It's just that Simple!

The Simple Truth That Will Change Your Life Forever

June 14, 2024 Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda Season 1 Episode 3
The Simple Truth That Will Change Your Life Forever
It's just that Simple!
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It's just that Simple!
The Simple Truth That Will Change Your Life Forever
Jun 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Neil Maxwell, Amelie Ananda

Welcome to "The Simple Truth That Will Change Your Life Forever"! 🌟 In this episode, we dive deep into the power of choice and how embracing simplicity can transform your life. Come and play! Join the community of like-minded individuals as we explore how our state of being influences our reality. 

We breathe together, laugh together, and light each other's candle in the darkness. By sharing personal stories and insights, we uncover the profound truth that your circumstances don't matter—only your state of being does. Whether you're navigating professional pursuits, crypto currency hedge funds, or waking up to a new earth, this is your space to grow. 

Join our donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge and see how small, mindful changes can lead to big transformations. Get my ebook and other socials for more insights and resources. Thanks for tuning in! Let's continue to support and uplift each other. Your journey to a positive mindset starts now. 🌿✨

#meditation #positivemindset #Neil #newearth #donationbased #wakingup #community #transformation #growth

#ConsciousLiving #LifeTransformation #SpiritualGrowth #HighFrequency #LifestyleChanges

0:00 - Intro
2:42 - Heaven on Earth is already here
4:09 - How to use triggers to your advantage
7:28 - How coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes keep you in the 3D
17:40 - Energy Space
21:15 - Giving Power Away
24:30 - You’re a Badass
25:03 - Something Good Always Comes from Everything
25:57 - Thanks for Being Here

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to "The Simple Truth That Will Change Your Life Forever"! 🌟 In this episode, we dive deep into the power of choice and how embracing simplicity can transform your life. Come and play! Join the community of like-minded individuals as we explore how our state of being influences our reality. 

We breathe together, laugh together, and light each other's candle in the darkness. By sharing personal stories and insights, we uncover the profound truth that your circumstances don't matter—only your state of being does. Whether you're navigating professional pursuits, crypto currency hedge funds, or waking up to a new earth, this is your space to grow. 

Join our donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge and see how small, mindful changes can lead to big transformations. Get my ebook and other socials for more insights and resources. Thanks for tuning in! Let's continue to support and uplift each other. Your journey to a positive mindset starts now. 🌿✨

#meditation #positivemindset #Neil #newearth #donationbased #wakingup #community #transformation #growth

#ConsciousLiving #LifeTransformation #SpiritualGrowth #HighFrequency #LifestyleChanges

0:00 - Intro
2:42 - Heaven on Earth is already here
4:09 - How to use triggers to your advantage
7:28 - How coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes keep you in the 3D
17:40 - Energy Space
21:15 - Giving Power Away
24:30 - You’re a Badass
25:03 - Something Good Always Comes from Everything
25:57 - Thanks for Being Here

