It's just that Simple!

Unlocking Infinite Abundance: A Heart-Based Approach 💖

June 13, 2024 Neil Maxwell Season 1 Episode 1
Unlocking Infinite Abundance: A Heart-Based Approach 💖
It's just that Simple!
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It's just that Simple!
Unlocking Infinite Abundance: A Heart-Based Approach 💖
Jun 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Neil Maxwell

Unlocking Infinite Abundance: A Heart-Based Approach 💖

Boom. We're live! Join us as we delve into heart-based living and unlocking infinite abundance. It's all about breathing deeply and being present. Welcome, Amelie Ananda from, channeling the most beautiful messages of love and transformation. Feel the magic of being alive right here, right now! for Amelie for Neil

Come and play with us as we explore the wonders of quantum entrepreneurship and the divine child codex. Discover how shifting from fear-based to heart-based business models can transform your life. We’re talking about living with a positive mindset and embracing donation-based practices. Ever wondered how crypto currency hedge funds tie into professional pursuits and new earth awakening? We've got you covered.

Neil and I are here, sharing our stories of regaining balance, self-forgiveness, and stepping into our true potential. Join the community to light each other's candle in the darkness. We're heading to Unison Festival in Colorado, September 5th-8th. Come meet us, dance, and celebrate life!

Thanks for tuning in! If you're feeling inspired, join our Patreon for exclusive content, take the donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge, or grab my ebook. Let’s keep waking up together and see what unfolds. Now What? Let's find out together!

#meditation #positivemindset #Neil #professionalpursuits #cryptocurrencyhedgefunds #newearth #wakingup #donationbased

#StayPositive #DivineUnion #HealingJourney #HighestExcitement #InfiniteLove

0:00 - Breathing Techniques
0:17 - Amelie’s Channeling Session
0:39 - What are you doing, Amelie?
4:40 - What are you doing, Neil?
11:09 - The Magic of Excitement
19:18 - Power of Forgiveness
24:46 - The Little Soul and the Earth
29:00 - Ending the Podcast and Starting the Next One

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Unlocking Infinite Abundance: A Heart-Based Approach 💖

Boom. We're live! Join us as we delve into heart-based living and unlocking infinite abundance. It's all about breathing deeply and being present. Welcome, Amelie Ananda from, channeling the most beautiful messages of love and transformation. Feel the magic of being alive right here, right now! for Amelie for Neil

Come and play with us as we explore the wonders of quantum entrepreneurship and the divine child codex. Discover how shifting from fear-based to heart-based business models can transform your life. We’re talking about living with a positive mindset and embracing donation-based practices. Ever wondered how crypto currency hedge funds tie into professional pursuits and new earth awakening? We've got you covered.

Neil and I are here, sharing our stories of regaining balance, self-forgiveness, and stepping into our true potential. Join the community to light each other's candle in the darkness. We're heading to Unison Festival in Colorado, September 5th-8th. Come meet us, dance, and celebrate life!

Thanks for tuning in! If you're feeling inspired, join our Patreon for exclusive content, take the donation-based 21-day positive mind challenge, or grab my ebook. Let’s keep waking up together and see what unfolds. Now What? Let's find out together!

#meditation #positivemindset #Neil #professionalpursuits #cryptocurrencyhedgefunds #newearth #wakingup #donationbased

#StayPositive #DivineUnion #HealingJourney #HighestExcitement #InfiniteLove

0:00 - Breathing Techniques
0:17 - Amelie’s Channeling Session
0:39 - What are you doing, Amelie?
4:40 - What are you doing, Neil?
11:09 - The Magic of Excitement
19:18 - Power of Forgiveness
24:46 - The Little Soul and the Earth
29:00 - Ending the Podcast and Starting the Next One

