It's just that Simple!

Living in the Now: Choosing Joy and Abundance

July 15, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 9
Living in the Now: Choosing Joy and Abundance
It's just that Simple!
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It's just that Simple!
Living in the Now: Choosing Joy and Abundance
Jul 15, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda

The key to receiving more money is to give money in an expansive state of being, without any insistence on receiving. By giving freely, you create a flow of abundance that keeps coming back to you. Everything in your life, including money, is a reflection of yourself and is here to serve you. When you encounter something that doesn't align with your desires, ask yourself what it is trying to show you and use that information to make new choices. Embrace the perspective that everything is always working out for you, and focus on the things you want to experience more of.

Relationships, mental health and freedom all come from your state of Being which comes from your belief system. Change your beliefs... change everything! 

Sound Bites

"You give money in expansive state of being. You will receive more money in an expansive state of being."
"The distinction that sets you free is you do it with zero insistence on it"
"Your money is you. The people you don't like are you. The people you do like are you. Everything is you. And it's all here to serve you."

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

The key to receiving more money is to give money in an expansive state of being, without any insistence on receiving. By giving freely, you create a flow of abundance that keeps coming back to you. Everything in your life, including money, is a reflection of yourself and is here to serve you. When you encounter something that doesn't align with your desires, ask yourself what it is trying to show you and use that information to make new choices. Embrace the perspective that everything is always working out for you, and focus on the things you want to experience more of.

Relationships, mental health and freedom all come from your state of Being which comes from your belief system. Change your beliefs... change everything! 

Sound Bites

"You give money in expansive state of being. You will receive more money in an expansive state of being."
"The distinction that sets you free is you do it with zero insistence on it"
"Your money is you. The people you don't like are you. The people you do like are you. Everything is you. And it's all here to serve you."

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You give money in expansive state of being. You will receive more money in an expansive state of being. Don't do it to receive though. That's the key is...

The distinction that sets you free is you do it with zero insistence on it

And what happens is the more you do it, the more you get the proof back that it keeps coming back to you. And then the more you do it, and then the more the proof comes back, and then the more you do it. And you reach this point where you have more flow than you need in every moment. And if you don't have the flow for something, it's because that isn't the way for you right now. There's another arrow pointing over here. Okay, I'm being told to give you this example. I just talked about it on the podcast. We just have another...

podcast episode being edited right now with Amelie. She's amazing by the way if you haven't connected with Amelie. She does donation based coaching just like me. She's probably got more openings in her schedule right now than I do because I'm doing these group calls. I'm doing these constellation work and which is also donation based. So what I'm saying is is that your money is you. The people you don't like are

The you do like are you. Everything is you. And it's all here to serve you. The IRS can serve you. Everything can serve you. The tax things can serve you. The rules can serve you. The lawyers can serve you. The judges serve you. The policies serve you. Political stuff serves you. Everything serves you. It's all you. So then you can ask yourself, well, what is this thing trying to show me? What information?

giving you information because you're the feeler of the source, right? So you're feeling something new about something, right? You watch a movie, you feel something, right? Now what do you do? Do you just watch the next movie, do nothing about it, take no action? Or do you take a new action? I watched this movie. I saw a guy hit someone on the movie the other night. Okay? You know how bad it made me feel immediately? I felt the electricity come through me like, ugh.

as not what I want to see. I was doing my best to fast forward through all the parts I didn't want to see in the movie. But the mirror neurons, the frequency came in and I felt what I would have felt like if I would have hit this guy. And it was bad, it felt gross. Because that guy is you. It's me. So if I hit him, it's the same as hitting myself. So

now gives me new information. What can I do differently? Do I still turn on the TV and still watch some random movies and fast forward through the stuff, even though we thought it was when my wife picked out, we thought it was gonna be harmless, whatever. But I felt that way. Do I ignore it and keep going back to feeling that way? No, not me. I make a new choice. Forget it. I'm done with that app. I'm done with that website. I'm done watching movies like that way. Is it extreme? Does it have to be extreme? I'm done with everything? No.

