It's just that Simple!

Peaceful Co-Creation with ETs

July 02, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 7
Peaceful Co-Creation with ETs
It's just that Simple!
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It's just that Simple!
Peaceful Co-Creation with ETs
Jul 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda

The conversation explores the concept of extraterrestrial beings (ETs) and how they are often dismissed or feared due to societal conditioning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of moving past fear-based programming and choosing love and self-acceptance. They discuss the idea that everything is perfect and beautiful as it is, and that there is no right or wrong. The speaker also touches on the presence of ETs on Earth and the need for peaceful co-creation with them. They mention the potential benefits of accessing zero-point energy and the importance of self-expression and self-love.

Choose love and self-acceptance over fear-based programming
Everything is perfect and beautiful as it is
Peaceful co-creation with ETs is possible
Accessing zero-point energy can have benefits
Self-expression and self-love are important


00:00 Moving Beyond Fear-Based Programming
01:01 Embracing the Perfection of Everything
06:25 The Potential of Zero-Point Energy
09:19 The Power of Self-Expression and Self-Love

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The conversation explores the concept of extraterrestrial beings (ETs) and how they are often dismissed or feared due to societal conditioning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of moving past fear-based programming and choosing love and self-acceptance. They discuss the idea that everything is perfect and beautiful as it is, and that there is no right or wrong. The speaker also touches on the presence of ETs on Earth and the need for peaceful co-creation with them. They mention the potential benefits of accessing zero-point energy and the importance of self-expression and self-love.

Choose love and self-acceptance over fear-based programming
Everything is perfect and beautiful as it is
Peaceful co-creation with ETs is possible
Accessing zero-point energy can have benefits
Self-expression and self-love are important


00:00 Moving Beyond Fear-Based Programming
01:01 Embracing the Perfection of Everything
06:25 The Potential of Zero-Point Energy
09:19 The Power of Self-Expression and Self-Love

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I know not everybody wants to talk about ETs. In fact, a lot of people don't even want to imagine that ETs is a thing that you can do. You know that you want to, that you even want to consider extraterrestrials, you know, because it's so far away from our belief systems and what we've been taught and what's in the social fabric of society, the fear-based programming right. But once we get out of the fear-based programming which is a choice, right. So once we choose to stop agreeing to things that can scare us and soothe our nervous systems because sometimes we don't believe we're scared of anything, but the things that we put our nervous systems through are not a compatible match to higher intelligence, higher consciousness, so when we choose to love ourselves fully and come back into the now fully and realize that the past is just as much an illusion as the future is, there's infinite probable future realities and there's infinite probable past realities. And now that we know that his story and any story that we get from anywhere is just one version of reality, and so it's perfect and beautiful for exactly what it is, because it's consciousness having an experience, so it can't get it wrong. So nothing is wrong and nothing is right and we stop. We stop making certain things in society wrong and certain things better. And I caught myself doing it with foods this last week, with seed oils, and I want to be out in the sun and not get sunburned. You know so, as we, as we make it all right.


When you get good with what is what is gets good with you, when you come into this place of knowing that everything is perfect the way that it is, that you really can't even help other people because in the seeing of them as needing help, you're not seeing the infiniteness of them, the God presence in them. And when you actually see them like they are, which is the God presence, then you see them like their source sees them. And when you actually see them like they are, which is the God presence, then you see them like their source sees them. And now they don't need help out of any situation. They don't need more money, they don't need less sickness, they don't need anything more than what they're choosing to experience right now. When you reach this realization and you accept it, and then it just becomes now what? And now I'm exploring this divine child consciousness, the divine family architecture, me and Amelie.


