It's just that Simple!

Quantum Finance Revealed

July 04, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 8


In this conversation, Neil and Amelie discuss the concept of abundance and how it relates to the quantum financial system. They emphasize the importance of being present and intentional in our actions and choices, rather than being stuck in repetitive patterns. They highlight the power of mindset and the ability to choose how we feel and perceive our circumstances. They also discuss the significance of core memories and the impact of being fully present with our loved ones. The conversation concludes with a reminder that abundance is not just about money, but about living a fulfilling and joyful life.


Choose to be present and intentional in your actions and choices.
Shift your mindset and choose to feel abundant in all areas of your life.
Create core memories by being fully present with your loved ones.
Abundance is not just about money, but about living a fulfilling and joyful life.

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Shaboogie (00:00.238)
We're live. We're live. Welcome. Namaste. Thanks for being here. Good to see you. Good to see you, Neil. You too. Hello, everybody.

Welcome to this beautiful space where you get to play. I'm in vacation mode. I'm on the beach. Nice. It's a nice vacation mode. Get stuck there. Get stuck on vacation mode. I just deleted, I don't know, 40 apps off my cell phone today. It's amazing. Your phone is now naked. I feel lighter. Liberated. Yeah, totally.

Wow. That's got to feel great for sure. Were there any that were like the little resistance or was it just like a free for all like goodbye, goodbye, goodbye? No, it was like, if I haven't used co -created with the app in a while and I think I needed for something that I don't need it. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. I, I've gone seasons where I take even Instagram.

I think you just did that like off your phone and it's so beautiful because then you're very intentional about the time that you spend on that app. Cause you have to sit down in front of your computer. but it does burst me into a much more present moment when I'm living, which is nice. Well, everything is beautiful. Everything. There's nothing right or wrong. You know, everything's beautiful. And so everything is a consciousness.

And so Las Vegas is a consciousness, you know, and it wants you to stay in that consciousness. It doesn't want you to get out. It wants you to stay in that. It doesn't want you to make too many decisions, like real decisions. It wants you to just continue to be there doing the thing. And when you think about it, the state of being that you're looking for out of it, it's like, what are you actually getting out of it? And social media is like that too. It's, it wants you to stay there. It wants you to

Shaboogie (02:13.198)
like things and feel good from hitting the little heart, beautiful little pink heart. And that's beautiful. And when you get out of it, you're like, I made it. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's like anything. It's like, if you're engaging with conscious choice, like I am choosing to be here, it can be beautiful. But when anything falls into like, just

like I'm doing this because this is what I do and I'm not even thinking about it. I mean, even our spiritual practices, like when your morning routine becomes so like the same, which I love creating structures, having the same thing, but if it becomes something that you're just like doing without consciousness and awareness, you're not tapping into consciousness and awareness. You're just jumping through a hoop. So even the good, healthy, beautiful things in our lives.

Like can fall into that trap of just being like, I'm just stuck in the cycle instead of I'm choosing to be here. Totally. Cause that's the monkeys. We're monkeys, which are creatures or habit. So, you know, like our grandparents, they might've done the same thing for 30 or 40 years before they got what they needed out of that. But now where we're at in consciousness now, you can just imagine the experience and get what you need out of it. Yeah.

Pretty powerful. Well, one of the things I know I wanted to talk about today is imagining the experience of wealth and abundance and something you talk about a whole lot and have a whole course on. And that's the quantum financial system and what that really looks like and means and how that plays out in our lives, both just individually, but like maybe even as entrepreneurs or people doing the kind of work that we're doing. Would you talk to me about that? Can we go there?

Yeah, totally. Would you ask me a direct question about it? Mm hmm. Yes. So what is the biggest difference that you've noticed between maybe the old financial system and the quantum financial system? Like what's the main thing that separates these two systems? Hang on one second. Always drinking water, rolling up the sleeves, people. Here we go. Well.