Might you throw out the water with the bath, the baby? Yes. It's feeling to it in the now. This is really what I want to do. This is really the experience I want to have. What happened last time in this experience? Yeah, that's bringing something from your past into your now, but if it gave you information to give you clarity, then it's okay. And that's wisdom. That's wisdom. Then you have wisdom. So, guys, I'm just sharing from my heart for you, for the benefit of you.

with zero expectations on the outcome. And I deleted vidIQ off my YouTube because it had this graph in the top right hand corner for the last couple years. It told me how many views I had in the last 48 hours and the second I saw it, I would let it invite me down into lack. Oh, I only had this many views, I need to have more. No, I don't care about that, it's not who I am. If one person sees this and it brings value to the one person,

You are the person that I got excited to share this because of. So you and me are on the same frequency. A wave, look, this is a flat wave. Okay, that's zero experience. Consciousness is not having an experience here. But consciousness wants to have an experience. It would rather have any experience than no experience. So it does this. It's a sine wave. So if you go down, let's say, and you ask for something that's

I don't have enough money for a moment. Then you send a rocket of desire out into the universe. The universe creates on the upside of the wave the answer, the solution for your problem. And then it sends me in, inspires me to give you the answer. And if you go, I'm not listening, I'm gonna go back to whatever I was doing before, you miss the answer. So abundance, consciousness just reeled up all the abundance you ever asked

gives it to you in somebody who you like the look of or like the way they sound or you appreciate something about them. You pay attention to them. I look just like your, like I had somebody show up last week. I look just like their first love, right? And she was totally respectful about it. And she knows that I have a partner who I love and I'm not looking for anything outside of that. I have a family who I love and I really appreciate my family unit right now. And that is my priority right now. And I know that it's a 3D construct and I love

I love my role of dad right now. I love being the cool uncle right now. I love being a husband who gets to be a cooperative component of all the beautiful things that are coming to my wife anyway. And yeah, I just get thankful for what I have. And in the space of thankful for what I have, I don't need anything else. Thank you for my eyesight. Do it with me. This is easy work, guys, okay? I'm thankful for my eyesight.

Repeat after me, I'm thankful for my eyesight. For without my eyes, you and me could not be having this experience. I mean, I could do it with my eyes closed, but I really appreciate the views that I get, that I can see the art that I'm surrounded with, that I'm thankful for my eyesight. Thankful for my breath, and take a deep breath in.

Take another one. Take another one and hold it. And hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold Hold it. Hold it. Hold Hold it. Hold Let it out. Right? Aren't you thankful for that breath? I'm thankful for my lungs. The other side of the breath. I'm thankful for the trees. The other side of my lungs. I'm thankful for my knees. I like to rhyme a lot. Thankful for my nose. Thankful for my toes. I couldn't walk without my toes. Now I'm thankful for Mo's.

Mo's the DJ, we're gonna see him at Unison Festival later this year if you wanna go. We're doing a promotion on our podcast where can win two free tickets. I only bought two tickets for you guys. All you gotta do is

go to my Instagram, you have to like screenshot something and send her an email, like following the podcast. It's easy, super easy. It's gonna take you like five minutes to do and you'll be into this drawing for two free tickets to Unison or just come to Unison. You got money? Go get yourself some tickets. Come see us at Unison Festival in Colorado, September 5th through the 10th. I'm planning on doing a lot of ecstatic dancing

Just feeling good, you know? Probably in all natural ways, because that's who I am these days. I don't need anything to be high. I'm just high on my own supply. And I'm unknowable, you know? I'm not making anything wrong either. I'm just totally satisfied anyway, you know? And when you get totally satisfied anyway, watch how great your life gets as soon as today. If you just take whatever's going on in your life,

and you see the beauty in it. go, is, God is, God is. You see the beauty in it. And then you go do something that makes you happy. Your life will be amazing. While you're doing that thing that makes you happy, you might get an idea. If you take action on that idea, you will have an experience that your soul came here to have. And it's as easy as that. And you don't need any money for that. And I'm thankful that I have money, because when I have money, like today, I might take myself to lunch.