We have a podcast, which you can grab through my links, and we're just sharing the state of beingness, not the words. The words don't really teach anything, right? It's just our state of it's, your experience that teaches, and you may be somebody who's experienced a million lifetimes, or you may be less than that, and so there's nothing to teach you. You're just perfect, whole and complete, exactly where you are. Now we can start talking about ETs, right? Because on this planet there are billions of species of things. We've got everything from whales and dolphins and all the consciousness that exists in the oceans, to the dragonflies and the mantis and the bees and the cats and the dogs and all these cool species that are here on the planet, and not to mention our own. You know, we've got white, brown, yellow, black, any kind of color people on the planet, and now that we're learning to love each other for our differences actually our differences are actually the most beautiful thing, because I, how can I know who I am if you don't show up and tell me who you are and show me who you are and be you? So I need you, in that sense, to know who I am, I need you to be you so that I can be me and if, the more that I'm me, people might see me and say, oh, I like that, I want to move in that direction. Or they might, they might not, they might say I'm running the other way, and that's okay too, because it's all beautiful. So now we've got ets, and they've always been here, they're here, they've been here, they're on the planet, they're walking among us. They, they know how to look like us, they, they are love, just like you and me, just like everyone in every version of reality. Everyone is from the basis. They are love. We are all love, just waiting to happen somewhere.


Even those who have done wrong against us, chances are they were made a victim somewhere in their life, so they made you a victim, and chances are you were vibrating at the victim frequency so that things were going wrong in your life and worried about things, so they gave you something to actually worry about. You know, or in that now I'm not making it right, ok, I'm not excusing them. I'm just saying that Once you know who you are in truth, you know that there's not, there's, a part of you that nobody can hurt, that you're invincible. And through that invincibility Comes another level of state of being of knowingness, of calmness, of peace, internal peace, with everything exactly as it is, and you're free to experience what you want to experience, how you want to experience it. The more you free it to be the way that it wants to show up, the more fun you actually have, because when you were busy pushing against things or pulling things towards you, you were missing out on all the beauty that was around you.


Now we can start talking about ETs and how ETs in my life. For me, they're not better than us. Okay, they're not. It's just different. It's a different perspective, right? They don't need to eat, for example. Have you ever tried?


Take one of my fasting challenges through my Instagram 72 hours. Do that one day? Anyone can fast for 72 hours. Okay, you're not going to die from fasting. You might die from eating, but you're not going to die from fasting, okay. Then you start to come into the now and you have a certain knowing about you that isn't available when you're eating.


Bless eating, I like eating. I plan on actually breaking my fast after this. Life is good. Eat, stuff your face. Then don't Do whatever you want. My point is is, when you're not eating, your clarity and your focus goes through the roof. That's why when you're sick, you don't eat. You know dogs when they get sick, they don't eat. There's nothing wrong with them, they're just choosing not to eat. I love eating too.


Okay, my point is is just that you get more consciousness in your body. You allow more consciousness into you. You meditate more, you sit in nature, more you soak up some sun. You take a salt bath. You love yourself, you take care of yourself. You start to receive more salt bath. You love yourself, you take care of yourself. You start to receive more in that feminine, that receiving energy.


You can't do that while you're super busy traveling all over the place fixing things in your mind. You still receive that. It's just that when you sit, still, you start to receive all that is I receive, I receive, I receive. You can put your hands on your chest and your stomach right now and go I receive me, I receive me, I receive me, I receive me, I receive me, I receive me. And then you become your embodied higher self. The higher self is not higher than you. It's where you are right now. You are your higher self, you are your soul. It's not something separate from you.


That was another bit of conditioning, which is cool, because once you know you're conditioned, you're not conditioned anymore. Right? You know God's not outside of you anymore. God's inside of you. Heaven's not when you die, heaven's now, through your realization of it. And maybe your friends and family, maybe they didn't come to agree to the new earth. They're on a split prism. Now they're in another version of earth and that's okay. That's perfect for them. You don't have to keep agreeing to them. Okay, you don't have to lower your frequency and go back downstairs and agree with them. You're in the upper room now. You don't need to be all things to everybody. You can say no to people. It's okay. It's okay, you're going to be okay, for when you let go of certain things, you open yourself up to receive new things, and those things aren't wrong and those things aren't better. Okay, it's just new. It's a new level of consciousness that wants to have an experience here, and I created my Patreon, our Patreon.