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shaboogie the fry the woie the Doogie the shaboy the welcome greetings Namaste and leesh I am you and you're are me you called this to yourself H yeah thank you for calling us to yourselves indeed so what's on your mind what are you present to what's in your heart just so much so much abundance so so many people they talked to and even just the last 24 hours are really remembering their limitlessness you know they're in different phases of that some some people are in the phase of still acknowledging their limits to remember their limitlessness other people are really stepping into what the quantum Financial system is what abundance is what wealth is what success is and how that is different in the new world it's so beautiful and it's so amazing to witness and to witness my own evolution in that too and but yeah this this last 24 hours that has been huge in the field and in my heart in all my calls and yeah it's a good one how about you well I'm present too that there's two words worlds existing right now and one of them at least yeah yeah and if we can just simplify it there's two okay two two yeah there's two places going on right now and they're both in the same physical space and it one is a place where there's lack and limitation and things should look a certain way and I have this thing that I say to people I won't [ __ ] on you if you don't [ __ ] on me we'll get along great and the more that should on yourself that is the root of all suffering because it's saying that I should be I have I'm having an expectation on what should be occurring to me right now and therefore I'm putting a condition into my Quantum field and you live in a hologram and so everything is you and so when you when you put a condition in the field the field puts conditions on you and instead if you were to just get really really happy today and you could use this podcast as a permission for you to get really really happy today and stay that way for the rest of the day this is the best day of your life I guarantee your life those things that are happening that you don't prefer they won't necessarily just all fix themselves today however they won't bother you today and the more you practice that the more it's sort of like walking up a Stairway like a Stairway to Heaven and there's a TV down at the bottom of the stair and it's playing really loud and as you go up the stairs the the the show on the TV gets lower and lower and lower until you're in this new floor this new world and the TV at the bottom of the stairs no longer is there really for you and so even though it might still be going on theoretically because you're not recreating it in your now bringing it into your now talking to people blogging about it podcasting about it doing all that other stuff about it it doesn't actually exist in your now therefore it will take care of itself you just have to have knowing not faith it starts with hope hope is a great starting place and from hope it's easy to get to Faith and from Faith it's either easy to get to or maybe it's hope belief because when you believe things you might not know it yet you might just be chanting things and saying these affirmations and I I choose to feel how worthy I am right now I choose to feel how free I am right now and the more you wake up and you choose to do that when you wake up and you choose to do it at lunchtime and you choose to do it when you put your head down on the then you will be in the world of someone who chooses to live in the end results of a life that they love that all parts of them love and the more you practice that that other stuff will fade away and your judgments of things will fade away and you'll be more in this present moment enjoying yourself loving life being here in heaven on Earth and the more you tune yourself here you shift Dimensions the world you're on never changes you change yourself and you shift to another version of the planet the more closely mirrors you back to you boom it's just that simple it's just that simple it's just that simple like can we just take that audio clip and broadcast it to seven billion people like that's it it's like 90 seconds and like yeah broadcast it to their cells a cellular level If people could just oh even get a get their teeth into that just a little bit oh my gosh well let's just be way showers and just right now now that we're here in the upper room I know who you are in truth I know what you are in truth I know how you serve in truth you're free you are free you are free I lift you now to the upper room you can say behold I see all things new here you can say I am known I am known I am known here you can say I have come I have come I have come here yeah when I say that I get a little freaky with it because it's like that you're basically having an orgasm of life here now again and again and again not needing any plant medicine or any whatever habit you love to do to give it to you you can still do those things it's not mutually exclusive I'm just saying that get unconditionally happy and then do whatever you want what do you want to do now that we're here so we chose we want to get on a podcast and share the frequency with people yeah I chose I wanted to hang out and play with my friend Neil yeah that's true the podcast is just a permission slip for us to play huh yeah yeah it totally is that's nice it really really is that's nice and it's nice to be in uh you know community and connection with like-minded people but at the end of the day what is beautiful is to know that I'm connecting with people that maybe have different views and different um perspectives so yes you want to do some breath work again yeah what is what is your highest excitement breath oh my gosh really and the way that it can bring us to the present moment that's fun wow my my my light my light just took a dive can you still see me yeah um how's Xavier doing he's good he's good now get had a moment he's such a light I just heard His Voice last night for a moment and it's just so much oh my gosh he yeah he was so excited so excited to be just involved in all of the stuff that's going on and it's beautiful to be a mom in the new world energetics where like I don't have any