Shaboogie (04:36.206)
They're the same because the old system was quantum too. I like it. Right. Cause everything's always been in this quantum field that now our scientists agree we live in. So the old was quantum, the new is quantum. The old is a reflection of you, a consciousness, you know, it was cool. I had so much fun in it. I was all in on stocks and stock options and bonds and, and

Roth IRAs and tax the seed and not the egg. I mean, I just, that's all I did, you know? And, and so that's a cool consciousness. That's cool. That's got its own, you know, experience with it, the wall street journal and, you know, Warren Buffett, you know, by Coca -Cola. And then, and then came sort of like an intermediate step, which was like,

buy Bitcoin and meme coins and crypto and all that and that's cool. And then the truth though, I've been a truth seeker. What is the truth of this? What is the truth? And I had all these clients, some with not a lot of money, some with a lot of money. It's all relative depending on what you're used to, what experience you came in to live.

Like if you're the son of a billionaire or daughter of a billionaire, what's a lot of money to you and somebody else might be something different, you know, to someone who grew up in India on the streets. But it doesn't mean that the son of a billionaire is happier than someone who grew up in India on the streets. Actually, some of the poorest places on the planet are very happy places. You wouldn't even know that they're that poor. But now a rich person would say, well, then that's something a poor person would say, you know, better to cry in your Ferrari than in your bicycle or whatever. But what I found is actually

Bicycle is a lot of fun and cars are fun too and walking is fun. I'm thankful for my toes. And so it's all good. The old system, the new system. And at the end of the day, what everybody was seeking, the people with a lot of money, the people with not a lot of money, they were seeking to feel better somehow. And a lot of times they would hire me and they would either not know that they were paying me a lot through the commissions I was making or what I was selling them.

Shaboogie (06:59.598)
Or they just eventually when I had my own business stuff were writing checks out to me quarterly or monthly or it automatically came out for a lot of money and and I was selling stuff and making a lot of money on it that way and They I was a permission slip for them to feel good about it. Whatever they were doing and the wealthiest people the really wealthy ones They actually Didn't need you that much

They really didn't need you because what they knew the truth more than the ones that were in the middle and I'm not making them better. It's just what they knew was they had this smirk on their face when they came in and they sat down and it didn't really matter what charts and what software you showed them to tell them that like they might run out one day or so they should buy this things to make sure they don't run out. They would just look back at you and smile and just say, okay, I'll think about that. And then they'd go back about their life and do whatever they were doing.

And they sort of met you on a level that was okay for them to stay in your practice. And, but, so what I'm saying is, is it's all about how you feel. You know? And then you can get unconditional with how you feel. And then it all stops the matter. So the real, the difference between maybe.

where you were in a previous consciousness with the financial system. And now it's not so much the logistics, the mechanics of a system, because it was always quantum that you were playing with, but it's your awareness that it's not your doing, it's not what you're doing that's making you the money, but it's the state of your being, your thoughts, your feelings, as you're doing those things, that is your point of attraction.

that shifts it into being the quantum financial system that is playing with you as opposed to the quantum financial system that maybe you were playing with, but not consciously, not plugging into it knowingly. So it wasn't maybe serving you in the same way.

Shaboogie (09:23.118)
Yeah, I mean, I should get excited about it. I used to put on my suit and get my ties and get excited about what I was doing and eventually stop wearing ties and was excited about that. And you know what I mean? Like I was just excited at all the stages. And then there's this real quantum finance, the real one, you know, that they talk about in like, I don't know, Germany or Soviet Union and stuff like that. And and that's just, they probably called it that just because they everything's hidden in plain sight, you know, so

They probably just called it like that because they wanted to have more control over things. And if they can get you to believe, they can get you to believe they are you can get you to believe that they control anything. Then that's when you give your power away to them, to them. And I'm doing air quotes when I say them, because you are your governments, you, you, you hired agents to do the administrative work. And when you think of a government as a blob that doesn't have a face on it,

You think that it has more power than it has, but it doesn't. It's all through your choice, the little choices that you make in your life, how you live your day. There's this YouTube video out about, it's like, I don't know, billionaires or a hundred millionaires in Japan or something. And they believe that they, like the richest man in Japan cleans his own toilet every day with like a toothbrush and stuff. And so it's like the little habits that you have and how you circulate your energy, whether you're