It's completely free. You sign up. Everything I do is donation-based. It's inclusive. Everyone is welcome here. I'm not excluding anyone from this experience. I did just turn off my schedule for a little while my donation-based meetings because I'm taking a break for me. I'm going to do a bunch of fun stuff and I love you guys and I'll turn them back on in another moment.


And right now, there's a billion types of content for me sharing what I know, the knowing that is coming through me, and ETs is a part of it. And I'm putting it more in the Patreon because those are the people who are seeking me out, who there's their highest excitement for what it is that I'm sharing. I don't care what you think about what I'm sharing. If you don't like it, go watch somebody else. So I'm sharing because it's my highest excitement that the inner child in me wants me to share. It's part of my self-expression and I believe that's one of the components that all humans need to be happy. So if you need to write, write. If you need to scream, write. If you need to scream, scream. If you need to, whatever your self-expression is for you, do gymnastics, do gymnastics, do yoga, do you?


We're going to a festival later this year called Unison Festival and there's a story right now on my Instagram about it and you can get a chance to come with us. Free tickets, two tickets, $500 value. We bought them. Amelie, my co-creative friend, partner I love her. I see the best in her. I have another partner who's my romantic partner, and Catalina and Amelie bought the tickets, and so me, amelie, kata. We're going to Unison Festival in Colorado later this year. So if you're in the United States or you're going to be in the United States and you want to come to that with us, get yourself some tickets. We're doing glamping while we're there, we're in the glamping package, and come and have an experience with us. It's going to be fun. It is fun and we're all in the frequency of ETs because I've been studying them for about half a decade now, ever since I started.


I got into Bashar, then I got into Elan. Before that I was doing psychedelic things and exploring. That way, I've had ET interactions myself, and we all have. We're all remembering more now, and the and the and the rate at which you remember is how ready you are for this type of information. Now, if you go to tell somebody about ETs and they, that's the last thing they want to see. They want to talk about angels and other things. That's okay too. That's how their experience is. You know, can't get it wrong. I came to be in a planet that's having ET contact because it's already happening. It's already occurring. It's been happening with me. It's occurring on the planet. We now know a lot of the behind-the-scenes people are ETs the people working with Elon Musk, the agreements that he has and some of the other ones, jeff Bezos and the other ones.


It's ET energy and so the more you can accept that, the more you can get good with all that is, the more that all that is gets good with you and your consciousness can release the things, the fear-based stuff. Guys, there's nothing here except you. There's nothing to be scared of except you. You're all that there is here. So as you go exploring into the darkness, you're just going to find more of yourself in that flower of life. So come with me. If you want to Come and join the Patreon, come with me, come, follow, subscribe, whatever it is. Come with me on this journey with ETs, because we're doing it in the heart.


Frequency, peaceful interactions with ETs. The reason ETs have been giving us all this information to raise our frequency is because they know that if they came and met us when we were more fear-based, that we would create outcomes that they don't want and that we don't prefer. Okay, we all want to live on a planet that has peace on it. We've already agreed to that in the collective, because when we have peace with ourselves, we can then have peace with all of creation. Our species is a galactic species Humans we're galactic, okay, we're remembering now how galactic we are. We can still choose to stay here on Earth. I love Earth. Earth is great, okay, and we are in an intergalactic species.


We're also known as a warrior species because we have that potential and as we awaken to the compassion, when you have compassion for another, it ripples through all the dimensions and it affects everyone and everything, just like an the dimensions and it affects everyone and everything, just like an atom bomb does the ripples through all the dimensions too and tears the fabric of space-time continuum. Well, so does compassion. So as you love yourself more and you harness what's available to you here on the planet now, then you'll have more compassion for every other living being and creature, no matter who they are, what they represent, what their agendas are, what matters to them. You just will have compassion. What matters to them might matter a little more to you. And then you might start asking well, how can I serve, how can I support you, how can we co-create together All of the technology we're using. It all came from ETs, except people harnessed it and then wanted to profit on it, and that's cool. Good for them. I'm wishing them well.