qualms about bringing my kids did to be present with what is and to have them watch me and hear me talk about these things and engage with people and exposing to all of that so it's really really Beau can I ask you a question are you sort of like through through your through Xavier right is I mean you're just receiving a ton of light from him right absolutely I mean he is just a a huge portal of light I can't even wrap my mind around this do you hear that yeah yeah that's cool oh yeah come here bud for sure he's welcome yeah come here buddy he um yeah I think he needs his own podcast yeah to be honest yeah he he really here see I know I know well he might he might need a minute now he's the reason the light fell and I think he thinks he's in trouble but he's not no never yeah so um yeah he's an amazing light he's my life's biggest teacher in fact the moment he was in my womb would be probably like a watershed moment of my own Awakening it was like the second I knew he would that there was a child in there it was like and and I'd been pregnant before this was different like it was just H and I all of a sudden realized like I'm here to be the best version of myself and at that moment it was for him and then soon after he was born it was like I gotta be the best version of myself for me and then it's like I gotta be the best version of myself because that's who I am and it's been really really beautiful yeah yeah so it's nice to have him on this journey I wouldn't be here without him I wouldn't have the awareness of I have and I'm so so grateful to be able to fold all that in and in the old world that's really difficult to do the mom and the business and the just life in general come here all the world that tells you who you should be and how who you should be as a woman who you should be as a mother who you should be as a business owner who you should be is a who you should should should should should you mean that world yeah the should that what you just said the shoting world yeah hey brother he can't hear me hey yeah he can't hear you but guess guess what guess what it's okay that the light broke or fell nobody on this podcast nobody on this podcast think that's as important as you knowing how special you are okay yeah yeah you're okay buddy all good in the hood all good in the hood so I'm I'm reading this book it's it's by Alan or Andrew and it's um it's got this tarot card and not a tarot card but a divination card it says says Grace for the grand gesture you know what that means Grace for the grand gesture it means that if you're in your life if you're in your life and you have something that you want okay but you don't feel it in your now right it's because most likely that there something else in your life that needs to go in order for you to match the frequency of the new thing that wants to come in and so if you make the grand gesture and you let go of the old thing that maybe you've been really into a lot for the last five years of your life or 10 years of your life some story that you're carrying forward and you just totally release it and say you know what I'm calling all my energy back to me I'm not talking to those people anymore that I talk to who do that thing for a little while you know I'm just going to be me in the now and give myself permission to have a brand new slate when you do that that's the grand gesture of the universe hey brother it's a it's a grand gesture of the universe to um to allow to allow the new thing to occur to you because it's already here and now everything is here and now and so it's just about you making yourself available for what that new thing is and so if you're somebody in your life who wants that new thing in but but you're busy or you've got these old things you're twisted up and for me it was cryptocurrency I was watching trading charts go up and down flopping around talking to my friends that were in there and the projects that they're starting and all the rest of it and then one day I was just like you know what I don't prefer I checked in with my nervous system and it was like that's not the journey that I'm choosing for myself anymore I'm choosing something that's more in alignment for me in the now so I pulled all my energy back and then still some crypto got given to came back into my experience um again and but I'm not I'm not attached to it now so I can still have crypto and not have zero insistence that it works out in any particular way which turns out that is the secret to manifestation and getting what you want anyway so the less you are the more everything just like rides in your favor and that's so you know it's it's this you know we like to think it's more complicated we know better we learn stuff in school but it's it's really that simple get happy stay happy say know the things that are no longer serving you matching your happy frequency you'll notice when you're happy if something in your life is not matching that frequency and then release it release it because it's not matching what you know the truth is not the not what the other what the Hologram is saying the truth is what you know when you put your hands on your heart the truth is and then let everything meet you in your truth frequency mm absolutely and if it doesn't feel good in your body it's a pretty good indication that it might not be truth like because some people are like well how do I know what's true for me and what's not yeah one of the reasons we were given this body it's to be able to discern those things you know when you mentioned crypto we have this is one of the points that you and I share is our journey through crypto and there was a time and I think maybe I said it earlier in we both managed other people's money in crypto I just had to throw that in right okay yeah and that that's a whole other energetic right there right um but I I remember when I had decided and heard the call to like pull back from crypto um and I'm still very much involved um but it just took a new took on a new form and it was a result of hearing like go back and I there was no explanation as to why it just a clear message from Spirit and and I argued with God about it for sure I was like why would I do that crypto is my source of abundance and what I felt in