Discipline whether you care about the little things whether you're very Lay as a fair whether you just don't care about anything it all gets reflected back to you in the big because the hologram all the information is in the little part of the hologram that's in the big part of the hologram so All the information that's in your small choices you and me live on different planets you and me I'm only probably in closer planets, but the people listening or whoever's listening

We're on different planets right now. Yours is based on your beliefs and then the actions you take and how you feel. And mine is based on the same. And what I found was you could put, I put myself in sort of a quote unquote terrible situation, but I actually had the time of my life the whole way through. So someone on the outside might've been like, Ooh, that looks like it sucks. But me on the inside was like, I'm taking my daughter to the park on my bicycle today. Like I'm on vacation. This is good for me.

Shaboogie (11:47.438)
I was happy. I had my own reality within the reality. I think the message that I want to share is no matter what it looks like through your television screen, through your social media screen, through your audio things, no matter how bad you think that thing is or that thing that that person did or I can't believe that, all of that is just an option for you to engage with. That if you instead choose to be thankful for the birds that are singing and that the sun came up today and you didn't have to do anything,

You will create the life that you love no matter what the quantum financial system looks like no matter if we go to pixie sticks tomorrow for for currency because the truth of it is is you are your currency and the difference that you make and the way you make people feel around you and Whether you do pick up after yourself or and i'm not making it right or wrong to do that I you know, my bed's not made today. Like it's not like that. It's just that

It's just that it's all you. And so what you care about is what you find in your hologram to care about. Like, I've only I've seen you post in recently about how like what you just shared. Some people wake up and their spirit, they're like, this has to be your spiritual routine thing. And, you know, if you do anything, if I if I go to my favorite restaurant, I just found a restaurant has awesome pool tables and it's Indian food. If I go there every day for five days on day six, me personally.

good. I don't need to go back there for a long time, probably long, long time. Maybe never. Yeah. But some people want to go every day for 30 years and that's okay. Which is beautiful. It's just paying attention like your awareness around am I engaging here to in my highest excitement. So often people are like, I got to do my morning routine. And I'm like, well then don't like if that's the energy that you're doing it in. Yeah.

all of the benefit that you first experienced when you first started it and you were excited about it. Yeah. He's gone. Yeah. So it came with like, if you're engaging in a business and you're like, I have to do this and I have to meet with my clients and I have to then the field is going to respond to that. Like this begrudging, like, I don't really want to have to do this. And that's beautiful because when we find ourselves in that space, we're like, I'm doing this out of performance.

Shaboogie (14:10.542)
Instead of playfulness and we can make that switch. And when we just decide to do what is our highest excitement, the field then responds to that. And, and not just like, if you feel like you have to do it, but, and if you're eating to avoid feeling, if you're smoking marijuana, drinking alcohol, you know, you got to get away from something. And so you're doing something for release. Like all of those things are telltale signs.

you're not doing what you love and you're doing it because you think you have to because you could be like that's what your parents did or that's what your career is and that's how long you've been locked into this company for the attachments truth is the more we let go of them the higher we fly the better we feel and then you can still have things like you it's just that you're not attached to him your job your 401k none of that stuff matters anymore

So like somebody that's like really identifying maybe with the and I don't want to call old like it's not good. I just mean like that your old state of consciousness around finances, you know, they're in the rat race of doing, doing, getting, getting, you might be enjoying it, but maybe there's like, they feel like there's something more. What's, what's like the, the moment for you or what's a

trick or a tip or a awareness shift that helps open up the portal. Because this affects your entire life. This isn't just about how you view money. This is about a way of living. So I'm just curious, like somebody that's on that like fence, like they're feeling the truth and what you're saying. What's a practice they could do or something they could consider that might help them make that shift? I like this one.

Roll down the window in your car next time you drive. Stop the car, pull over to the side of the road with a nice view. Roll down the window and yell out the window, I'm happy anyway. I choose to be happy anyway. And then see how you feel. And then go and do some stuff that matches that. And then wake up the next day and do it when you wake up in the morning. And then when you fall asleep and then maybe make some new choices. I choose to live in the end results of a life that I love.