I'm eating today, I'm thankful for it. In other days, I've fasted and I've skipped lunch and dinner. So that was a cool perspective to have and then also this perspective of taking myself out to lunch is a cool perspective to have. Having a car is a great perspective to have. Not having a car is a great perspective to have. Having a bicycle is a great perspective to have. Not having a bicycle is a great perspective to have. Being able to walk is a great perspective to have.

Breaking your toe and not being able to walk or losing your leg is a great perspective. You see there's value in every single perspective. And you can't get this wrong and you can't get this right. And morals, I'm going to talk about morals for a moment, okay? Morals are a human construct, okay? Now, you have agreements that you make with people. I invite you to be honest in those agreements. If you're a man,

and you truly in your heart would like to have relationships with three separate women and you're with one woman right now, I invite you to really, honestly, have an honest conversation with yourself. Go inside and decide for yourself if you really want to have a relationship with other women or not. Or do you truly value the one woman that you have? Because, trust me, that one woman is enough for any man to handle, okay? But let's

You think you want to have more variety in your life or more whatever. So then what would happen if you told your partner

Honey, I want to have a relationship with someone else too, right? And then, what would, how would that make you feel? Feel into it, play this out in your head. And then how would that make them feel? And what happens is you give them the opportunity to interact with the real version of you. And then she might say, get lost. Or she might say, you know, go and explore that thing if you want to. Or she might say, I respect that you want to have that. If you choose to have

I'm no longer here with you in this now relationship. whatever she says, it has to be okay because you're being your honest truth. And that then creates a new life around you that is your authentic truth. And so what I'm inviting everyone to do, which is, and myself, is to get

good with the way that we really are, our true nature, our soul's true nature and purpose. And I think what you'll find is, as a man, you'll play out these other scenarios and you'll realize, you know what? That doesn't matter that much to me. What really matters to me is to be loved.

And if you can follow that conversation I just took you through, you might arrive at the place that I've arrived at, which is that I get that I'm a monkey species. And in our DNA that's monkeys, monkeys, and we have a lot of our seed to spread as men, right? So it's in our genetic being to want to spread our seed, okay? And then you mix in things like social media.

they operate on the more reptilian part of our souls. Right? I get on my Instagram feed and somebody's shaking their butt or got their boobs or whatever it is or it just has a nice smile, right? And that instantly gives me a dopamine hit in my brain that makes me feel good. So instead of just keeping scrolling, I stop for a second and this is all happening evolutionary wise, right? I'm not doing anything wrong here. And

So I accept that part of me. I accept that there's a part of me that likes to see beautiful women, okay? And then I talk to my wife and my wife says, for example, she tells me the story of when somebody was on OnlyFans in one of her social circles and it made the woman really sad to find out that her partner was on OnlyFans, right?

We've got these like two opposing parts of society. One is the, balloons just went out, the part where we're like, we want to love and be loyal. And two is the part where we naturally as a species want to see things that make us happy. Everybody does. If you eat something, if you eat chocolate, why do you do it? Because it makes you feel good in the short term. For guys that are more visually wired,

When you see somebody who's attractive to you, why do you look? Because it makes you feel good in the short term. Women like to eat more than guys. think that's a... I mean, there might be some guys that it's different, but in general... So women like to receive that way more. I honestly could fast for three days and I'll feel amazing the whole time. I don't need the food. And so we're all playing this society role thing, okay, where...

We're living into these roles of like what is a dad? A dad is somebody who does this for their kids and scares... Remember the dad of a daughter when the first boy comes to the house, if your daughter happens to be straight or not, right? But then you get out your shotgun. Like you're cleaning your gun or whatever. Like that was in the movies or something like

So that's part of the role of a dad in American society is to be protective over their daughters. But what if rather than being responsible for our kids, right? I'm holding up my hands for air quotes for our kids. We were just responsible to our kids. And so now we don't have to protect our kids so much. I had this download where I got on this river with a tube with my daughter when she was like nine and my wife was

And my friends were there. And I was holding on to my daughter. She was in her too. I was in my too. We were going down this river. And there came a moment where I couldn't hold on to her. And I let her go. And she was good with it before that happened, I think. And if she wasn't, she went anyway. And she was good. The river still took care of her. We went down this river. She got out of this part after some white water rapids. And my wife was there further down the river than I was to get her out.

the universe still took care of her. So maybe as parental roles, we don't have to...