my body when I said that was like scarcity fear anger like and it was all like blocking my heart like it was so in my chest and I was like in that moment because I had that feeling in my body I knew okay something's not true and it was instantaneous because I've been at this for a while but I knew what wasn't true yeah crypto is not my source of abundance no I am abundance yeah and that shift allowed me to release let go of crypto and then as it came around the next time to me really engaged with it in a way that honored truth yes same I love it and I've been way more successful in terms of like the balance between the financial gains and balancing my my Life as a mom and healing in our journey and all the things because I'm doing it from a place of truth I am abundance this is just something I'm engaging in yeah one of many Limitless channels that Limitless types of abundance flows to me big shift and it started with feeling it in my body feeling the lie I was telling myself can I make you laugh I love you shared that it's beautiful and I think you should also share with people I won't [ __ ] on you but you owned a medical marijuana dispens kind of cool and then and then what I wanted to say is I bought this coin on salana that my friend started and it's called truth it's actually called is called Truth yeah and I won't get into the details I'm not Shilling it here I don't it's it is gonna do what it's gonna do for me anyway um or not and I'm good with that too actually yeah so but that was brilliant branding yeah yeah yeah yeah hopefully it stands up to its name that's a big name sometimes if there's something that is interesting about the whole crypto and even it's an attention market place and you start to realize so they've got these things called meme coins right which is really what people are focused on in the moment so for example Donald Trump's dog has a name and there's a coin for that and people start it 6 months ahead of the election knowing that more people will be floating that name around as the election comes around so it will be worth more because more people will pick it up then and and so and you start to look at reality and you're like oh there was a boxing day when I grew up in the United Kingdom after the day after Christmas every day was boxing day so that was the day that everyone made money on boxing and if you if you understand how boxing works I mean I'm not here to say if people take bribes and F fils and how the money actually flows through the sports systems if you don't know open your eyes because it's all a it's all a a flow for those who want to flow and there's entertainment which just means holding your attention to project something in your hologram and it's them versus us and I'm looking at the negative parts of it and really what I what I want to do is just say it's beautiful it's camaraderie it's connection it's nice family memories it's a lot of beauty and sun light inside of it too yeah go ahead no I just leaning into the story of like yeah so so it's oh oh it's both it's both of those things and that like circles back to what you started like we are living in a time where there are at least and very presently Two Worlds y available to us that we can almost walk one foot in one and one in the other we can acknowledge that there's this dark Humanity weird timeline and Magic let's call it magical magical weird in the best way but it's also what we came for like we came down here into this lower density for this experience yeah but we're also right now able to walk in a different realm and walk in a higher frequency and see the Bliss what's really cool is when we can allow both to exist at the same time yes exactly like I think a lot of just our programming is like I you hear it like where there is fear there is no love [ __ ] like where there is fear is where you see the most love because it's the people that are afraid that like have the biggest hole for love to fill and what is what what happens love rushes to fill that hole whether or not we let it it's it's up to us free will but like there two like seemingly oppositional things are always coexisting that's polarity and and so I'll I'll give you another deeper example so this this token on salana that's called truth so it's dollar sign t Ru right is it's a trump coin it's not one that's really from trump it doesn't even donate anything to trump it just is it's it might even you could consider it be mocking a little bit but not really mocking it's more like fun and all that stuff so I'm talking to my old business partner yesterday we were in financial advisory together back by like the 2008 market crash stuff he was my senior business partner at the time and his 5 and he had cancer I was going to take over his book of business but then he got better and then I moved on other stuff which I'm anyway now oh did you know that all those cancer meds they just like chemo it's mustard gas and it just pushes the cancer into your down the road into your bunes and all that stuff so now he's got it like it's in his scalp and his and his spine and all this other stuff you know and so that's a reality that's that's a thing out there anyway he's talk about Trump he hates Trump right and and he he's he's he knows how to think good on everything he understands feel Feelgood he's one of the first people in business that taught me about feeling good like if you choose to feel good your business goes good if you choose to be twisted up in the details of what's not your business goes crappy and so and we were playing that on a high level and but he gets twisted up in the politics thing because the politics thing is you versus them it's totally polarizing it totally knocks you out of your Consciousness cuz when you're twisted up in what when you say that I hate somebody or I don't like somebody or I can't believe they're like that the god presence in you does not agree with you this is going to set anyone free here who's doing any sort of pushing against anybody the god presence in you doesn't agree with you because the god presence in you loves everything exactly as it is think of it it's your soul your soul doesn't care if you stayed in bed all day yesterday and this one's this is the controversial