Shaboogie (16:33.518)
that all parts of me loves. And I think the biggest thing that I see with the thousands and hundreds and thousands of conversations I've had with people all over the world is that the old system operates better when you're broken. So what I mean by that is one way to relate to it is we have a chakra system. And one of those chakras is your stability.

your root chakra. Okay. And a lot of the old institutions have agreements with your root chakra. You have agreements with them through your root chakra. And so you give your energy at the root, which is what allows the energy to flow through to the rest of you. Okay. Which is why, like when you take off your shoes and you get in the grass, you feel really good. There's no inflammation in the body, right? Cause this energy is coming up and the inflammation is going away. So you're exchanging.

energy with Gaia. Well, so those institutions want you to be broken. Well, what's a broken version of you? A broken version of you is during a traumatic time in your life, everybody has some trauma. It could be as simple as you asked for something when you were a kid and mom and dad said, no, because you don't have enough money. Right. So then now for the next 50 years of your life, you're driven to always have plenty of money and whatever. Right. That's a trauma. Right. But if you go

and you heal those trauma and it could be worse than that, right? You could have been part of a ritual when you were a kid. And I've seen people shift from pretty profound stuff all in just one conversation.

Heal that trauma. Go back to that trauma version of you and say these things to it. Say the hopo, hopo ono. One, I'm sorry I tried to kill you. When I was done with that traumatic time in my life, I tried to kill you. I put you outside the house. I pretended you didn't exist and I'm sorry. Number two, please forgive me.

Shaboogie (18:33.294)
Number three, thank you, because nobody ever told them that they don't need to run interface for you anymore. You created them during a traumatic time in your life to handle a trauma in your life. And that version of you, that version of your personality that you made wrong, nobody told them, hey, guess what? You did a great job. Thank you so much for doing what you did. We made it. Woo. Right. And then the last one is I'm choosing to live in the end results of a life that

all parts of me loves and that includes you. Will you please come with me in this new life that all parts of you love? And for me, the old trauma version of me was really good at playing pool. So I made pool wrong while I was separating myself from that trauma version of me. This is just one little example, right? Because he used to go to the bar, play pool for shots with people, play pool all night long, you know, and, and

And so I made that wrong. And then when I integrated that part of me back, I got part of my inner child back and now I go and play pool sometimes, you know? And when I first got back in the pool, I started looking at it just for fun. I was playing with my wife and then I started this old part of me started to creep back in the part that was like, I have to be the best.

be the best. And then Amelie, my friend Amelie here said, the dogma of needing to be the best, you know, and, and then it was, I started to get back into like, I have to get a good pool cue and all this like old parts of myself started to come back in that I didn't like so much because I want to be free now. It's not worth it to me to do something that I don't want to do to get a result that I do want to do.

And that's the opposite of what everybody tells you out there. It's don't quit. You, if you quit your, that's when you fail. Well, guess what? I quit struggling and I feel amazing. And the way I feel keeps getting reflected back to me and my life has gone better than ever. I have everything that I need before I need it. And I'm living the life of my dreams. It's as if I, that hedge fund I started paid off big. I made all the money and I decided to enjoy myself.

Shaboogie (20:51.022)
That's what I'm living now. Right. Except I don't have the hedge fund and I didn't make all that money. My life is just as good as if I did. Yeah, that's awesome. Better. Better. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think, I think it's Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks channeling Abraham that says like, okay, figure out what you want. Great. Now.

We all want those things because it's going to make us feel a certain way or we think it is. Right. Figure out what that feeling is. Okay. Now just choose to feel that way. Exactly. And when you choose to feel that way, then the rest of the field lines up to that. Yeah. And what I've found is that then, now I'm in this place of choosing to feel how I want to feel. And the thing that I want may come to me, but what I find is actually, no, I don't even want that.

and it's something even better, bigger, totally like couldn't have even imagined it or created it from the space of I want this. But from the space of I feel how I had or how I would feel if I had it, there's limitless, even more expansive experiences that get to come to me that are amazing. And it's like, it's backwards. You know, they say, what is it about faith? Do you have to see it to believe it or?

is no, you've got to believe it, you've got to feel it. And then you're going to start seeing it. And you've got to like also maybe even be a little bit open to like not seeing the exact thing. Yeah. Like, like seeing all of the things that are bringing you that same feeling and being like, it's always been here. And it's always been with me. And that bringing that to my finances.