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Welcome to the show. Whoo. It's Nick. Um, yeah. We breathe our way into the show. So if you're here right now, we're high on our own supply, and you can be high with us if you want to be. You just chew you just choose to be high. Yeah. It's your choice. Oh, gosh. I kind of am. Feel a little light headed. Alright. I'm so excited to be here again. I could be here. I could live here. I do live here. This fun frequency of just sharing our truths and joyfully laughing about how simple things really can be. Yeah. Live here. So the simple the more simple things are the more powerful things. Have you ever heard that? Yeah. And there's also, like, a quote about, uh, you know, we should know this if we're gonna name our podcast. It's just that simple. But there's some sort of quote about if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it yet. Like, you gotta keep like, you keep marinating in the sauce until you can come very simply to each the thing. Yeah. I like the words inner stand and over stand better than understand. Yeah. And that's not because they're better. It's just because, um, I'm not standing under it. Right? No. Uh, anyway it. On it. So you have a choice to be here right now or to be doing anything else. And why are you excited to be here right now? Oh, it's the power place, baby. I feel so much energy here. I feel so much energy in any space where I can, like, cocreate with people that are accountable and tapped in and making choices to be of service to something greater than themselves that also is themselves. And so when I get invites to do that, I show up fully. And playing with you and knowing, like, that we're serving the beautiful community we're serving and hearing some of their feedback, where else would I wanna be? We've had some Why are you here? Why are you here? Well, I have a I do these donation based meetings, which you do too. And now we're doing a lot with the same people, which is kinda fun. And, um, and so and so I repeat myself a lot. Mhmm. And so why not just share those truths, which are obviously on somebody's mind out there in the world right now with them. Um, one of the concepts that comes up a lot is heaven on earth is already here. We're already on heaven on earth. It can be hell on earth too, though, if you want it to be, but it's your choice. People don't like that, though, necessarily. That it's their choice? Some people love it. We love it. Um, and some and I think more and more people are loving it. But, yeah, I think when when you you realize that you're in hell on earth and somebody says, well, you bet you're choosing this. Yeah. And at the same time, it's like it's the the sentence that somebody says to you that gives you the choice to reclaim your power. So it's been those times where somebody said, why are you choosing this? Even before I understood what they were meaning, that really got me to lean into, what the hell? I would never have chose this. Yeah. Um, and then to really explore, like, what could that even mean and find that, like, in the center of everything that's happening is my choice. And then, wow, that's powerful. If I created this, I can create anything different. Yes. So then it becomes blissful and awesome and amazing. But, initially, especially when you're in it, when you're in the sticky, sometimes it's not the funniest thing to hear, but I promise it's amazing. It's the medicine. Yeah. The one I've been working with is when you get triggered. Right? People talk about being triggered and how it's an opportunity and all that stuff, and it's easy to say that when you're not in it. But when you're in it and you get triggered, sometimes it's not as easy. But what I found is if I insert these words, I'm choosing to believe that I need to react this way, then it brings me back to my center. And one of my beliefs is my my my circumstances don't matter. Only my state of being matters. Circumstances don't matter. Only your state of being matters. What state of being do you prefer to have? And I really think that life is mostly like that. How you choose to feel and and be your state of being is how life organizes around you because you are one with what is going on here, and so the law of attraction will put you with things that matches you, which I think you and me are kind of a great example of that. And so I I believe in Something like that out there in here. I don't know. And, um, it groups things together that are like itself. That which is that which is like itself gets put together with itself. Yeah. Yeah. The universe has OCD. Gotta organize all these frequencies in a little puddles here. Yeah. But it's that's how it works. And, like, so often we wake up in the, you know, oh my gosh, shitty situation. And then one day, we wake up and we're like, oh. And something like, it it's qualitatively different. But then when you look objectively, the situations around you are still the same. And that's the funnest part for me because it's that's when I started to realize that, like, everything around me is about to change, but it it doesn't even have to. Right. Because what changed was inside of me. It was my perspective. It was my frequency. It was whatever it was. Yeah. But now when I look at the same things going on, like, I still am part of the same crazy family. Yeah. But here I am now versus who I was 5 years ago. Yes. They have not changed. Okay. Yet they have changed. Do you know what I mean? Like, they still have the chaos in their life and the same family system with each other. Yeah. Yet how they show up and interact with me without any force is so different. Um, how I feel when I go to family functions, so different. And usually when I'm at a family function now, it's pretty good, pretty mellow. You know? Last night, actually, my dad my dad and 2 brothers went out dinner, and they wanted me to come. And I fell into it, and, uh, they didn't no. They end up in a car