I'm happy to fund wherever they're at right now. I'm less happy to fund things that I don't agree with, though. Now that I'm more aware, I choose to withdraw my energy from the things that I don't want to create more of and give my energy to things that I do want to create more of, and that's what we're all here doing together. So if you want to dance more with me on this frequency, come join the Patreon. Be a part of what we're doing here. I'm going to be releasing more things about ETs in the upcoming days, weeks and months, and we can all tune ourselves to a peaceful, free society.


Here's some of the things that ETs bring up inside of us that get complicated, okay. The first one, the obvious one, is they have access to zero-point energy. Well, on our planet, we've chosen to fragment ourselves off from free energy, free wireless energy. We wanted to live in a place where we believed that the installation was real, that some people could be more famous than other people, that someone else could be more rich than anyone else or someone else be more poor. We wanted to play this game as a new way to know ourselves. Not really a new way to know ourselves. Creation already knows itself, just a way to know itself.


And now the installation's fallen on its face. The truth of it, because the more you take care of yourself and you love yourself, the better you feel. And then those old things come up and they don't feel as good. So now you just let them go and you realize that those were agreements that you had with old systems, and those systems begin to fade away out of your reality. It's not that they don't exist, they're still existing somewhere. They just don't exist in your reality because you don't need them anymore. And if they do exist in your reality, they support you, they bring you things, they give you things. You're not working against them, they are you, they love you too. Just like the cow that you might eat in a hamburger later that came here to serve too well, so did you. You came here to serve, and the only way you can serve is if you love yourself enough to feel good, because from a place of feeling good, that's what you're contributing to the collective conscious. The better you feel, the better you do the choices. When you may take action from a place of feeling good, you have nothing to fear ever again in your life, forever. That's your power on a plate.


That's the Elan book, which is the second contact specialist from the Asasani, which is Bashar's predecessor Things go backwards here sometimes Predecessor so great ETs are here. How can we have a peaceful, loving co-creation with ETs? Do you think that they know how to build houses? That is a win-win-win for everybody really easily. Have you seen those structures? They look like mushrooms. They're resilient to weather. They are energy efficient. They live in harmony with the earth. You know so. Things like that and more want to be revealed to you, and all it takes is for you to match the frequency of it.


Right, like I won't even go back into the old world. I mean I can if you want me to pick you up there, but I don't need to anymore, because what I share, I create more of. So I'm just going to share. I'm just sharing what's possible now and probable for you. If you're watching me right now Ultimate freedom. You're completely free. You don't answer to anybody about anything anymore. You're free to go, do and be anything that you want to have. You are a time traveler and you know it, and you create through consciousness. Everything supports you Down here on planet Earth. There's a couple things that you don't get when you're one with everything. When you're one with everything, you can't learn anything. Yes, indigo, I've seen Earth ships, but not familiar with the mushroom houses. They sound amazing. Yes, yes, cool when they sell his iPhone 12 or 15 or whatever. When we're on now.


Right, you know that because they had an agenda of monetization, because they were mirroring you back to you, because you were being greedy, because you thought that that was the best thing on the planet was money. If you had a choice between drugs and money, you'd take the money, because the money could go by whatever you wanted to, including the drugs. That's what money is. It's an exchange of value. That's all it is. You'll hear people say that you don't need money to be the exchange of value anymore. Look at me. I'm doing it. Everything I do is donation-based, everything I'm giving the value, whatever you can donate to me is only a small portion of the value that I'm really creating. So why would I limit it? Why wouldn't I just give it unlimitedly, unlimited and receive always and always Not need it to be a narrow form. Why not open up to all the abundance that wants to come to you by giving freely?