I can see that making a huge shift. Like I want to feel wealthy and abundant, then choose the things in my life that are abundant and focus on those. Yeah. And watch the rest of my life fall into alignment with that. And it can be the abundance of air that you have eyesight that you have. And the nice thing about air and this is Esther Hicks too, you just needed to come in and then go out. You breathe in and then you breathe out.

Shaboogie (23:08.174)
You don't need to breathe in, in, in, in, in, and then out. You just need what you need. And this helped me a lot. I changed my definition of abundance to be the ability to do what I need to do when I need to do it. And so then I stopped needing things two weeks ahead of time. As long as I have it on the day that I need it, I'm good with it. And the other one is this shifted for me over the years a lot.

I used to think it had to come through my company and through my clients and all that stuff. And now I don't care where it comes from. I could care less. And guess what? If you have that attitude, always on the day that you need it, you will always have what you want. If you're like, no, I feel bad if somebody gives to me. Well, guess what? You want to know one of the best feelings in the world? Go give to somebody today. It doesn't have to be money. Just go give to somebody today and tell me how good you feel.

And tell me that you didn't want to give that to that person who gave to you. Absolutely. That's beautiful. And it has so much implications for how we live, how we run our businesses, how we interact with people, how we show up in our friendships. It's so when we talk about the quantum financial system, I think it brings people in that are really looking for like, how do I, how do I make money and make ends meet and get my financial freedom, which is not freedom at all, because you're tying your finances to it. Right. But we talk about the financial, the

quantum financial system and it brings those people looking for that in and what they find when they really embody the teachings in your course is, whoa, this doesn't just liberate me around finances. This liberates me into my limitlessness in all areas. And how beautiful is that? Cause that's usually what we want the finances for is to get all of the other things. But when we understand what you're teaching in this course and in just the way that you live.

And we started embodying those things. We get everything that we wanted the money for anyways. And we get it now. That's the thing. Like you think that you think that money, money isn't necessarily a short timeframe. Like it can be, if you believe that a million dollars can fall in your lap today, then if your belief system set up like that, then it can. Right. And if you really practice that and you believe it and you feel that you might get that. Okay. The thing is though.

Shaboogie (25:31.694)
It really isn't necessarily in everyone's highest excitement to be a millionaire. Even though that's maybe what society has shown. Hey brother, how you doing? Even it might not be like in your life, soul's path. The soul might not really care about that, right? So, okay, great. You might care about being a millionaire and it might be great to be a millionaire. It's just that, okay, now you're a millionaire. Now what do you want to do? I want to...

take the day off and go spend it with my son. I mean, it's like, you don't have to wait for the million dollars to do that. You can just go do that. And right now your son's 35. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So basically what we're inviting you to do is be you more, be yourself, the natural version of you who does want to go take the day off and spend it with your kids, right? Not the one who's like, no, I'm not talking to my kids because of money.

Or you know what I mean? Like, you know how many multimillionaires I've made? I've met who, whose kids don't talk to them. And it's because of money stories. Cause everything's a money story for them. And so it's like, money can be the permission slip for you to have an argument with somebody. Money can be the permission slip for you to take the day off and go spend it with your son.

So stop making money the middle man in between you and the experiences you want to have. Go have that argument if that's what you want to do, or go have that day with your son if that's what you want to do, and stop making money in the middle. And what you'll find is the life of your dreams will just find you. It won't necessarily take you living on the beach to find it. It will just come to you where you are. And from that place, you're actually a lot closer to being on the beach or wherever it is you want to be.

makes you happy than you are when you're all twisted up about the money you don't have right now. That if you just had that money, you'd feel so much better because then you could buy that thing that you want that would make you feel that much better. Don't have it right now. All you're doing is telling the universe what you don't have, what you don't have, what you don't have. So if you do what we're suggesting, you start just being happy with what you have, which sounds like we're tricking you to just be happy with what you have, which we are because being happy with what you have is the secret sauce to everything. Yeah.