wreck, like, totaled my dad's car, whole thing. You know, I'm not saying it's because I wasn't there, but I am saying I wasn't a resonant frequency to the chaos they were stirring up. And because I was in alignment with my own frequency and listened to myself, it didn't just show up there Okay. And cocreate that with them. Right? Yeah. So, like, that's a, like, a that's a real time example of, like, chaos is still going on, but how I get to interface with it is, like, totally different because of my connection. I get that. I've got some simple things that have been coming up with people on calls and comments and stuff like that I think are pretty self straightforward that everybody can do as soon as right now. So there's these substances. They call them cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee, and each they they keep you more in the 3 d. They keep you more in the 3d. And people love their coffee and stuff, but the reality is that it it's more of a constrictor, which is an uptightness, which is not here right now if you don't have it. Right. Which is a drug. I mean, it's a drug, and Starbucks sells it, and it's perfect the way that it is, and you can't get it wrong. But, like, there are 3 things. Like, if you wanna have a calmer life right now and you wanna see things around you go more harmonious, those are probably 3 things that you could you could stop doing today and and have, um, a higher vibe experience as soon as today. Maybe tomorrow. I guess you you gotta wean yourself off. You gotta come off come down off your drugs. Yeah. But at the same time, like, it's cool to look at, like, without judgment, look at, like, why are you even engaging those things? Like, for me, coffee is a thing and, um, not like it used to be. Yeah. I think I I helped Starbucks from the get go. But here why why do I need coffee? Well, I need energy. Well, I'm tired. Well, I can't make it through the day. I can't whatever whatever your thing is. Why? Why? That's normal. That's normal. Right. But so now so then you're saying, but this cough but with this coffee, I'm okay. And so the second that you, like, say that your energy, your focus, your whatever comes from something outside of you Yeah. You're now addicted to it. You're now bound to it, and it's now gonna be a, uh, a point of contention. And the reason why is because it's not true. The reason why it doesn't feel good to be addicted to something, to, like, need something, like, it feels good once you have it. But like that, I need this. I need it. It's outside of me. I need more energy. I can't function without this. That doesn't feel good in our bodies because truth is designed to feel good in our bodies, and non truth is designed to feel like shit. Uh-huh. That's how our body tells us, no. This isn't true. And so it's not true. So then what is? What is true? If coffee is not the source of my energy, what is? Well, it's probably that surgery I could get or that. Yeah. That other thing outside Yeah. Right. Right. Or that coach I could hire. It's probably that coach I could hire. Oh, it's the money I could get. The money. Oh, the orgasms. It's definitely I need more orgasms in my life. That might be true. But Have more orgasms. But but also, like, no. None of that's necessarily true. It's not. Isn't. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. And when you let go of those things and believe the truth, the truth is that all of your energy comes from within. You are an abundant source of energy. You can tap into limitlessness if you'd like. Yeah. Then then now I can have, uh, I was in Italy, and I was like, I can't not have a cup of Italian coffee. Oh, for sure. I think I would have a cup of Italian coffee. Right? But it was from a different place of, like, enjoying the delicious ecstasy of this physical realm where we get to taste things. Not from a place of, I need coffee because I have jet lag and I'm so tired and I can't Yeah. Very different. Like, very, very different. So, yeah, I it's it's a journey from, like I did a pendulum swing with a lot of those things. Like, I was drank all the time, smoked a lot, did a lot of things, did nothing. Yeah. I'm totally spiritual. Yeah. Every to like, oh, actually, I am totally spiritual. I can source all of this inside of myself. Yeah. And, occasionally, I might have a coffee in Italy or a glass of champagne to celebrate something. I'm not not drinking. Yeah. Like, it's a little bit. I can anything's possible. What I might do in the next moment, anything's possible. It's not like I probably know I'm not gonna do things like meth. Yeah. It's not likely. It's not probable. It's not probable. But I'll probably even have coffee, actually, ever again, honestly, but that's just because I don't Ethiopia. If you go to Ethiopia, their coffee, you gotta at least have a sip. Okay? Okay. I'll have a sip. Alright. Alright. It's mind blowing. But then there's plant medicine. Right? So some I'm facilitating I'm going to a ceremony where my friend's a shaman, and he asked me to it's a beautiful place, but I said probably ETs are gonna land, and, um, there's some people doing mushrooms. I'm actually not gonna do any mushrooms because that moment of my life, it came, it existed, and now it's it's gone. I'm high all the time, really. I'm high on my own supply all the time. I don't need any permission slips to be connected to anything. And but then now we've got this these people going through these plant medicine ceremonies, and what what one of our phone calls she was saying to me was, like, she's kind to her her nervous system now. So, you know, she's not into doing extreme really, like extreme one way or extreme the other because she wants to just love herself like that. And I I resonate with that. I was like, oh, thanks for sharing that because when I was doing mushrooms and microdosing and stuff like that, You know, I think that's a cool perspective, and and some of those heroes' journeys I went on changed me for