one I'll say it doesn't care if you killed somebody yesterday what no your soul loves you no matter what occurred yesterday for you you get a new beginning today I'm not saying I'm saying be the best version of yourself we're all one here you know there is no separation you don't need to you don't need to hurt someone else for you to be successful here I'm just saying that your soul loves you no matter what and your soul loves Trump too no matter what and your soul loves the opposite one with whoever that is Biden or whatever that is and your soul loves you know the janitor and your soul loves the people that drive those kind of cars and the people that drive those kind of cars like any thought that you have that judges another person your soul doesn't agree with you quit judging things and judging yourself love yourself bless yourself thank yourself honor yourself okay take yourself out just choose what you're your truth I'm going to a concert tonight it's my favorite guitar player of all time Tommy Emanuel he's alive you know he's not like Jimmy Hendrick and all these other guys that are dead He's Alive I bought tickets with the money I had in my account taking my mom I'm taking my aunt I'm taking my wife we had tickets to another show which was a famous Chell player and but I still bought these tickets so now we have eight tickets tonight we might go to two shows I guess and and um and if anyone wants some tickets let me know and and so let's let's segue that into the fact that we have tickets for the Unison Festival you bought you went out and bought two tickets for the Unison Festival okay which is so you'd probably want to be in the United States to be in the running right and then it's in September I think the 5th through the 10th or the seventh through the 10th or something like that you should go to we should maybe we we'll clarify un it's the it's the fifth starts the fifth okay Unison I think something like that it's it's bunch of cool bands like MOS dancing it's there now un I married somebody there three years ago I ordained two people was sort of more like a DMT marriage ceremony then they got married afterwards and um and um that's for them you know I was I was whatever in a in a tree house thing anyway okay fifth through the of September um fifth through the eth fifth through the eth you fly into Durango New Mexico no Durango Colorado yeah drive you drive 20 minutes to The Venue from there cool and it is an epic it looks amazing I've never been but Neil's just talking about it um my little boy going family friendly epic music High Vibes bring your festy gear we got some glamping tents set up for us we're like gonna be bougie there Festival the we got you you can you there's a walk pick your accomodations yeah the tickets that are up for raffle or grabs here are admission tickets so it's I think it's like $249 a piece and there's two tickets up for grabs yeah and um as we're putting out and promoting this podcast and all of that I just wanted to emphasize that like we're doing this from a place of joy and celebration and a desire to connect yeah and be in community with others and like how fun that we get to you know be in community you and I and I get to meet Kata and like it's going to be amazing yeah and when cool if members of our community were there so even if you don't win and you do show up at Unis please please let us know like how fun would it be for us to have soul family reunion exactly yeah but I think that the I'm gonna make a post about it and the Raffles basically just like please like us on either apple right app Apple iTunes um podcast or Spotify yeah and I will take everybody all of the followers of this podcast from those two platforms okay and I'm G to put it on a list and then we're gonna spin this virtual wheel that has everybody on the list and we will draw a winner cool should we give one winner two tickets I think so or should right you're BR yeah right I me and when when we can pick a winner and if they want two tickets great and if they want one great I'm pick I kind of feel like we should announce the winner sooner than later because you're going to have to also purchase your okay you know transportation to get there but um your camping spot or your glamping tent or your whatever your accommodation sorry I think there with the admission oh they do you can just walk in oh cool okay then you might want to get I bought them I was like we're doing it yeah yeah even read what it included cool ex so like maybe we'll let it run for 10 days or something and then it'll all be in this coming post that I'm going to make how about that okay I'm giving so that to you I'll do that hey he says hi you're in charge of that okay yeah and then I'll collaborate with you so if you follow if you're listening to us on some platform and they're you're like where do I go you go to Instagram if you're not familiar with Instagram and then look for shaboy Max that's Neil or Amal Anand and um and then you'll see the post about it it's going to be highlighted and we're going to put in our stories and you can figure it out if you get really confused you can DM me because I actually I actually managed my DM box I don't have a robot yeah or or an admin assistant in Taiwan it's me I thought about getting one I've I've had I know me too but then but but I'm here to connect I know I know like that's so not and for me I I get why people do it absolutely it's awesome and for me like my my reward here is is getting actually talk and and connect with people so mine is too and my my account grew grows a lot and so I get a lot of people that want to talk to me and it's not really about you it's about me I have a community setup in patreon and for a dollar you can come there and get access to the direct messaging and I and and for me that's my highest excitement because I have a lot of people who want to talk at me and they might send me a text message that's as long as my forearm right and right it's not my highest it's not that I don't love you it's just not my highest excitement to Read 50 messages like that every day right if you really care come over into the patreon come get linked up and talk to me that way I don't need to be available to right everyone on every