We don't have to feel bad about any part of our role as a parent. We don't have to feel bad, I'm speaking as men now, we don't have to feel bad that we like the way a woman looks when she walks by or goes through our feed on Instagram. We don't have to feel bad about that. Now I will tell you that the wolf you feed will grow, right? If you vibrate on other women long enough on your feed, you will vibrate other women into your life. Is that really the experience that you want to have?

I can tell you as somebody who did that in a different now, honestly, I'm thankful that I created it. I wouldn't change any part of it. It's just that that is not the experience I want to have now. It's not. I choose to be in a loving relationship that is monogamous, that is beautiful for as long as it wants to last. I can't tell you. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Right?

It's just that us with our personalities, honestly, I really believe that we have no clue what's coming tomorrow. But whatever is coming tomorrow, it will match your vibration perfectly. So be careful what you wish for. Be careful what you're asking for. Be careful because if you're not clear with it, that's the beauty of being down here in time. If everything you wanted came like this, now and now and now, and you never got rejected from anything,

because you didn't have enough money to do it or whatever, then you would create a mess in your life. As a young man, for sure you will. I promise you that. If you just get everything you want all the time, you'll create a freaking mess for lots of people around you all the time. It's not until you have some wisdom. How do you get wisdom? You screw up. And you say yes when you should have said no, and you say no when you should have said yes, and you shouldn't say anything because

If you don't shit on you, I won't shit on you. Everything was perfect the way that it is. But the truth is, those of us who are the most awakened on the planet right now, Neil Donald Walsh, he wrote the book, Conversation with God. He talks about how he's had like nine wives. God bless him. Nine divorces. I don't know if you've ever been divorced, but for sure it's the society definition of divorce. But it's not something that once you've been through once,

did you consciously, first of all, you don't want to go through it once. Second of all, after you've been through it once, you don't want to go through it twice. This guy was divorced nine freaking times. And he's like the most, one of the most aware people I've heard speak on the planet. Neil Donovan Walls, Conversations with God, the books are priceless, Everything about him I love. I haven't read him in years, because I'm writing my own book. Now I'm writing my second book.

and the first book was called 5D Currency Guide and I gave it away to people. just gave it away. I showed up and I gave it, I gave it, gave it. Then I made a donation base and that was fun. Then I put it on Amazon. Sometimes people buy it on Amazon. Sometimes people get it for free. Some people donate 50 bucks for it, whatever. $2, $1, whatever. And it was cool because I got my material out there and I relate to being a channel.

which really is just communication. We're all channeling something all the time. And so I believe that I created that book because I was super excited to create it. And I was doing some microdosing when I was microdosing a psilocybin when I was on it, when I was writing that book. And I was in heaven on earth and I wanted to give that to people. So I wrote the book and it's not perfect, but it is perfect because it was my expression in that now, what I wanted to write. And now I'm writing another book and

I'm playing with different titles right now, but it's got something to do with being here on heaven on earth already, because you are. it's sort of like, things are always working out for you. Things always work out for you. Affirm that with me right now. Take a deep breath in. Hold it and let it

Things are always working out for me right now. Say it with me. Things always work out for me. No matter what happens in life, I always land on my feet. I'm like a cat with nine lives. Things always work out for me. Look what I made it through, okay? Things always work out for me. Things are working out for me so much that even when they're not working out for me, I know that they're working out for me. Even if it looks like they're not working out for me for a second, I know that it's actually, I'm just taking score too soon because things are always working out for me.