One of my friends who's been in connection with me on Instagram through multiple accounts that I've had and that have come and gone over the years, he just released an ebook and I went in to look at it and it's 13 euros, which is totally cool, totally fine way to exchange a value, right? What I found with my ebook was I gave it away for free for a while. I got thousands and thousands of downloads. It's called the 5D Currency Guide and it's donation-based and sometimes a lot of people get it for free. And sometimes someone comes along and they give me $50 or even a few hundred dollars for that. Also, meetings with me. I've had as much as $1,850 for one half an hour meeting and that same person, that same person then got somebody else donated to them $1,850 for a half an hour meeting with them. That's really how it works.


The one is the all and the all is the one. What you put out comes back to you. Our Eastern religions have been telling us about this for years and years and centuries. Thoughts you put out come back. It really is what you think. By the way, there are people out there saying that the thoughts you have don't matter. They matter a lot and the better you're feeling because you're choosing thoughts that feel good. For example, I choose to feel how free I am right now. This one helped me a lot. I choose to feel how free I am right now, and then what actions would you take from that? You'd probably have the best day of your life, right? So that's how free you are. So take action from that place on a regular basis and watch how great your life gets as soon as today day.


So ETs are here. They're co-creating with us. They're at such a high frequency that you want to have good control over your emotions and how you feel when you're around them, because it's a little bit like getting dropped into an ice bucket the first time and it can make you nervous. And if you get nervous and then you get scared, well, they feel what you feel, so they don't really want to be around fear. Now there are certain ETs that don't feel what you feel because they've cut themselves off from that part of their experience, because they found that it was easier to manifest just by skipping emotions like shame and guilt, and and so they cut themselves off from that, and so they've been manifesting the off, disengage from the heart. So they've been manifesting with something that doesn't use the heart to manifest, and that's the part of consciousness that's over in your reality, in my reality, because we are collapsing the quantum wave through our hearts more and more and more and more and more, and it's a zigzag.


It's like you make a choice about who you are and then in another day you might make another choice. Oh, I can afford this today, I can't afford that today. Can you relate to that? Oh, I can afford this trip. And then you get back and you're like, oh man, I wish I hadn't spent all that money on this trip or something like that. Right, you zigzag.


Well, the secret of life is you make a choice and you stay there, and even when the external environment doesn't confirm the choice you made, you still stay there anyway. And then in the next, now the next time around, reality bends to match you more and more and more. It's all about your conviction and what your knowing is. So it's good for you to know who you are in truth. Right, I know who you are in truth, I know what you are in truth, I know how you serve. In truth, you are free. You are free. You are free. You're in the upper room. If you don't know that, then you might believe that you have a problem in your life. If you know that, nothing is a problem anymore. Everything is a gift and certain times you have challenges because in those challenges there's information.


I've been on a million calls with a million different people all over the world and one thing that a human does often is they make the current stepping stone. They're on wrong, and when you make yourself wrong, you're making yourself wrong because your reality is you, and when you make it wrong or not good enough and all the rest of it, you invalidate creation and then you get stuck. You get the perception of stuck, but in the universe there's no stuck. There's no stuck in the universe. The universe, energy flows where attention goes right. So when you use up the stepping stone, you're on for everything that it wants to show you.


Informationally wise, you will now understand how creation works. It's showing you about yourself. It's showing you about yourself. It's showing you about yourself that thing that you see in the world that you don't like. It's telling you something about yourself. It's telling you something about yourself. It's giving you clarity. Get the clarity from it Now. That stepping stone will move away and a new one will come in. And guess what? On the new one, there will be a challenge too. So don't be too quick to want to get out of the current challenge, because there are lots of people having experiences far worse than you are having right now. All right, worse, better that we start playing with these words. But different, right? You chose the experience that you're having right now because you love it. There's so much inside of it that you love. So the more you appreciate where you're at and you stop needing to be somewhere else, the better your life gets as soon as now. So I didn't talk a lot about ETs inside of this, but I think I talked enough to let you know that they're here to support us in matching their frequency and the more we do the fasting challenge.


