eventually. I say only eventually, it really happens immediately. It's just that there's sometimes an echo down here in 3D reality from the time you make a choice and you show up in your power before the reality changes to match the choice that you made.

So as you step into your power and you make choices for yourself and you watch the proof of your reality change, now you're living as your higher self here on the planet, incarnated here on the planet, the divine incarnated here on the planet. I know who I am in truth, I know what I am in truth, and I know how I serve in truth. I am free, I am free, I am free. And that is your power on a plate because anything that you want to do now is available to you.

In Joy (09:51.302)
There's no circumstance in your life that can stop you from having any experience that you choose to have. As long as it's relevant for your life theme, there may be experiences out here that you have taken in your mind, okay? And it's not really who you are, okay? It doesn't mean that things can't come into your mind and you can't get those things. You still can. It's just

a lot of what humanity has been trained to think about through the universities and through schools and through the movies and through, you know, what you see in the projection, then those things are not who you really are. Those were an installation installed on the planet, along with through the coffee and the food and the different things to hold you in a lower frequency.

so you wouldn't get access to the information that's being shown to you now, that I'm sharing with you now. The key is that you have that information. I'm giving it to you, and if you're here, it's because you're in resonance with it. Because you've risen your vibration to the level now, you've done enough work, play, to be able to receive these transmissions. And the more that you take care of yourself,

Love yourself, take time for yourself, spend time with your loved ones that are here on the planet with you right now. Stop focusing on things that you don't have and that aren't here with you right now. The more you come into the now and you lose track of time. Time is an illusion that you created so that you could have experience because without time you wouldn't be able to be surprised by things. You wouldn't be able to learn things which we know that you value so much on your planet.

The ability to go and learn new things is a beautiful experience. When you turn 18, you go off to college, and you get to go to a new place. It's a permission slip to meet new people, hang out and try new things that you haven't tried before, taste new things, experience a new way of life, away from the identity of the people that you came from in your oneness, to experience yourself in more of a separate state, so that eventually you can come back to the light again.

In Joy (12:16.122)
And this circle goes on, if you've seen the Flower of Life, it goes on and on and on at least seven times until you do a completion circle. And this channel is on the completion circle of abundance, mastery. And so this channel has been excited to share through all means possible, through TikToks and Instagrams and YouTubes and not being too attached to being the best at any of it, just

And sharing, knowing that the one is the all and the all is the one. So the one person that receives this message, that's all that really matters. It's because I'm showing up in this space to do this for you because you are excited to receive this. And then I'm posting this on my Patreon because I have created a community there where people can go and continue to tune to this wisdom until you get the 5D Bank of the Universe working for you.

Because this is an inside job. There is nothing out there in the world that will give this to you other than you going inside and cleaning up your negative fear -based belief systems. First recognizing them, acknowledging them. You can't change what you don't take responsibility for. But when you own it, you can change it. So diving into those fear -based negative belief systems, releasing them, letting them go back to the light, which takes some intention to do usually.

And or it takes a really strong desire to break through into the free being that you are. That will do it as well. So either one of those two things, but that will also shift you to a new version of you who doesn't have those fear -based negative belief systems. And that's not actually true. The real mechanism is you have all the belief systems. You are all of it. If you can hear me right now, then you're getting this.

You have all of it inside of you. It's just about...

In Joy (14:18.584)
not over prioritizing any one belief system. When you say you need money to do things, you crystallize the money system in your life. When you say, beautiful things come to me from lots of different places, now, yeah, the money system is a part of that, so are a million other ways that things can come to you. Why would you limit yourself? Right?

Also, when you put your services up donation based, which I have been a way shower for, and you can see the moments when I've done it and the other moments where I've been like, oh man, I'm worthy of charging 49 bucks or thousands of dollars for what I'm offering, right? Because I am and I could do it. I know have all the skillset to do that. The thing is though, that's not the highest timeline for me. The highest timeline. See, you think that that would be the highest timeline, getting the money, getting

the job, getting the whatever, even the lottery. But actually, your soul doesn't really know better. Your soul knows better. Okay? Your soul knows better. So while your ego is like, yeah, I want to go over here and win all this money because inside I'm winning all that money, my life will be so much better. Your soul knows that actually your life is better now. And that's the real work.

The real work is shifting into the version of yourself that appreciates everything now. I've just got three more minutes because I've got, I'm doing these group donation based calls with people in the Patreon and we are, it's a grand experiment and we are all leveling each other up inside of these groups. It's really pretty profound. It's sort of the same principle as the mastermind from Think and Grow Rich.

In Joy (16:14.044)
I'm also offering donation based one on one meetings for everybody. Donation based means that whether you have money or you don't have money or wherever you are on the planet, if you find a time that works for yourself in the next 21 days or 20, yeah, you can get on my schedule, okay? And your donations are greatly appreciated. Me and my family appreciate them a lot. And I'm doing everything 100 % donation. Everything I'm doing, I'm doing from my heart.

The universe finds a way and that's this 5D bank of the universe. And it's not always through the money system. Sometimes it's through the right person saying the right thing in the right moment. And it just keeps getting better. It's better than it's ever been. If this is your story, it's better than it's ever been and it just keeps getting better and better and better. And watch what happens to your life. If your story is focused on things that are not matching the frequency of your highest timeline,

I invite you to stop telling those stories because those stories are not serving you. You are sound and the more you give energy to things that you don't prefer that you're looking at or you make them bad, the more you call those things to you. So you think that you're complaining and that it's going to make it better. Like if you complain to your mother or something, she'll make it better for you. That's not how the universe works. The universe gives you more of what you focus on.

And when you get happy and you stay happy for as little as one day, watch how great your life gets for as little as one day. And the channel knows that when you show up and you give with your heart and you do things donation based, almost tears are streaming down your eyes in every meeting that you have and some moment of it. That's how blissed out you are. The more blissed out you are, the more consciousness you're holding, the more consciousness you're holding, the more your universe, your vortex, honestly, it does everything for

You don't need to do it. You're doing it through your consciousness. Okay, on that note, I'm gonna go so I can be at this appointment on time for everybody that's over there. But I love you guys, I bless you guys, and I'll catch you on the flip side. Namaste. Have a blessed and elegant day.

Preparing for Channeling: Sleep, Water, and Play
Shifting Perspectives on Money Systems
Taking Responsibility for Abundance
The Power of Choice and the Illusion of Time
Donation-Based Offerings: Connecting and Receiving
Staying in Bliss and Gratitude