Shaboogie (27:52.686)
This is why there's so much resonance between what you are teaching and what my Dharma and my messages are on the inner child. Because in order to get into this place, the codes of being like in the present moment are necessary. You can't be like worried about, well, how am I going to afford the Disneyland trip in two years? Or like, it's like, you're here now. Right. Be present here now that joy you want to have at the Disneyland trip that you're working your butt off for.

Yeah. Have it here now with your child. Connect to now with your child. Make those core memories now. Yeah. And the inner child brings you creativity. So a lot of times we're like, well, I don't understand. I can't see it. What do you mean I'm abundant? Like the inner child's going to look at and be like, I'm curious. How am I abundant? They're going to get creative about where they look for it, where they see it. They're going to be an explorer and be like, let me find it everywhere. Right. And so these codes of the inner child married with your teachings.

It, it, it just makes so much sense to me. Like it's like, it's the order that just pushes everybody through to like the new world where everything's here now and we're bliss and we're playing. I love that. And I like what you said about core memories because what I found is just through watching people and being this person, actually, when I had the business and I had the clients and I had the employees, then I had a nanny and that

was spending a lot of time with my kids. And I actually still chose to spend a lot of time with my kids too, because I just liked being a kid with them. And what I'm saying is though, is that, and that's totally perfect. That's a perfect expression of consciousness. I love that. I'm just saying that like your kids get older, right? And you missed being a kid with them. Like my dad.

He wants to have a relationship with me now, sometimes, but he has a hard time connecting with me because he wasn't around when I was a kid. You know? And so I don't need him anymore, straight up. And that's probably the best thing he could ever have given me, right? I don't need any validation from my dad or my mom. So I'm thankful for that. My mom, on the other hand, she is in my life now. I'm going to her today. I asked her to cook my favorite childhood thing, lasagna, when I was vegan and stuff.

Shaboogie (30:13.87)
I wouldn't let myself eat that stuff. You know, it was like, I'm this, so I can't eat that. But now I'm just like, that's on my bucket list thing to do. So I'm doing that today with my wife was the best relationship with my mom. What I'm saying is she was around a lot more. And even as I got older, a lot more, and I have the best relationship with her. So guess what happens with your kids as you get older, the more you were around for them, for those core memories that she's talking about.

the more they're going to want to be around you when you get older. And guess what the best gift is when you get older? It's to be around your kids. If you're old and not with your kids, you're miserable. Yeah. And God bless. I get it. And I have a father who's done this. I mean, he's worked his high knee off from nothing to like everything. And he does it from a place of love. His love language is provision. And, and so I've been provided for in every way. And I miss my dad.

Yes. He has a little girl as a grown woman. Like there's something I crave more than his time. The wisdom that I get from my dad when I get to spend time with him. And so we think as parents, because I am a parent, like I think, I've got to provide for him. I want him to have the best school. I want him to have the best clothes. I want him to have the best. I want him to have the best of everything. He needs the best of me. Yeah. The best of me is the me that's willing to be fully present now with him. Right. And

That is irreplaceable. When you are fully present with your child in the now moment and making those connections, it sets them up to have the stability and the inner love and all of the things they need inside of themselves to create the world and the life you're trying to create for them. And the truth is the only one that can give it to them anyways is them. That's why we see like all these multimillionaires that have given their kids everything and the kids turn to muck.

Right? This is a shit show life. But we also see multi -millionaires that have kids that are in a great life. It's because it's not up to the parents and the amount of provision. Right. It's up to the individual and what is going to set the individual up to make those good choices and have the self -worth and to have that relationship inside a connection with their primary caregiver. Yeah. And so there's nothing more powerful. And so I commend all the parents out there that are working your high knees off.