Take my 21 day meditation challenge. You know, if you get to the end of it there's only like 17 or 18 days Bug me Say, neil, I want another day. I'm not doing it until you guys start asking for it. Now. I might just do it anyway because I feel like it, but you guys got to ask for it. Now, when you ask, it is given and it's available everywhere. So I'm not just circulating my energy just to circulate it now. I'm doing it just when I want to do it inside of my divine childhood-ness, want to go over here that day, and if an algorithm does or doesn't like it, I don't care. I don't care anymore. If you want to talk with me and chat with me, look, I've just been doing a bunch of donation based meetings. I just turned it off, so that opportunity is gone now for this and this. Now you cannot get a donation based meeting with neil, so do that. Go, go, go, get the, the content I've already created for you.


I'm I'm valuing myself on a new level. I'm still giving with my heart, unconditionally into the field. I'm just choosing to do it with the people who are asking for it the most from me, and it feels good, and then I have more time and energy to go and be a kid and play the things that I want to play again. I used to be an almost pro-level pool player billiards pool and all of a sudden it's back in my reality and I'm letting it loose just for fun, just because I can, and I don't look at it like competition, because it's just me. I'm playing me. When I come into the pool table room, it's my consciousness that makes the shots, it's not me, and that's why I make magical shots all the time. So I'm just here playing. You're here playing. We can play together.


I've got the community set up for you. You're welcome there. You don't have to do anything. I don't have to do anything. None of us do. We're all free. There's nothing to do here actually. None of us do. We're all free. There's nothing to do here actually. So I hope to catch you on the flip side. I love you, I bless you, I honor you. I see the best in you. That's what I mean when I say I love you. By the way, I see the best in you. Thanks, indigo111. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.


Reminders are really appreciated and you know all this. That's a great reminder. You know. There's nothing I have to say that you don't know. It's just a reminder. And that's the same case for everything, for the information that comes through ETs. Everything is just reminding you of who you really are. Therefore, you know everything. Therefore, you don't need universities. You can still have them.


It sounds like a fun experience, but you don't need them. You don't need universities. You can still have them. Sounds like a fun experience, but you don't need them. You don't need that old structure. And once you know this, why would you give your energy to that old structure? And that includes the political stuff and that includes a lot of things really.


When you know, when you don't know, you don't know and you get a free pass. But once you know, let's create heaven on earth, let's be in heaven on earth right here, right now, right, right, why not? And if you don't want that, if you want to be somebody who's tearing things down and destroying things and yelling at people and making nasty comments and making other things wrong, good for you. I love you too. I see the best in you. I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth. I know how you serve in truth, you are free. You are free, you are free.


I won't be focusing with you, though. I'll be focusing in a new moment and seeing what's available in the new moment, cause that's where my consciousness, where my higher mind, is taking me, and I'll keep updating in the community, in the Patreon, what the changes cause. I've been real vulnerable there. So you got my soul money one course, you got my soul money two course and I'll keep updating you guys so you'll be able to see the sort of different stages of my transformation, because I just believe that there's compassion inside of that. Through me sharing my truth, it's easy for you to see yourself inside of me. It's more difficult to see it inside of yourself. Oh, but that guy, he's like that. But if you take that finger pointing out, there's three fingers pointing back at you, okay. So if you love me and you love my energy, well, guess what it's your energy. If you hate me, are you mad at me about something? Well, guess what it's your problem, not mine. One finger going out, three coming back. That's my truth freeing, okay, bye-bye.

Embracing Love and Unity Beyond ETs
Embracing Higher Self and Consciousness
Exploring Self-Expression and ETs
Galactic Compassion and Co-Creation
Unlocking Abundance Through Conscious Co-Creation
Embracing Personal Transformation and Compassion