sure. I'm sure that I shifted dimensions after, so I'm not really here to say that they're good or bad. I'm glad that I came back because there are a few times that I might have not come back. I might have left on a spaceship with somebody. Thankfully, I have a daughter, which made me wanna come back. And, um, Well, there is a reality where you did leave on a spaceship. I think that's where we met. Yeah. Yeah. You're on a spaceship now, actually. And so, yeah, then there's just like it could comes down to what kind of experience you wanna have. And if drip if dripping shrooms or whatever your thing is, marijuana or coffee or cigarettes or any of that stuff, it's all good. It's just the experiences you wanna have. You know? But then don't complain about anything because you're choosing it. Right. Yeah. I think that's the other side of this, like, this power play that we do with things. Like, okay. It's it's outside of me. I need my coffee. I need the mushrooms in order to have this awakening. I need I even, like, I need breath work. Okay? I have to do this amount of breath work. I gotta do this so that my pineal gland is that what whatever. Like, whatever you wanna say that you have to do in order to access anything is outside of you. And then so then you start doing the mushrooms. We'll just use mushrooms because that's where we're at. Those people I agree. I've had those, yeah, I've had those experiences both recreationally and then in my spiritual journey and ceremony, Ayahuasca, boob, like, combo, the whole thing. Done it all. And beautiful awakening moments. And so I don't wanna vilify it, but there was a time where I started feeling like, well, when's my next Ayahuasca ceremony? Like, when's grandma Aya gonna come back? Like, is she gonna call me again? Because, like, I'm ready to level up or, like, really wanna, like, figure out this thing or, like Mhmm. And I realized, wow. Wow. I'm putting something between me and God. I'm putting something between me and the source, which is all religion ever was, saying I have to go through a priest or go through Jesus. I love Jesus. But Jesus was saying, we don't have to go through. You are the way, the truth, and the light. Right. He said, you can follow me. So that's like the other side. It's like we can't give our power away. We can't give it away that way, and then we can't also say that if I do the mushrooms or I do something, that now my power is taken away. Mhmm. Because I believe my power, my connection to God cannot be taken or or, uh, given by anyone other than myself, and it's that perspective and that choice. So it's like, in what energy are you imbibing in whatever? Like Yes. That. What's your energy? Which you said right there. That. Because let's say I want a big beautiful house with an ocean view. Right? But I want it so bad that it hurts. Like, if I don't have that, I'm not happy. It's like, give me a break, you know, or or a certain car. You know? Cars are just cars. Period. Period. Period. Some are fun. Some work. Some don't. But the cars are just fun are just cars. Right. And and then but see then there's a spiritual community that will vilify people or having things. Like, well, you don't need a car and you don't need a house. It's like, well, no. It's this it's not the people that have the houses and the cars and the that Right. It's not that they're not connected. It's what's the energy. Right. What's your intent? Is it I need the car in order to be happy? Is it an ego thing? Or is it just enjoying the blissful state of being in this physical world and that's what you've magnetized to yourself? And you know that if and and you hold it with an open hand, and if it were to go away, there's still thousands of things to be blessed about in that day. Like Got it. So what's your energy around where you're putting your power, your happiness, your joy, your connection to God? Are you saying it's something outside of you, or is it sourced from within you? And that's that's that manifestation. That's the law of attraction. That is what we do in our donation based business. We say, you know what? My value is limitless. Yeah. No one could pay me enough. What is coming through me is God meeting people, reminding them that we are 1. Yeah. There's no price to that, and I just wanna give it. Yeah. If I do it in that space Yeah. Miracles happen. If I do it in that space because, well, Neil and Amelie are doing it, and then maybe that'll help me make money. No. Miracles aren't gonna happen. If you do it in that space because you think you're not worthy or you're intimidated or not confident, no. That miracles aren't gonna happen. So your energy space and your intrinsic knowledge of, like, I am makes all the difference. What you do and what you engage in Doesn't matter. Doesn't mat you could be you could be the president of a bank. Right? Which I just heard that a bunch of banks are failing right now, which I think is timely. Because what I what I'm seeing is is our consciousness has shifted. Like, even this conversation, you know, is a shift in consciousness where we don't need it to look a certain way anymore? We're just good. And we just get good with it, and then what we found is things get good with us once we get good with them. And now we don't need sort of, um, um, to control things, and that for a lot of humans is a hard thing because we wanna control things. But the more you try to control things, the more out of control you feel. Right? So it's not a fun feeling. So I'm in this place of surrender now where I've given control up to the big c, the big consciousness. And I still choose everything that I do and have and actions I take and way that I feel, choose the thoughts that I think, which which changes how I feel. And then I think our world is shifting a lot, though, as a result of this. For sure. For sure. And it looks chaotic. Yeah. You know, like, objectively, like, some people are like, if the new world's here because I that's what