Right? And from this place of knowing that things always work out for you, you know that something good comes from something bad all the time. Something bad could happen in an accident, and something good would come from it. Right? So from here, you can reach this next stepping stone. Take a deep breath in. Hold it. Let it out. Deep breath in. Hold it. Let it out. All the way out. Deep breath

Hold it,

So what do I care what happens? And that is your power on a play. That's how you take your power back. Walk into every situation with that and you set yourself free. You free everything around you and you get to live a life that you love now. And do it unconditionally. There's this thing, I have some money right now, I want to buy it. Who cares what happens and buy it? Give yourself permission. All right? And then all of sudden what happens is, I'll tell you, you let go of that money,

Three other things in your brain open up for ways that you actually had money that you forgot about. I have money in this account, I money in that account, I got this silver over here, I got this Bitcoin thing, I got this Solana thing, I got freaking more money and resources now just because I don't care. Now, there might be a fallacy inside of that. If I really didn't care would I have this stuff? Probably not, right? I do care because I appreciate having resources. I really, really appreciate having flexibility in my time and my day.

I really appreciate choosing to feel how worthy I am. I choose to feel how worthy I am. That's a choice I think I didn't mention earlier when we're doing choices. Go back and listen to that. We play that breath work we did earlier. I'm going to post it up in the Patreon community and it will be there in there. I think it's day 17 now of the Positive Mind Challenge. I'm going to cut this up and put it in there right when I get off of this. And go take those. They're a way for you to tune to yourself with me.

Most of them are five minutes. couple of them, one of them, like day 10 is the inner child meditation. Everyone that talks to me says they cry from that. It's 17 minutes long. I show you how to call all the energy back into your chakra system. I show you how to make choices that you love. I show you how to heal the relationship with the fractures and consciousness that are inside of you. And I do it all for free, guys. It's 100 % donation -based. Anything you want to give to me, I really appreciate it a lot because

I live my life like today's my last day. And so if I have money, when I have money, and there things that come up, bills and things for my kids and whatever, I circulate it. And then I might go to zero. But you know what? I never go to zero because there's always money on its way to me. You can't have zero. That's the paradox of having no money. I hope you put yourself in a situation in your life where you have no money sometime so that you can actually realize how much you actually still have even when you have no money.

And when you do that and you live that and you come to the conclusion with a smile on your face, you can't have no money and be like, hat down, hair over your face, not wanting to look at anybody. You have to have no money and be like, take a pencil or pen and put in your mouth. If you do that long enough, you'll start smiling. And then you'll have all the emotions and the chemical reactions that that smile gives you.

This is fun. It's the most beautiful sound you can make in humanity. This is a sigh of relief. So make yourself smile until you are actually smiling and watch what happens. It's like your grandma told you, when you smile, the world smiles back. People write comments to me, I'm not excited about anything right now in my life. And you know what I write?

They're like, all my life I can't get happy about anything. I write, how exciting! Because guess what? It's exciting to have the perspective of not being able to get happy about anything and being depressed. What if we redefined depression as compression? It's a natural thing that when the outside stops making sense, we go inside to be with ourselves.

Breathe in, deep breath out. Nobody's depressed, you don't need any medication for anything, you just went into compression for a little while and you're free, you're free, you're free. You don't have some clinical thing that's wrong with you that you need to hire a doctor for, that you need to get medication for. Nope, it was just all a way for you to know yourself in a limited, small way. And now you're free, you're choosing to be free. I came off all my meds, I'm not recommending this, I'm not a doctor, I'm not your financial advisor, I'm not any of that stuff.

Some dude, wacko on the internet, speaking his truth. Okay? I came off all the meds that I was on. I was on... I had a hedge fund, right? So they told me I was a high performing guy. So I needed to get on Adderall. So I got on Adderall, and then when I got on Adderall, it wasn't Adderall. I tried all the variations before that, but then I was on Adderall. And when I was on Adderall, now you need to take Zoloft. Because when you take Zoloft, it takes the edge off the Adderall, so you won't be a freaking nut all the time. So then I was taking Zoloft. When you take Zoloft, you can't feel

erogenous zone as a man, right? So I'm taking Adderall now, more high performance. I'm taking Zoloft and then I'm not feeling my you know what and I'm like, well, this is no freaking good. So then I go and have a drink or something or I go and smoke a joint or something like that. And then one day I was just like, you know what? This isn't the truth. And I came off all of it. I cut it all out in a moment.