Shaboogie (32:37.486)
and I see you and I get it and I know it's rooted in love and everything that you can be done. Well, I think that they believe it's rooted in love. Like they want it like they're doing it from like I wanted I just love them so much I want to give but you're you're missing out that you already have everything you need to give them. There you go. I want to dispel the lie. Like you love them so much you want to give them everything so you're out

there outside of you trying to get it to give to them. And I want to dispel that lie and break that spell. Everything they need, they have everything you need to give them is in you now. It's not about

It's going outside of you because of the illusion of lack. I think is what you're talking about. It's because the truth, the truth, I was a truth. I'm a truth. I see the truth in everything now because I found the truth in myself. And the truth is you cannot be any more abundant no matter who you are on the planet right now. Okay. You could not be any more abundant than you already are right now. All you can do is practice seeing the different ways that you have abundance. I remember when

The stock market crashed in 2008. I worked in the corner office of a bank and I ended up leaving there and having a time of unemployment in between there and the next bank that I went to work for. But I had a 401k that I'd invested in that had done that. I had a bunch of money in that paid for what I needed in that moment. You know, right. And so it's like you're scared of things. I remember when my company got shut down, my Bitcoin hedge fund. And then the country went on.

Lockdown and, and I got like government funding for a while. You know what I mean? Like, and my friend gave me his house on a ranch with me and my wife. Like I had, there's not a single moment in my life that I haven't had a lot of abundance. And the thing of it is, is the more aware I was of the abundance that I had, then actually the more abundance I experienced having the less aware you are, the more you think that you don't have enough or that you're only feel better if your kids get into that school or.

Shaboogie (34:44.045)
Whatever the thing is that you don't have or that you're scared if you don't have there won't be enough. That's really what it is. You said it was from love. It's not from love. It's from fear. It's fear. You're right. Yeah, I can see that. False evidence appearing real. It's not from love. It's from fear and it's from lack. And if you can see that, but honestly, if you can honestly have that conversation with yourself, you today's the first day of the rest of your life. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. I just like, it made me think what you're just saying makes me think about like the

Just that this is a practical application of the mindset Neal's talking about into maybe more of a 3D example. Crypto or even stock markets. When we see a big crash, we see and we experience our clients that or whatever the collective goes, my God, the crash. And they think it's a lack of abundance. It's evidence of a lack of abundance. Right. But if you watch the people that are

wealthy and calling in money, and calling in the energy of money to their to their world. When the market crashes, they smile, because that's when generational wealth is made. So people like watch me and they're like, my god, you're in crypto. Like if the market crash, are you okay? And I'm like, yeah, we're good. We're good. Because this is when I can actually leverage the most returns. It's the same thing. It's it's finding that creative

that other perspective about what's going on around you that makes it a win for you. So the only difference between somebody that like makes money in a bear market and somebody who doesn't is the perspective they choose to have about it. The people who are in a downturn market and say things like, well, it's all over. I invested the wrong time for me. I lost all my money. Yeah, you did. Because you said so. But the people that are like, cool. I just had a little bit of a loss and I'm going to buy more because it's like,

The thing I want to caveat that with though is that you're right. That's the ultra wealthy. They have access to that. But the thing that the ultra wealthy can do that a regular person might not be able to do is let's say, let's just take someone in property. Let's take it out of crypto for a second. Let's just take real estate. They might have a place in Seattle. They might have a place in Big Bear. They might have a place in Florida and a place in Italy. And so when one is down,

Shaboogie (37:04.238)
they just buy the other one or they renovate the one that's down that they can't rent out right now and go spend time in the, you don't want to say they have options. Same thing with crypto. If you put all your money in Bitcoin and it all goes to zero and that was all your money, then you're screwed, right? But if you had money in that and then you had money in other things that are oppositely correlated, then you can take it out of that and put it in that. But if you realize that money is just energy, then when your money, maybe your assets, your house, the crypto, whatever goes down, then I challenge you to instead of being like, well, I'm not abundant.

then fine, maybe you don't have another house to move into. Let's let's choose to focus then on what is abundant. Yeah, I can go. You know what? I have friends. I have so many friends. I'm abundance and friend. I'm abundant friends like they're gonna let me live in the RV in their driveway for a month. Like and choose the positive like choose the choose the thing that you are abundant in to focus on. And that's all that's what I mean. Like it's not necessarily like being like, I'm gonna make money because it's the bear market. It's the people that are willing to look at the experience.