I'm always saying. The new world is here. Like, they're like, well, then why is this happening? Why is that happening? I'm like, well, because the old world's here too. There is only the eternal now. And what are you going to choose to tune into? And I find more and more people that I'm around are choosing to tune in to the new world energetics. It doesn't mean that the other stuff isn't going on. There's still people that are learning sacred lessons from that. That's just phasing out. In the meantime, this liminal phase. Woah. It's wild. Banks are failing. Wars are Everything is here and now. Right? That means everything. The black is the black and the white is the light, darkest is the dark. It's all happening now. So it's all you. So can you love it all as yourself, as your own baby creation? And then send it all some love, light energy with the the dark and the light, and then just make a choice. Okay. With the choice, with the options available to me now, which one do I I choose to experience? What's my highest excitement now? What's got the most light in it now? And then go do that. And while you're doing that, another option might come available. And then make a choice based on that. And while you're doing that, another option comes available. And when we insist that we're gonna do, for example, this podcast to reach certain amount of people or have some sort of result, we actually just limit it because we have no clue what's actually occurring here for us. Everything's for us. I know that. Mhmm. Yeah. And so then then we're back in this, like, figurative, like, wow. But then we just gave our power away to the big c. But we are the big c, so that that's where it stops. We didn't give it away. We are consciousness. You. It is you. And so that's, like, the only place that, like, if I'm gonna surrender into something, give my power to something, say my happiness comes from something, my wealth, abundance, inspiration, comes from consciousness, and consciousness is also expressed as everything that's around me. Cool. So, yeah, I think I think, uh, I think we're living in a epic time. I think it's amazing. Are you worried? Do you worry? Worried. Yeah. Wow. I haven't thought about that in a while. Thank you. I used to worry a lot. It's a choice. Right? Worrying is a choice. Yeah. I think sometimes I still feel the worry. Like, I feel the impetus to, like, be like, but it's so it's it's so natural now for me to, like, feel that and be like, oh, and fall back into love. Like, worry leads to fear. Worry is rooted in fear. Mhmm. And I've got this program running that when I fear something, I turn and face it, and I choose love. And when I do that, whatever I fear is instantly transmuted into something else. How did how did you get that program running? By walking through some terrifying shit. Okay. And it's like it was it was it was as if no. No. No. But it was like, I will not survive. Like, I will not survive this. Yeah. My choice is either to figure out how to alchemize this or die. And that's what it felt like, like, when I walked through what I walked through with my son. Die. You did die. Remember? And I did I did die. Yeah. I did die, didn't I? And we die over and over again. But but for whatever reason, turn and face what you fear and choose love is was became my mantra, and it's so hardwired now that even worry is Did the worry die with you? Do you think that worry died with that version of you? I think it did. Okay. Because because when something like that that's like the a mother's worst dream, and I walk through it twice back to back. Yeah. And it's like, what if I can walk through that and me and my son will walk out and be as joyful and bliss full and powerful in creating what we're creating together. Yeah. I can walk through anything. There is nothing to worry about. And and it's not just because I'm me. It's because I am. Like, it's it's because of that power that I found within myself that I know. Like, I I'm never abandoning myself. God's never abandoned me. Consciousness is here for me. It that experience was proof to me that no matter what happens outside of me, I got this. Like, I'm I'm my own writer guy. Yeah. So you've sort of just become a badass, I guess, for lack of a little bit. I guess. Pretty much. I mean, like yeah. Yeah. Like, you could do anything to me. Don't, please. I'm not, like, calling it in, but I'm an extraordinary machine. I am, and we all are, and we all have the capacity for this. Yes. And we all do this in our day. I was just given this extraordinary mirror to see it, and, yeah, we like, it's our choice. We can make the worst and make the best. So then could we conclude that something good get I mean, does something good have you ever seen something good come from something bad? Mhmm. Yep. Okay. Constantly. Okay. Something something good always comes from everything. Right? Mhmm. Therefore, who cares what happens? Who cares? Mhmm. Mhmm. Yeah. You know, I used to this is all end on this. I used to say people be like, aren't you worried you can't trust that person? Because trust is a big thing, especially in business, lawyer trust. Right? So we're always afraid we can't trust people. It's like, it doesn't matter if I trust you. I trust myself. And no matter what you do, no matter what how you show up, I got me. I got this. I love it. And where where do you go from there? You can create anything and choose anything for yourself. So just be in your power. Yes. Okay. Thank you so much. Relax. I'm I think I'm too relaxed today. I'll be less relaxed next time. I'll I'll get I'll I'll bring coffee. No. I'm just kidding. Well, thanks for being here. We love you. We bless you. We honor you. We're we'll catch you on the next one. Absolutely. Or catch you on his page, Shaboomax. He's always spinning some good truth on that Instagram page. I got you now. We can put the podcast on there too. Whoop. Whoop. That'd be fun. Alright. See you all soon. Bye bye. Bye. Bye.