platform I and the other cool thing about the the patreon Neal is that like choose to there's other people there so you can post in places that like people that understand what Neil's talking about understand his teachings have been involved in some of his courses which are donation based um they are there so they might see your comment or your question or whatever and they can speak to it and then you can be a part of our family and it's like you don't just need direct access to Neil you need access it's a community it's not you got to get access and plugged into a community of people that yeah that and what Neil has created and what he magnetizes to himself because of the frequency he holds and who he is is fantastic so yeah I I'm all about that too like just get yourself into a community yes I will answer my DMs if it's like you said if it's if it's way too much um then I'm gonna R people will as well it's just I'm prioritizing the community because those people are hungry for what I'm what's coming through right because there are a lot of people that'll drop into your DMs and like they're not really interested you know and they're beautiful people too there's nothing there's nothing wrong they want to share whatever life's thing is and they're connecting on that frequency and I I don't want to I'm meeting it's just put your action where your where your mouth is you know it's holding people account you come connect to me come freaking connect with me in the patreon you can still find me on Instagram you find me on Tik Tok you can find me on YouTube you know I'll still respond to your comments and all that stuff and as this continues to grow I've had accounts that grow a lot over time realistically I will have team I have team that will support me on this journey because that's what I'm what we're sharing is not for two people I mean it is for one and two people and it's for everybody because this truth it's so much it penetrates the field at such a precise level it's like entering the merba at the 47 degrees you can literally create anything that you want when you know this in than now and so it's higher truth than what's going on with the quantum Financial system what's going on with this cryptocurrency what's going on with you know all that stuff that all the a lot of the influencers buy my course for five grand or two grand or three grand this is a higher frequency than that it's completely donation based it's from my heart it's from it's from amal's heart and and so it w it it it's inevitable that this will be as big as anything else that exists out there yeah yeah and I just want to say I mean I think in a in a future episode we're probably going to talk more about the quantum Financial system but if you guys have heard us kind of mentioning it and you're curious what in the world are they what does that even mean he has a whole course on it called Soul money like go check it out it's donation based and it is beautiful and yes we will talk about it here but taking initiative and taking action on the desires of your heart is critical if you want to manifest what you're wanting to manifest and so we can you can just come here and want to be spoonfed but when the universe sees you take deliberate intentional action yes the universe responds to that and so look it up find the link find his profile click in the bio like you can do this yeah or don't like but if it's on your heart and that's your desire yeah that desire is there because there's a version of you that has done that and so do it like follow follow your highest desire and because I am you and you are me if you're listening to me right now and us right now you created us to give you this message so no accident if you if you allow this for yourself you there's a beautiful thing in here and I'm telling you right now what we are giving is worth more than any $2,000 course will give you it's worth more it's it's TR the value of this is truly infinite it's truly worth millions and millions of dollars and that's why it's donation based because we are giving a part of ourselves that is immeasurable by dollars dollars could only account for a a small minuscule amount of what the true value of this is so if you can hear that go get it for yourself if you can't it's cool it's cool we'll and I just wantan to I know we're we're a little long Neil and I know how you're our timekeeper and that's awesome but I want to say one more thing because this is coming in heavy yeah I know that there are people that are listening to this that have a message and have a something that's want dying to come out of them and there are a million excuses and they're all freaking delicious and beautiful and for a lot of people one of our excuses is our children and I hope you heard what happened today like I really like I Neil I I bow to you for just being present in the moment and in the flow because but this that moment when X Xavier had a need and I was able to just be present in both places demonstrates for people that it's okay to just be real and it's okay to not have them be an excuse but have them be your why like turn your excuses into your reason why you don't need an excuse show up do the podcast involve your kid involve whatever the challenges the thing that you think is the way involve it until it becomes the way and thank you Neil for holding the space and and thank you for the parts of me that were like oh no there's background noise on my recording and like for those parts to just be calmed and love back present I do sometimes like like because I care so much yeah what I realize that like I care so much that those noises were divinely orchestrated for somebody that's listening right now that is using Parenthood as an excuse instead of their reason yay so here it is this is another permission slip you got this we're allowed to be messy beautiful wonderful all at the same time and still have massive impact it's it's just that simple we love you guys we bless you guys we honor you guys we we just are thankful to be here with you in this now moment I promise this this is better than it's ever been and it just keeps getting better and better better you already are everything that you wish to be woohoo see you next time okay love