And that next 10 days of my life was a whirlwind. I don't really recommend doing it this way. But if you did, you'd be okay, because you're infinite. I know who you are in truth, okay? And that's my truth. You've to honor your own belief system. If you believe that you can, then you can't, right? I just chose to choose to come off all that stuff, and I did. And what happened was, this realization happened. One, I could be happy pretty easily. I'm really a happy guy. Naturally. It's

That cork when you hold it down under the water, and finally you get let go of it, you naturally float to the top. I'm a naturally happy guy. I bet you are too. But you're a naturally happy feeling person. So then I realized I would just take care of myself. I went and did stuff that I wanted to do. If I had the money to do things, I did it. I made the choices based on what I knew was right, not what other people thought. And it really screwed up some relationships in my life because

I stopped showing up to them inside of their drama, their trauma, as the one who was helping them fix their unworthiness, their yucky feelings with the world, with the political system, with the money system. And at the time I owned this hedge fund, right? And a private wealth management firm. And my ex -business partner got pissed off at me. She took me into the court system. That was the biggest gift I could ever give to myself because it gave me my empowerment.

I realized who I was in truth through that whole process. And that's why when something bad happens in somebody's life, it's not actually a bad thing, it's a gift. And when you define it as a bad thing, then you get that result. And when you define it as a gift, then you get the gift of it. And when you get the gift of it, that thing will come and go, and you'll get new things in your life, okay? So if you've got anything going on in your life that you don't prefer, just find the gift in it. Find the God presence in it. Go, God is, God is, God is.

Get the information from it, why you created it for yourself in your life, and it will go away. But not because you want it to go away anymore. You will just get good with it the way that it is and surrender to it. And that's when it will leave. Most likely, you know. Or you're gonna die with that and then you might as well get good with it anyway, right? Because it's gonna be around for a while, so why wouldn't you just love everything in your life as if it was you and the people in it? And that's the key. When you do that, you love the people that are involved.

You love what it is, you send it some love -light energy, you stop making it bad or wrong. You actually, what happens is when you do all this, you stop giving it any power. You stop giving it any power. And when you take the power away from it, it stops coming around, because it's like there's nothing here for you. You know, it's the same thing with anything you're scared of. You get good with it, it gets good with you.

Because you are the creative force of the universe. And I wrote this in my 5D currency guide. It's one of the first principles. I call it toaster oven theory. And you are the toaster oven. Or you are the energy source that's connected to the toaster oven. So you are energizing that toast. Whatever you want to experience more of in your life, plug into that. You'll get more of it as soon as today. If you want to experience less of something, stop plugging into the thing that you want to experience less of.

It's not rocket science. It's like this. I'll have some more of this. Ooh, I like that. Ooh, like that. Ooh, ooh, this over here. It's really good. Ooh, not so much that. But I like this over here. Oh, this is really good. Oh, yes, this is awesome. Ooh, that was yucky. Oh, but this is really good. You know? That's sort of the mix of life. It's like this 80 -20 mixture. And if you focus on the 20 % that you don't prefer, it'll become the 100 % for you. But if instead, you give it to the light, you free it, you know what it is in truth,

I know who you are in truth, I know what you are in truth, I know how you serve in truth, are free, you are free, you are free in truth. And you free it, then it goes back to the light and the wisdom and you get more of what you want. It's a win -win -win. So I hope you enjoyed this today. I love you guys, I bless you guys. It's my highest excitement to share with you guys like this. come and join my Patreon, it's free. It's for you, you created it for you. I'm doing

Group meetings right now, donation based, come get in on, you can email me, shaboogiemax or proton .me if you want in. Or you can get on the platform, talk to me there. And we're meeting our soul families, our star tribe. The name of my course is Soul Attraction and Soul Money Communities. And if you can't afford it, come and do it for free. But the trade off is I'm being conditional now. Take my Soul Money course.