And find the perspective that serves them. Exactly. It doesn't matter what you've gone through. I mean, look at what I'm hearing today is it's how you define it. Yeah. It's the meaning you give it. Yeah. And so you might as well give it a positive meaning because then you'll get the positive result out of it. And if you give it a negative meaning, you'll just get a negative result out of it. And I hear the excuse, well, if you're wealthy, then you have all these safety nets. So it's so much easier to make.

It's true that decision, but it might not be because if you have all those safety nets, you also have a lot of liability and may end making all those payments maybe, or like, you don't know, you don't actually really know. So it's no matter who you are, it's about your mindset. And what I have seen with the multimillionaire and billionaires that I work with, or that I've been mentored by is that their mindset is no matter what happens, there's a way for me to leverage this for me. It's happening.

Yeah, because it does so I know that we're coming up. They're not scared No, they're not they're not scared. That's the difference the difference between somebody who is rich and somebody who isn't rich is the person who's not rich believes in false evidence appearing real and so when the outside Shows they make a choice and then the outside doesn't match the choice that they made. So let's say for example you say an affirmation I am wealthy I'm rich, okay

Shaboogie (39:32.654)
Or I choose to feel how worthy I am right now. Maybe that one might work a little better for you. I choose to feel how free I am right now. And then you go about your day taking actions from how free you are and how wealthy you are, buying what you want when you want to and those types of things. Okay. And then if there's a moment where the outside doesn't agree with you, you don't get all twisted up in a tizzy about it. You just go, okay, thanks for the feedback.

and you still go about your day choosing to feel how worthy you are and choosing to feel how free you are, the not -so -rich person, that's what the rich person does. The not -so -rich person, they make a choice, I am wealthy, and then they go out in the day and they realize that they don't have any money in their bank account or something, and they let that get them all twisted up in knots and they go into a spiral with it or maybe they drink over it or they yell at somebody and they take action from this non -good feeling place, and so they create in their reality more of that frequency of lack.

So if everybody just started, got happy today and stayed happy for the rest of the day and chose to feel how worthy you are and chose to feel how free you are, you'll never have to worry about money ever again in your life.

That's amazing. So I just want to encourage anybody that's listening, that's feeling like, okay, there's some truth here. And you're like leaning into this conversation and excited to learn more. Like Neil has a profoundly amazing course and he offers it for free. It's a donation based course and it's all about quantum finance. And so I just encourage you to, yeah. So it's a look into that, to learn more about what we've talked about today. It's cool because it's the version of me before this version of me.

And that version of me was free. That was the version of me that had stuff going wrong around him. And he was still happy. He, whatever I learned from that hedge fund failure and all that stuff, I package it up and I videoed myself. It's not the best camera, the audio and all that stuff, but it's good enough. And also it just goes to show if you're learning something right now in your life, if I could put that together and deliver value to hundreds of thousands of people, you can do whatever you want to do.

Shaboogie (41:34.862)
Whatever is seeking to emerge inside of you and deliver value to and by the way It's a complete illusion that needs to be any amount of people just you give it to one person That's the other thing about abundance you go inside yourself Find the gift that is you your unique gift and talent give it to somebody next to you doesn't have to be through social media or you can just be your neighbor or your partner or anybody

Watch how good your life gets as soon as today if everybody in this planet reached inside themselves for the gift that is you Gave it to the person next to them Nobody there would be no more problems anywhere on the planet. We would live in peace and harmony and on the 5d earth 40 whatever Whatever we're on all of them anyway. Yeah Well, Neil, thank you. This is an awesome conversation when I'm probably gonna come back and listen to and learn from and grow and expand too because it's

There's always more. There's always more for us. So thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. And it's fun to see the way that our teachings kind of intertwine. And yeah, I hope you guys took away even a little bit from from this conversation, because even just a little bit makes such a profound difference in all areas of your life. So thank you so much. Lots of love.

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