If you want in for free, you're welcome. And I bet that you would want to be somebody who could circulate something to it, to the things that matter to you in your life. So take my Soul Money course, because that will... If you watch that, you get 12 hours of me talking at you like this, right? So it's around nine weeks of a course. If you just watch an hour and half a week, you put it on the background while you're doing your laundry, whatever, and then do the exercises I give you, that course is priceless. My Soul Money course is priceless. There's no amount of money you could give me.

that would compensate me for the amount of value I give you in that course. I know that for a fact. And so that's why I'm a rich person, because I give it for free. That energy I give you, it comes back to me. Always in all ways. Whether you see the value in it or not, it doesn't matter, because I know what I'm giving. Therefore, I'm receiving always in all ways. And so it's, if I didn't have money to go to lunch today, I'd find some food

I'm not even attached to going to lunch today. Am I just fast for the rest of the day anyway? You know, it's just whatever you want to do. What kind of experience do you want to have? You can't get it wrong. You can't get it right. I love you guys. I bless you guys. I'm gonna let you guys go back to the rest of your days and come play with me. We got the Patreon. We got the podcast. We got YouTube videos. We got my Instagrams and TikToks.

It's just it's a broadcast that's coming through me and I'm sharing because I can it feels good because I'm the grounding wire It's the last comment on money. I'll give you okay I'm the one grounding the energy I created through this process of my hedge fund a debt of four hundred and fifty six thousand dollars Okay, I'm the one that gets to ground that energy to complete that for me. I'm excited to do it. Okay,

So your donations are helpful in that sense, right? And I don't know how it's going to happen. I gave it to God. But I do know that it's no longer, it is no longer anything inside of it for me. I went through court and I represented myself. I see the love in all the people. I've found, I've come to love in my heart with everybody. And I'm hoping that they also had a spiritual awakening through this and they see the value.

in the role that I played for them in this. And if they can't see the value, well then, too bad for them. I don't feel bad about it, I feel good about it actually. It was a co -creation, everyone was in agreement about with it. And the one thing I would do differently is when you guys came at me with this BS freaking lawsuit thing, I would have freaking stood my ground and not gone, I'm scared of this. But I'm glad that I didn't do that because I got all this beauty out of it. Because you guys

You guys screwed up because you guys all would have 50 times more money if you would have stayed with me. was investing at Bitcoin at between $12 ,000 and $3 ,000, you know? And so by them creating, by us, by me, I was miserable. I was getting to the point where I said out loud I didn't want to just make rich people richer anymore. Okay? And when I said that out loud, that's why I say appreciate what you got,

Because once you start not appreciating it, it's on its way out the door. If you got a relationship that you love, and you're focusing on what's not good about it, that they didn't take out the trash today, that relationship is on its way out the door. When you just love the other person as if they are you, and appreciate what you have when you have it, I appreciate it, I appreciate this method of us connecting, I appreciate, I appreciate, appreciate, appreciate, I appreciate you, now I get to stay in this experience longer. If I go, I'm done with this, I don't like this.

This will get whisked out and something new will come in. And that's why, back to my point on time, we are here in time. It gives us time to get clarity on what we want. And once you get the clarity, it comes into your life. And we just define it sometimes as bad things happening, because there's no bad thing on this planet. There's only good things on this planet. So when you realize that nothing is bad in the long term, it might look bad in the short

But in the long term, it's always good. So then you can stop judging things as good and bad and you just let what happened happens. And you're free. Okay? I'm free, you're free. I love you, I bless you. Have a blessed and elegant day. Namaste.

The Power of Perspective: Finding Value in Every Perspective
Embracing Your Divine Nature: Living Authentically and Fulfilling Your Purpose
Embracing Authenticity in Relationships
Finding Happiness in the Present Moment
Seeing Every Situation as a Gift
The Importance of Acceptance and Non-Judgment